Category Archives: link

links for 2009-08-26

Incompetence a bigger IT security threat than malign insidersThe Register Human error still the most prolific problem in IT provision, not purely security, which this report focuses upon. …..

links for 2009-08-19

links for 2009-08-17

links for 2009-07-28

Gartner Highlights Five Attributes of Cloud Computing – The five attributes of cloud computing according to Gartner are (1) Service-Based, (2) Scalable and Elastic, (3) Shared, (4) Metered by Use, and (5) Uses Internet Technologies. …..

links for 2009-07-20

links for 2009-06-06

A guide to the 100 best blogs – part I – Times Online From health to hip hop, the Times (Bryan Appleyard) guide to the blogosphere unearths the gems of the net and where to find them. But what’s this no BoingBoing? …..

links for 2009-03-07

UK boffin: Social networking causes cancer, heart attacks, lupus, dementia…• The Register There’s mounting evidence that Facebooking, Twittering, and other “social networking” activities can kill you (or at least impact your health adversely). …..

links for 2009-03-06

Ebay dumps ‘anti-Semitic’ yellow stars – – Ebay surrenders to French extremist; it seems that Ebay is so terrified of being branded anti-Semitic it has forgotten that there will always be someone who thinks something daft, and that that is no reason to do.…..

links for 2009-03-05

Who’s responsible for all the concrete carbuncles?~ | Magazine | BBC NEWS | Le Corbusier is thought of by many in the world of architecture as the leading mind of the 20th Century, whose work preceded and defined the wholesale use of concrete in architecture, but as a new. …..