Irish Unification: Could It Happen In My Lifetime?

Could there really be a free and united Ireland in my lifetime? Or is it just an unrealistic pipedream? Evidence suggests that resistance to the idea itself is breaking down, and with it, a united Ireland comes a little closer every day. Let’s break down the latest research from The Irish Times and their ARINS survey on Irish unification.

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“Mind the Oranges, Marlon!” Connecting Alan Moore’s DR and Quinch and Coppola’s Ominous Citrus Symbolism in ‘The Godfather’ and Beyond

In the violently wacky and vehemently whimsical world of Alan Moore’s characters, DR and Quinch, known for their satirical and bizarre escapades, a stand-out moment is the death of the faux Marlon Brando character. Cleverly bridging the gap between their universe and that of classic Hollywood cinema of the decade before.

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Comprehensive Analysis and Critique: The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types and Their Grievances

In her article, “Here’s Why Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type is Mad at You”, the author, Susan Storm takes us on a lighthearted tour through the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, exploring the reasons each might be irked with you. This piece is a creative exploration into personality psychology, but it also opens a window into the broader discussion of how personality types interact in various social contexts, including how they might perceive or misinterpret the behaviours of individuals with neurodiverse conditions like Asperger’s Syndrome.

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Comparative Analysis of Cicero’s Rhetoric and Patrick Winston’s Communication Techniques

The art of rhetoric and public speaking has evolved significantly over centuries, yet the foundational principles established by ancient orators like Cicero resonate even in contemporary discourse. This essay aims to juxtapose the rhetorical techniques of Cicero, a master orator of the Roman era, with the modern communication insights provided by Patrick Winston, a renowned professor and expert in artificial intelligence. By comparing their approaches, we can discern both the timeless nature of effective communication and the nuanced adaptations necessary in the modern era.

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The Rhetorical Mastery of Cicero: Techniques and Tools for Effective Speaking and Persuasion

Marcus Tullius Cicero, an eminent Roman statesman, lawyer, and orator of the first century B.C., left an indelible mark on the art of rhetoric and public speaking. His contributions, encapsulated in works like “De Oratore,” “Brutus,” and “Orator,” not only define the standards of eloquence in his era but continue to influence modern communication. This essay delves into the various techniques and tools Cicero employed and advocated for effective speaking and persuasion.

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Patrick Winston “How to Speak” MIT Lecture Analysed

Parrick Winston’s “How to Speak” end of year lecture was a firm favourite at MIT running for over 40 years. This article reviews the last of these lectures captured at MIT on YouTube, providing a summary, a breakdown of key points, an expansion of each of them, a critique of the lecture, and some pointers for future enhancements.

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Shadow IT: overview, history, current status, and future considerations

Shadow IT, the use of technology outside official channels, has been a part of corporate life for decades. Evolving with technological advancements, it reflects a balance between innovation and control. This article delves into its history, current status, and future, exploring how organizations navigate this complex terrain.

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Sam Simpson’s Founder Catalyst Guide: Mastering Investment Readiness

Are you looking to pitch to investors? How about a list of key items to cover? Sam Simpson, serial entrepreneur and founder of Founder Catalyst, has a useful article on the key points to pitch to investors called on “Nineteen easy steps to scare off potential investors”. This article categorises the key recommendations by group, where each group represents a common theme or aspect of startup fundraising and provides insights into potential pitfalls and best practices within that category.

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