Monthly Archives: December 2023

Secure Your Site: A Comprehensive Guide to WordPress Backup and Restoration

Backing up and restoring a WordPress website is a critical task for website administrators, ensuring that website data is not lost due to unforeseen circumstances such as server crashes, hacking, or accidental deletions. This article will guide you through the processes involved in backing up and restoring your WordPress website, an overview of popular backup and restore plugins, help you to choose the appropriate backup and restore approach, and hopefully help you recover your site quickly and efficiently when needed.

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Comparing SaaS GitHub and Self-Hosted GitLab: An In-Depth Analysis of Pros and Cons with Alternatives

On the penultimate day of the NCSC For Startups programme, there was an ad hoc discussion on code repositories and DevOps tooling. A couple of the cohort were long-time GitHub users, while we use a self-hosted version of GitLab. One of the teams had just moved from the latter to the former, while the final team used Azure DevOps. I thought it would be nice to write up an objective look at the first two options, along with alternatives, as well as summarise our decision. I didn’t want to cover Azure DevOps as I’ve just spent two years using it and I’m grateful to have escaped its clutches. Learn more here.

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Irish Unification and Scottish Independence Compared

Irish unification and Scottish independence, while both concerning the political future of parts of the UK differ significantly in their historical, cultural, and political contexts. This article was inspired by a relatively recent conversation I had comparing the two. While there are some obvious analogies the reality is they are very different. Explore the comparison with me here.

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Irish Unification: Could It Happen In My Lifetime?

Could there really be a free and united Ireland in my lifetime? Or is it just an unrealistic pipedream? Evidence suggests that resistance to the idea itself is breaking down, and with it, a united Ireland comes a little closer every day. Let’s break down the latest research from The Irish Times and their ARINS survey on Irish unification.

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