Monthly Archives: June 2007

Evolution of UK Government Messaging Systems

This is the third part of a three part overview of UK Government G2G Messaging Sub-Systems.

Specifically this post is looking at the “Evolution of Messaging Sub-Systems used by the UK Government” – given the current, and the near-future, state of UK G2G systems, how might we expect them to mature and evolve.

At a minimum I would recommend reading part one of this series of articles, “Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government”.

The near future – the most likely Shared Services Model

Shows which organisations are most likely to share “information” and function across the emerging UK G2G infrastructure.


So… What Next ? It is only a matter of time before these Ontologies start to share information in a more controlled and planned manner.

In fact data traffic between a number of these G2G systems is already being planned out.

It’s not hard to see that an “Evolution of the UK Government G2G eco-system” is taking place, specifically around two primary models: “Mesh” or “Hub”.


Shows the Mesh model


Currently the data traffic flows between the UK Government G2G systems (and constituents / members of those G2G eco-systems) are being planned to be developed in a point-to-point manner. The diagram shows just how convoluted that could become (if not worse), and easily shows how many connections, and end-points would need to support a full flow of information across these G2G systems.

In earlier versions of this analysis I used to pun that this model was “a bit of a ‘Mesh’”. Believing that moving forward the more controlled model of the Hub would win out over the Mesh model. However, given the lack of understanding of this issue space, probable costs involved in doing something more strategic (although the cost of doing large numbers of point-to-point integrations would dwarf these), and a very ‘stove-piped’ view of individual programme functional requirements, there is a lack of movement towards a more centralised Hub model at the moment.


Shows the Hub model


I used to say that “my money’s” on the Hub Model, because: The Hub model allows for a host of new functionality, from a potential real time UK modeller & analysis, to a single one-stop shop access point, and a definitive cross UK ID understanding.

But the until the issue space is better understood and appreciated I doubt there will be more movement towards this model, and for the time being the “spaghetti” of the Mesh model will proliferate.

Simon Freeman’s “Decentralised” Hub

Shows the the evolved Hub model postulated by Simon Freeman.


Simon Freeman’s (Ex-eGU Chief Architect for the GG) opinion is that the major G2G Message Hubs will merge, and that the strongest (think VHS vs. Betamax, or even better, Ethernet vs. TokenRing) will win out – based upon volume & variety of usage (principally leaving the GG as the strongest by this metric). New functionality (see above) will then be built over this merged hub.

Even Chris Haynes, Director of EDT (Delivery and Transformation Group) at the Cabinet Office, recently said “Gateway is the emerging backbone of Government Service Identity Management.” in a presentation titled “Identity Management across the Public Sector”.

The accompanying diagram represents that possible evolution of the Government Gateway into the UK wide central G2G system.

That concludes my overview of UK Government G2G Messaging Sub-Systems – hope you enjoyed it.

Part one of this article, “Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government”, and part two, “Comparison of Major Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government”, are also avialiable.

As I mentioned in the first part of this series, I very much hope that at the very least the co-ordination of these G2G messaging systems will come under the remit of a cross UK government organisation, such as the CIO Council, and that John Suffolk, the UK Government CIO will be involved in supporting that initiative.

In a later post I will be looking at “Shared Services” in greater depth. Specifically at what “Shared Services” means to me, a value model (for judging how “Shared” that “Shared Service” is) and potential value calculator (I’ve got most of the content, just need time to get it online).

I will also delve into the Government Gateway, especially communication to and across it via Departmental Integrations Server (DIS) devices.

And I may even be up for a critique of the “UK Cross Government Enterprise Architecture”, hosted over at the UK Government’s CIO Councils CTO Council website.

Comparison of Major Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government

This is the second part of a three part overview of UK Government G2G Messaging Sub-Systems.

Specifically this post is a “Comparison of Major Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government”, looking in more detail at three of the largest UK G2G systems and contrasting them with each other.

I’ve split it into two parts:

Comparison of the major Identity Ontologies

I’ve found that for any of these systems to truly deliver significant value they need to support four basic components. In fact this is no different of any large integration system found in any other sector. The four basic building block are:

  • Internal (Back-End) Integration – preferably “Service” focused, there has to be a way to unlock the functionality and processing capability within the individual departments, organisations and authorities. Whether this is via a “Service Oriented Architecture” (SOA) or “Enterprise Application Integration” (EAI) a fundamental premise is that data can be sent and received from these “Back-End” systems.
  • Shared Identity – An Ontology wide shared understanding of Identity is required for these disparate systems to share data and function with the correct level of authority.
  • Messaging System / Backbone – An Ontology wide & inclusive G2G messaging system – unlike the internal messaging systems used within Departments, Organisations and Authorities (typically under one management team and are “closed systems”), the G2G systems are typically outside any single organisations monopolistic control, requiring participation from the wider membership of that Ontology to deliver data communication across it’s members.
  • Access (Front-End) Gateway(s) – Portal or other Front-End access point – visibly delivers much of the value, which is actually brought into being by the previous three building blocks.

Table comparing the major Identity Ontologies

The table below shows each of the Ontologies I had identified in my earlier post, and rates them across the four areas described above.

  Silobusters / Internal Integration Common Ontology Wide Identity G2G Messaging Subsystem(s) Access Gateways Other Notes
Citizen Some Internal Integration – not yet focused upon the real-time provision of services Yes – via the Government Gateway Yes – via the Government Gateway Mostly Organisation specific, some centralisation – via the Government Gateway Only Ontology heavily in production – Hub & Spoke Model
Justice Little or no Internal Integration None Defined / Agreed Three Major messaging systems evolving – CJEX, Impact & DISC – natural segregation of case information Mostly Organisation specific, very little centralisation (mapping to messaging systems) Triple Hub Model evolving – Based around Data Segregation (“data firewalls” likely to be required)
Immigration None we are aware of (Little or no Internal Integration) None – would heavily be based on Passport data for early revisions None – Was due to have a single link to Police ‘Schengen’ Systems, however this has paused, as has our implementation of Schengen Organisation specific  
Transport None we are aware of (Little or no Internal Integration) None – would heavily be based on Driving License data for early
None we are aware of Organisation specific  
Health Brownfield Integration at the Local Service Provider (LSP) level slowing – more
research needed
Some – evolving based around ‘Patient’ data NHS Data Spine – 5 Sub-Hubs at the LSP – a Star Hub Model   Hub & 5 Sub-Hubs Model (Star Model)
Security None we are aware of (Little or no Internal Integration) Unknown by Author SCOPE – No Data – Assume some inclusion of G2G type functionality Unknown – Organisation specific ?  
Military None we are aware of (Little or no Internal Integration) Unknown by Author DII – No Data – Assume some inclusion of G2G type functionality Unknown – Organisation specific ?  
Education None we are aware of (Little or no Internal Integration) Unknown by Author Currently under investigation Mostly Organisation specific, very little centralisation  
Other(s)         Fire Service ?

If you can help fill out this table – then kindly get in touch (preferably via the “comment” mechanism at the bottom of this post) and I’ll be happy to republish with suggested amendments.

With hindsight what I feel that what I should have done with this table is break the Ontologies down into their constituent members – especially when looking at how much internal integration has been and is being planned to be delivered in the near future.

Comparison of three of the largest UK G2G systems

Now I’ll be looking in more detail at three major Messaging subsystems, and comparing them against each other.

The three major G2G messaging systems in government are:

The Government Gateway, the NHS Data SPINE and the Criminal Justice Exchanges


This diagram shows the three major G2G areas that we identified above: it allows us to see each of them in contrast to the other – hopefully making the differences more pointed (and thus more obvious).

The (Single) Hub & Spoke model used by the Government Gateway

Shows the “Hub & Spoke” used by the Government Gateway.


Notable points:

  • The Gateway has to be Highly Available – or nothing Communicates if it’s down
  • The Sub-Spokes shown communicating into Local Authorities actually just pass traffic straight through to the Government Gateway – there is no way to keep traffic within a ‘Sub-Hub’ – all traffic terminates, originates, or passes through the central ‘Hub’
  • Relies upon a DIS box as an end point – this acts a “Guaranteed Delivery” mechanism as once on a DIS box the traffic is assumed will (eventually) arrive at the central Hub

Five Point “Star Hub” Model used by the NHS NPfIT Data SPINE

Shows the “Star Hub” used by the NHS NPfIT Data SPINE.


Notable points:

  • The model implies that if the central hub is unavailable end-points (hospitals, LHA / LHB’s) connected to a Local Service Provider (LSP) will still be able to send and receive data with their Regional Siblings
  • Of course we now have 6 messaging systems, with almost identical functionality (apart from the Authorisation and Authentication, and the Registration and Enrolment).
  • The diagram is slightly incomplete as it’s likely that Hospitals, etc, would plug into the LHA / LHB’s for a region – who would then in turn plug into the Regional LSP

“Tri-Hub” model currently evolving within the (Criminal) Justice Ontology

Shows the “Tri-Hub” developing in the Home Office / (Criminal) Justice Ontology.


Notable points:

  • Although this has evolved out of exasperation (with Centralised Functions, like the CJIT Exchange) – it actually makes a lot of sense
  • It allows for data communications between like for like organisations, but logical & physical segregation between the Courts, etc. & the Police, etc. & the Home Office / NOMS, etc.
  • I believe that ‘information firewalls’ will evolve to segregate (and keep secure) information between these three primary groups – the Police & Courts can not share certain case information – it’s possible they can be aware it exists, but not the content – this model allows for ‘localised’ sharing, but secure within a group
  • The model also implies that by having no central hub means it is more resilient – end-points will still be able to send and receive data with their Group Siblings – as well as having dual resilient routes

That completes part two of my overview of UK Government G2G Messaging Sub-Systems.

Again come back in a couple of days for the next instalment – the “Evolution of Messaging Sub-Systems used by the UK Government” – given the current, and the near-future, state of UK G2G systems, how might we expect them to mature and evolve.

Part one of this article, “Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government”, is also available.

Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government

This is the first part of a three-part overview of UK Government G2G Messaging Sub-Systems.

Specifically, this post looks at “Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government” and is an overview of what’s in place, what’s not, and how I’ve classified them.

If you’ve been involved with Government, Education, and Health (GEH) IT implementations over the last few years, you will no doubt have come across some of the major G2G systems that have been developed, and are continuing to mature.

Since just before Tony Blair announced UK Online in September 2000, with a pledge to provide all government services online by 2005, there have been movements towards greater co-operation and joint working across the UK Government.

In the UK we’ve been hearing about “Joined-Up Government” and “Shared Services” for a number of years. Reports such as the Gershon Review, the Transformational Government Strategy and the Varney Report all call for government departments and organisations to work together to deliver more capabilities and greater savings.

With this drive towards greater cohesion, we have seen systems gravitate around what I call “Identity Ontologies” – Identity as understood and utilised by certain naturally grouped Government Organisations, Departments and Authorities. Sharing of Information is being done in departments which have a natural affinity for their peers, based around these Identity Ontologies.

For a number of reasons, security of information being exchanged being one, privacy and civil liberties being another, restriction of information (at least some of it) is, and will continue to be, limited across these Ontologies.

I was told by Brian Woodford, lately of Sun Microsystems UK, now at Tata Consulting and previously at BT, that in BT groupings similar to these are called UK Government “Communities of Interest” (COI), however as none of my BT contacts can confirm, nor deny this, I believe it to be both anecdotal and apocryphal.

Identity Ontologies

This diagram shows the major “Identity Ontologies” in the UK GEH arena.


Purposefully it does not show:

  • Education Ontology – possibly a subset of Citizen, although currently they are looking at a National Programme which could also encompass Data Sharing across a G2G system.
  • Fire Service (and related Emergency Services) – currently these fall under the remit of the Department for Communities and Local Government (DfCLG), however from 2001 to 2006 they had reported into the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM), and before 2001 the Home Office. I believe they have an affinity to the Home Office based G2G system(s), although heavily related to those of the local authorities.

It’s very likely there may be other Ontologies, however given the conversations I have had with a number of senior civil servants and government IT professionals I believe it to be quite inclusive.

One of the most interesting items is that Local Government and Authorities often connect to almost all of these Ontologies.

Why does this stuff matter?

By understanding the current overall government IT landscape, and the systems under procurement we can postulate how the UK Government IT Landscape may mature and thus should “evolve”. Rather than these systems evolve into place, it is my belief that at the very least it should be overseen and planned in a strategic manner by a responsible government department, such as the CIO Council (led by the UK Government CIO, John Suffolk). This is very much along the lines of the the aim of Enterprise Architecture, and certainly has a relationship to Enterprise Architecture Planning.

Currently Sharing Services

Shows the major G2G messaging systems related to each Identity Ontology, and which organisations are sharing “information” via these messaging systems.


This diagram shows the “Identity Ontologies” represented by there underlining, and supporting, G2G messaging systems, and other end-point systems which had been connected up (or were due to connect up) by the start of 2006.

Obviously with subject matter is so large, and covering such a large IT eco-system, it has been necessary to abstract a certain level of detail out of this overview.

Aren’t the Departments, Organisation and Authorities already sharing information ?

Of course the UK Government shares massive amounts of data, much of it electronically, however the amount that is transmitted via G2G data exchanges, in a shared and common model, is much smaller (in number, if not volume) than the amount sent via point-to-point data exchanges.

The advantages of using a G2G system rather than relying on a large number of point-to-point data exchanges is that there is a significant reduction of effort in terms of connections and connection end-points which need to be built and maintained. It also allows the G2G communication to share frameworks such as error & exception handling, audit & traceability, security & inspection, and management information. These are very similar to the advantages found in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).

Due to Deliver Shared Services Soon

Shows which organisations are due to share ‘information’ soon.


So this diagram shows which end-points are due to connect into their respective G2G systems, and thus share data soon.

The differences between this and the previous diagram are striking and obvious, and is due to the proliferation of integration and data sharing which is occurring, and is due to take place, across the UK Government IT eco-system.

Supporting Network Infrastructure

Shows the network backbone – in context.


Very similar to the last diagram – however shows there major sets of network infrastructure which underpin these messaging systems:

  • The Citizen Identity Ontology focused GSI2 network.
  • The Home Office related Police National Network (PNN3).
  • The NHS NHSnet (actually being superseded by the NHS National Network or N3).

Most Likely Shared Services Model

Shows which organisations are most likely to share “information”.

Based upon the previous analysis, this diagram gives the best prediction for which systems would be connecting soon. The renewed focus on the road transport network and the advances being put forward to enable portions of the road traffic pricing mechanisms bear out some of my predictions.

Since these diagrams were drawn up a number of departments have undergone significant changes, however much of this analysis is still valid.

That completes this part of my overview of UK Government G2G Messaging Sub-Systems.

Come back in the next couple of days for the second part – “Comparison of Major Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government”, looking in more detail at three of the largest UK G2G systems and contrasting them with each other.

Using Alternate Style Sheets to switch design

Due to the large number of images and diagrams that will be accompany the articles on “UK Government G2G Messaging Sub-Systems” to follow over the next week, I’ve implemented an “Image Resize” function, to allow you to alter the image size of all diagrams in the main body of this site.

You should be able to see a section heading on the right hand side bar called “Body Image Size”, the choices are “Small” (thumbnail) , “Medium” (default) and “Large” (body width).

It’s implemented using alternate CSS Style Sheets, and was inspired by Tim Bray’s site ‘Ongoing’, where Tim uses it as a technique to switch between the ‘Serif’ and ‘Sans-Serif’ font types.

I got assistance from this article “Alternative Style: Working With Alternate Style Sheets” by Paul Sowden, hosted over at ‘A List Apart’.

Thanks to Justin Hibbard, Lead Engagement Architect and Systems Engineer (SE) for the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) at Sun in the UK, who’s comment on the issue of “illegible text” on my diagrams instigated me to add this functionality. Justin also points out that images are rendered poorly on both IE and Firefox, however Safari (both on Windows and Mac) does a better job, personally I find Opera has the best image rendering support.

In the future I’m hoping to use this technique to allow the readers to instantly change the look and feel of the site. I like the site look and feel as it is but change is good – and choice is even better.

Few last items before I sign off tonight:

  1. Congratulations to Gordon Brown on his ascension to Prime Minister tonight, and to Harriet Harman as the new deputy leader of the Labour Party.
  2. Congratulations to Harry Saxon on his ascension to Prime Minister last night (Whovian specific content).
  3. Pleased and proud to say that Andy and Joey were both awarded Orange belts (junior 4th Kyu), and that Donna and I were also both awarded Orange belts (adult 4th Kyu), at our Karate classes today.

Subsistemas de la mensajería en el gobierno Británico

Ésta es la primera parte de una descripción de tres porciones de los subsistemas BRITÁNICOS de la mensajería del gobierno G2G . …..

Sub-Systems послания в UK правительстве

Это будет первая часть обзора 3 частей UK Sub-Systems послания правительства G2G . …..


これは イギリスの政府G2Gのメッセージサブシステム の3部の概観の最初の部分である。 具体的にはこのポストはないものがの、そして私それらを分類したいかに、ものを設置されている「イギリスの政府のメッセージサブシステム」を見、概観にである。 政府、教育および健康(GEH)にそれここ数年にわたって実施かかわったら、間違いなく開発された出くわし、成熟し続けている主要なG2Gシステムのいくつかに。 . …..

Messagingundersystem i UK regeringen

Denna är den första delen av en överblick för del tre av UK Messagingundersystem för regeringen G2G . …..

Sottosistemi di messaggio nel governo Britannico

Ciò è la prima parte di una descrizione delle tre parti dei sottosistemi BRITANNICI di messaggio di governo G2G . …..


这是 英国政府G2G传讯子系统 三部分概要的第一个部分。 特别地这个岗位在英国政府看“传讯子系统”并且是什么到位,什么概要不是,并且我怎么分类了他们。 如果您介入了以政府、教育和健康(GEH)它在过去几年实施,您无疑遇到了被开发了的某些主要G2G系统和继续成熟。 因为,在托尼・布莱尔宣布了英国在网上在2000年之前9月,以在网上提供所有政府工作的承诺在2005年以前,有运作横跨英国政府的运动往更加伟大的合作和联接。 在英国我们是听力关于“被加入的政府”和“共有的服务”几年。. …..

Subsistemas da mensagem no governo Britânico

Esta é a primeira parte de uma vista geral de três porções de subsistemas BRITÂNICOS da mensagem do governo G2G.

Especificamente este borne olha da “subsistemas mensagem no governo BRITÂNICO” e é uma vista geral do que sejam in place, do que não sejam, e como mim os classific.

Se você estêve envolvido com o governo, a instrução, e a saúde (GEH) ELE execuções sobre os últimos anos, você terá vindo sem dúvida através de alguns dos sistemas principais de G2G que foram desenvolvidos, e está continuando a amadurecer-se.

Desde que imediatamente antes que Tony Blair anunciou em linha BRITÂNICO em setembro de 2000, com uma garantia fornecer em linha todos os serviços governamentais em 2005, houve uns movimentos para a maior côoperação e uma junção que trabalha através do governo BRITÂNICO.

No Reino Unido nós fomos audição sobre “o governo Juntado-Acima” e “serviços compartilhados” por um número de anos. Os relatórios tais como a revisão de Gershon, a estratégia transformacional do governo e o Varney relatam toda a chamada para que departamentos governamentais e as organizações trabalhem junto para entregar mais capacidades e maiores economias.

Com esta movimentação para a maior coesão, nós vimos sistemas gravitar em torno do que eu chamo da “Ontologies identidade” – identidade como compreendida e utilizada por determinados organizações, departamentos e autoridades naturalmente agrupados do governo. A partilha da informação está sendo feita nos departamentos que têm uma afinidade natural para lá pares, baseados em torno destes Ontologies da identidade.

Para um número de razões, segurança da informação que está sendo trocada ser uma, privacidade e as liberdades civis que são outro, limitação da informação (pelo menos algumas dele) é, e continuará a ser, limitado através destes Ontologies.

Eu fui dito por Brian Woodford, ultimamente de Sun Microsystems Reino Unido, agora em Tata consultando e previamente no BT, que nos agrupamentos do BT similares a estes são chamados o governo BRITÂNICO as “comunidades do interesse” (COI), porém como nenhuns de meus contatos do BT podem confirmar, nem negam este, eu acredito-o para ser anedótico e apocryphal.

Ontologies da identidade

Este diagrama mostra da “os Ontologies principais identidade” na arena do Reino Unido GEH.

Purposefully não mostra:

  • Ontology da instrução – possivelmente um subconjunto do cidadão, embora atualmente estejam olhando um programa nacional que poderia igualmente abranger a partilha de dados através de um sistema de G2G.
  • Serviço de fogo (e serviços de urgências relacionados) – atualmente estes queda sob o mandato do departamento para as comunidades e o governo local (DfCLG), porém 2001 a 2006 tinham relatado no escritório do deputado primeiro ministro (ODPM), e antes de 2001 o escritório Home. Eu acredito que têm uma afinidade aos sistemas baseados do escritório Home G2G, embora relativo pesadamente àqueles das autoridades locais.
É muito provável lá pode ser outros Ontologies, porém dado as conversações me tiveram com um número altos funcionários públicos e de governo ELE profissionais que eu o acredito ser completamente inclusivo.Um dos artigos os mais interessantes é que o governo local e as autoridades conetam frequentemente a quase todos estes Ontologies.
Por que este material importa?Pela compreensão do governo total atual ELE paisagem, e pelos sistemas sob a obtenção nós podemos postular como o governo BRITÂNICO ELE paisagem pode se amadurecer e assim se “evoluir”. Um pouco do que estes sistemas evoluir no lugar, é minha opinião que pelo menos deve ser vigiada e planeado em uma maneira estratégica por um departamento governamental responsável, tal como o Conselho de CIO (conduzido pelo governo BRITÂNICO CIO, pelo Suffolk de John). Isto é muito ao longo das linhas o do alvo da arquitetura da empresa, e tem certamente um relacionamento ao planeamento da arquitetura da empresa.

Atualmente compartilhando de serviços

Mostra os sistemas de mensagem principais de G2G relativos a cada Ontology da identidade, e que organizações estão compartilhando da “informação” através destes sistemas de mensagem.

Este diagrama mostra da “os Ontologies identidade” representados lá sublinhando, e o apoio, de mensagem de G2G sistemas, e outros sistemas do valor-limite qual tinha sido conetado acima (ou eram devido conetar acima) pelo começo de 2006.

Obviamente com assunto é tão grande, e coberta tal grande ecossistema, ele foi necessário abstrair um determinado nível de detalhe fora desta vista geral.

Os departamentos, a organização e as autoridades já não estão compartilhando da informação?Naturalmente o governo do Reino Unido compartilha de quantidades maciças dos dados, muito dela eletronicamente, porém a quantidade que é transmitida através das trocas de dados de G2G, em um modelo compartilhado e comum, é muito menor (no número, se não no volume) do que a quantidade emitida através do ponto às trocas de dados do ponto.As vantagens de usar um sistema de G2G um pouco do que confiando em um grande número ponto para apontar trocas de dados são que há uma redução significativa do esforço nos termos das conexões e dos valores-limite da conexão que precisam de ser construídos e mantido. Igualmente permite que a comunicação de G2G compartilhe de estruturas tais como a manipulação do erro & de exceção, o exame & a rastreabilidade, a segurança & a inspeção, e a informação de gerência. Estes são muito similares às vantagens encontradas na integração da aplicação da empresa (EAI).

Devido entregar logo serviços compartilhados

Mostra que organizações são devido à informação do `da parte’ logo.

Assim este diagrama mostra que valores-limite são devidos conetar em seus sistemas respetivos de G2G, e compartilha assim de dados logo.

As diferenças entre esta e o diagrama precedente são impressionantes e óbvias, e são devido à proliferação da partilha da integração e de dados que está ocorrendo, e são devidas ocorrer, através do governo BRITÂNICO ELE ecossistema.

Infra-estrutura de rede de apoio

Mostra a espinha dorsal da rede – no contexto.

Muito similar ao último diagrama – entretanto mostra lá jogos principais da infra-estrutura de rede quais sustentam estes sistemas de mensagem:

  • A rede GSI2 focalizada Ontology da identidade do cidadão.
  • O escritório Home relacionou a rede nacional da polícia (PNN3).
  • O NHS NHSnet (realmente sendo substituído pela rede nacional de NHS ou pelo N3).

Modelo compartilhado mais provável dos serviços

Mostra que organizações são mais provável compartilhar da “informação”.

Baseado na análise precedente, este diagrama dá a melhor predição para que os sistemas estariam conetando logo. O foco renovado na rede de transportes da estrada, e os avanços que estão sendo propor para permitir parcelas dos mecanismos da fixação do preço do tráfego de estrada carregam para fora algumas de minhas predições.

Desde que estes diagramas foram elaborados um número de departamentos submeteram-se a mudanças significativas, porém muita desta análise é ainda válida.

Isso termina esta parte de minha vista geral de subsistemas BRITÂNICOS da mensagem do governo G2G.

Voltado nos pares de dias seguintes para a segunda parte – “comparação de subsistemas principais da mensagem no governo BRITÂNICO”, olhando mais detalhadamente em três dos sistemas os maiores do Reino Unido G2G e contrastando os um com o otro.

Przesyłanie wiadomości Sub-Systems w the UK Rząd

To być the pierwszy część trzy część przegląd UK Rząd G2G Przesyłanie wiadomości Sub-Systems . …..

Mitteilung-Subsysteme in der Britischen Regierung

Dieses ist das erste Teil eines Überblicks mit drei Teilen über BRITISCHE Mitteilung-Subsysteme der Regierungs-G2G . …..

De Subsystemen van het overseinen in de Britse Overheid

Dit is het eerste deel van een driedelig overzicht van de Subsystemen van het Britse Overseinen van de Overheid G2G . …..

영국 정부에 있는 전갈 하부 조직

이것은 영국 정부 G2G 전갈 하부 조직 의 3개 부품 개관의 첫번째 부분이다. …..

Sous-systèmes de transmission de messages dans le gouvernement Britannique

C’est la première partie d’une vue d’ensemble de trois parts des sous-systèmes BRITANNIQUES de transmission de messages du gouvernement G2G . …..

UK Government G2G Messaging Sub-Systems

Just to say that over the next weeks posting’s I will be looking at UK Government Messaging Sub-Systems. ….. 5 Trackbacks

Father’s Day Klaxons

Father’s Day this year brings the new Klaxons album (“Myths of the Near Future”), a box of chocs and a mouse mat – I was well chuffed. …..

Sun and the EU Data Retention Directive – announcing the Sun Secure Data Retrieval Server

Gavin McLaughlin, Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Compliance Technologies, wrote this for me to include on my ‘blog:

Many EU member states have been working with Communication Service Providers (CSPs) for some time to help law enforcement agencies by providing telephony records, both for mobile and fixed line. The EU Data Retention Directive however (coming into force later this year) provides harmony across not only current member states, but ascending countries such as Bulgaria and Romania.

In the UK, this sees both Telephony companies and Internet providers needing to keep customers call and transaction records for between six and twelve months in a format that not only enables timely retrieval but ensure secure storage to prevent inappropriate access, interpretation and use.

Whilst the UK government are helping providers by offering monetary assistance, via the Home Office, it’s important to note that this is a distraction from their core business – that of maintaining revenue and retaining customers, especially with additional pressures from such items as roaming charges.

Therefore, to put a technology solution in place that requires mountains of hardware, complex relational databases, and expensive operators would not only complicate the issue, it would be a distraction from the key purpose of an operator – gaining and retaining customers, and ultimately that of making money.

When Sun put together it’s purpose-built solution, the Sun Secure Data Retrieval Server (SSDRS), four key elements were always in mind – Simplicity, Security, Performance and Cost (not only commercial, but environmental cost too). By selecting an appropriate indexing technology (in Coppereye‘s innovative “Live Archive” software) and coupling this with the Sun Thumper device (the X4500), we are able to cover all of the four key elements without potentially compromising the brand that CSPs have worked hard to build.

Yes, Sun could have put together a huge relational database, coupled it with mountains of processing power and tier one storage and made a fortune. It could easily have incorporated Identity Management software and lots of whizzy security tools but it would not only be over-kill, it would go against the key purpose of the whole EU Data Retention Act – providing law enforcement agencies with a cost-effective way to use technology advancements protect corporate citizens – oh and without creating tons of CO2 along the way !

On Sun’s side the people to congratulate are:

  • Richard Jenner – Sun Systems Practise Solution Architect (SA) and Chief Architect of the SSDRS.
  • Benedict (“Benny”) Faria – Sun Systems Practise SA.
  • Dave Walker – Sun Security Consultant – Dave’s weblog is over here.
  • Michael Bang – Sun Services – Support Planning & Design.
  • Caroline Ward – Telecommunications, Media, & Entertainment (TME) Business Unit (BU) Director.
  • Mike Osborne – TME BU Chief Technologist.
  • Gavin McLaughlin – Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Compliance Technologies.

Richard and Benny did most of the technical work with security advice and support from Dave Walker, whilst Michael Bang provided the support planning.

Gavin built sponsorship from within Sun, enlisting the help and support of the Telco., Media and Entertainment Business Unit. He liaised with the EU Commission and the Home Office (in requirements gathering and analysis), developed the solution concept, product and contract design, and worked with marketing to develop the “go to market” strategy.

He will be speaking at “Business Agility & Environmental IMPact Seminar” on the Tuesday 3rd July, 2007, more details about him here, about the event at this site, and you can register over here.

Related Links:

Thankfully, at Sun, we’re not that terminally hip that we have had to start using the TIME (Telecommunications, Internet, Media, & Entertainment) acronym – yet.