Monthly Archives: February 2008

Get ready for JavaOne 2008 !

Get ready for JavaOne 2008, the leading annual Java event, this year held at the Moscone Center, San Francisco, between May the 6th and the 9th. …..

Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture – Event Update

Just a short post re: the “Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture” event I presented at last week for the Birmingham Branch of the BCS.

Pleased to say that the event went very well, with a very good turn out, and I was told that it was almost twice the size of the average group meeting and the largest for the preceding year.

Sadly I only presented a few slides, although I spoke for almost two hours, and I won’t be posting them in the short term for two reasons, first, there were only a few slides with no electronically captured notes, and second, I have a couple more presentations and talks to give on the topic, and this material will be the basis for them (more details below).

Basically the areas I covered, without giving too much away, were:

  1. What is Enterprise Architecture ?
  • Public Definitions of Enterprise Architecture (EA)
  • My Definition of EA (as a practitioner)
  • An overview of the major EA frameworks
  • A comparative analysis of the major EA Framework variants, with particular attention to Zachman model (and the ZFEA) and the Open Group’s TOGAF
  • The relationship of EA to other technical architecture disciplines (Application Architecture, Systems / Infrastructure Architecture and Solution Architecture)
  • The relationship between EA and other major “Macro IT” initiatives, such as ITIL, Cobit, CMM, etc.
  • Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture
    • A large Utility company: and how an EA team led it’s business into a £70 Million black hole, and what we had to do to “rescue” the situation
    • A large Government department: and how EA can enable the definition of SOA Roadmaps and Transformation plans
    • A large Government organisation: and how getting the right EA Governance structure is key to ensuring the success of the overall IT change programme
  • Recommendations & Summary
    • A variety of recommendations when implementing and governing EA programmes
  • Q & A
    • An open session

    The responses to the event were very positive, Howard Hewitt, Senior Consultant at Syntaxnet kindly dropped me an email after the event saying:

    “Just a quick note to thank you for the talk in Birmingham on Monday night. It was very informative and useful.”

    Whilst another comment sent in by email was:

    “I enjoyed your presentation on Enterprise Architecture, thanks. I thought it provided a pragmatic view; something sorely lacking within the world of IT!”

    My friend, and the person who taught me the C programming language many years ago, Walter Milner, said:

    “Gadzooks!”, to go back a further century. On behalf of the BCS, thanks Wayne.

    And it was especially nice to see Micheal Flaherty, with whom I worked on the 1901 census website, at the event too.

    As to the upcoming events which I’ll be presenting the next iteration of this material, they should be another BCS event, an IET event, and this year’s European leg of the Open Group’s “Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2008”.

    Reader’s of this blog may be aware this will be my third year presenting for the Open Group on Enterprise Architecture, having presented at the “Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2007” in Paris, and the “Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2006” in London).

    More details on these upcoming events as I get further confirmations, dates, locations and times.

    Sun and VMware announce OEM agreement

    Just been informed by Brian Glynn (one of our Senior Consultants in the Systems Practice) who is currently at VMworld 2008, that Sun Microsystems and VMware have announced an OEM Agreement adding VMware Virtualization to our x64 Server and Storage systems . …..

    You really know you’re using software heavily…

    …when you’re raising bugs against it.

    So my first Roller Weblogger bug, ROL-1667 or, rather, “Date URLs incorrectly use updateTime to sort entries“.

    Basically the get entries pager is selecting entries based upon ‘Updated Date’ and not ‘Published Date’, so accessing entries via entry date, which you’d assume would use ‘Published Date’ actually displays them based upon ‘Updated Date’.

    This effects all date based blog entry selections, so access via date string based URLs or via the Calendar (either large or small variant, whose selections resolve to date based URLs) are all effected too.

    Thankfully Dave raised it for me on the roller bug traq site, although I’ve since created my own account too.

    Given the Open Source paradigm, I’ve decided to try and contribute directly and fix it myself, if no one gets to it before me that is.

    Dave was kind enough to give me the following advice re: contributing to Roller:

    I usually point potential contributors to this:

    You can also contribute by telling us where our wiki and docs need improvement.

    – Dave

    During our email exchange about the bug I also asked Dave about overriding existing macros, especially the macro code for things like get weblog entries (the paging macro getWeblogEntriesPager) and the large calendar (or hCalendarTableBig as it’s also known).

    He gave me the following advice:

    Two places to look for additional info on macro coding:

    1) Template Author Guide (get it here:
    Lists all models, macros and shows HTML generated by each.

    2) weblog.vm (
    Source code for all of the Roller macros.

    – Dave

    I found this bug whilst doing some template enhancements, around differing content per category, which once this bug is fixed I hope to implement. It showed up because of the tag policy I had implemented, and subsequently had a large number of blog entries which had been updated.

    Target Earth – the 2008 Turing Lecture with Dr. James Martin

    Last night, after work, I was lucky enough to be able to go to one of the Technology highlights of the year, the annual Turing Lecture (2008) . …..

    First time at #1 most popular blogs on

    Cripes !“, as seemingly countless British comic book characters have said over the last century, I appear to have got the most popular blog on for the first time ever in my blogging lifetime.

    Let’s hope it’s because of interest in the talk and presentation I’m giving on “Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture” this coming Monday (which I reported a couple of days ago) and not because it’s a slow news day at Sun…

    I was pleasantly surprised to find I’d made #1 most popular blog on our collective blog server after finishing off some work tonight (ah, I hear you think, the shear excitement of weekend work).

    Here’s the screen grab – which as you can guess I’m kind of proud of (third column along: “Popular Blogs” – lol).

    Screen Grab taken on the 16th of February, 2008, at 19:47

    Since writing this entry marking this landmark (sic) I’m even more surprised to find that I’m the victim (or is that ‘lucky winner’ ?) of comment spam. Although I’ve also noticed that they stopped at adding comments on my blog entry about Tom Hanks being a Villa Fan and so, in the style of one of the Catherine Tate sketches doing the rounds “the dirty, Villa dodging… ” (expletive optional).

    I’ll do some analysis of the comments as I’m not sure yet whether to moderate (basically delete) them, it’ll be my first time at that too.

    And to think that I didn’t even have to hold Frank Zappa over my face to get all these page hits (although I hope to join in the ‘sleeveface’ phenomenon as soon as I can find where I’ve buried the last of my vinyl).

    Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture event this coming Monday

    I’ll be presenting three Enterprise Architecture case studies on Monday at a joint Birmingham BCS Branch and Professional Institute Network West Midlands (PIN WM) event called “Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture”.

    The event, 6:00pm for 6:30pm until 8:30pm, on Monday the 18th of February, 2008, is being held in the Trophy Suite of the Tally Ho Sports & Conference Centre (Pershore Road, Birmingham, B5 7RN, next to the Police Training College).

    Your welcome to come along and see me present and talk on the subject, and if you do come along because of reading this blog entry then make sure you say “Hello”.

    There’s more information on the Birmingham BCS Branch event page “Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture” (and is also listed with PIN WM too).

    There’s a free buffet available from 6pm. Please contact Walter Milner ( if you intend to be present, so the amount of food and drink for the buffet can be planned.

    For those not familiar with Enterprise Architecture, my current definition is:

    Enterprise Architecture is a technical discipline concerned with gaining a contextual understanding of an IT estate, so that IT estate can be described, communicated, managed, and planned for.

    N.B. Don’t be overtly concerned with the use of the word ‘contextual’ here, substitute ‘High Level’ or ‘Big Picture’ if that feels more comfortable.

    Large (and, increasingly, smaller) enterprises have embraced Enterprise Architecture as a key tool to interpret and strategically manage the complexity of their IT estates, and it’s not surprising that many of them have assembled large teams and spent many millions of pounds to achieve an ‘Enterprise Architecture’.

    These case studies explore my experiences with Enterprise Architecture in three major customer engagements, including an Enterprise Architecture team which led its company into a 70+ million pound ‘pitfall’, the use of Enterprise Architecture to define a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and an example of how much Enterprise Architecture is about achieving the proper Governance model.

    Look forward to seeing you there…