Category Archives: tech

Cloud Relationship Model

This article was originally a guest post I did recently for Stewart Townsend over at Sun Startup Essentials describing the cloud relationship model I had developed as an artefact when discussing cloud computing.

I wanted a simply model which I could share with people and use as a discussion point, whilst still capturing the major areas of cloud computing which I considered most pertinent.  I developed this model about six months ago and have since found it useful when talking with people about cloud computing.

Here’s the model and I’ll go though it’s major elements below.

Major Cloud Communities

In the cloud there are three major participants:

  1. the
    Cloud Providers; building out Clouds, for instance Google, Amazon, etc. Effectively technology providers.
  2. the
    Cloud Adopters / Developers; those developing
    services over the Cloud and some becoming the first generation of Cloud ISVs.  I have included Cloud “Service” developers and Cloud ISV developers together. This group are effectively service enablers.
  3. Cloud
    “End” Users; those using Cloud
    provisioned services, often without knowing that they are cloud provisioned, the most obvious example of which are the multitude of Facebook users who have no idea there favorite FB app. is running on AWS. These are the service consumers.

I think it’s important to talk about these communities because I keep hearing lots about the Cloud Providers, and even more about the issues and ‘needs’ of the Cloud adopters / developers, but very little in terms of Cloud “End” Users.  In a computing eco-system such as this where “services” are supported by and transverse technology providers, service enablers and service consumers an end to end understanding of how this affects these reliant communities is required. Obvious issues such as SLAs for end users and businesses which rely upon high availability and high uptime from there cloud providers come to mind; however other “ilities” and systemic qualities come to mind such as security, and that’s before looking at any detailed breakdown of functional services.

The point here is that the cloud adopters / developers and interestingly the cloud “watchers” (i.e. the press, media, bloggers and experts) would be mindful to remember the needs and requirements of genuine end users; for myself it’d certainly be invigorating to hear more on this topic area.

Billing / Engagement Models

Simon Wardley, a much more eloquent public speaker than myself, does a wonderful pitch which includes a look at the different “as a Service types” which he boils down to being a load of “*aaS” (very amusing, and informative, try and catch Simon presenting if you can).

I wholeheartedly agree that there is a large amount of befuddlement when it comes to the differing “*aaS” types and sub-types, and new ones are springing up relatively frequently, however I also think it’s important to not ignore the differences between them.

For me, and many others, I think first popularised by the “Partly Cloudy – Blue-Sky Thinking About Cloud Computing” white paper from the 451 Group, the differing “*aaS” variants are identified as billing and engagement models.  That white paper also postulates the five major Cloud Computing provider models, into which the majority of minor “*aaS” variants fall.  They are:

  1. Managed Service Provision (MSP); not only are you hiring your service from the cloud, you’ve someone to run and maintain it too.
  2. Software as a Service (SaaS); pretty much ubiquitous as a term and usually typified by, who are the SaaS poster child.
  3. Platform as a Service (PaaS); the application platform most commonly associated with Amazon Web Services.
  4. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS);
  5. Hosting 2.0

One of the best breakdowns and visual analysis of this space is the model in Peter Laird’s “Understanding the Cloud Computing/SaaS/PaaS markets: a Map of the Players in the Industry” article which is well worth a read.

Major Architectural Layers

Also included in the diagram are the major architectural layers that are included in each of the above billing / engagement models offered by the Cloud providers. They are:

  1. Operations; and this really is operations supporting functional business processes, rather than supporting the technology itself.
  2. Service layer; made up of application code, bespoke code, high-level ISV offerings.
  3. Platform layer; made up of standard platform software i.e. app. servers, DB servers, web servers, etc., and an example implementation would be a LAMP stack.
  4. Infrastructure layer; made up of (i) infrastructure software (i.e.virtualisation and OS software), (ii) the hardware platform and server infrastructure, and (iii) the storage platform.
  5. Network layer; made up of routers, firewalls, gateways, and other network technology.

This rather oversimplifies the architecture, as it’s important to note that each of the cloud billing / engagement models use capabilities from each of the above architectural layers; for instance their can be a lot of service simply in managing a network, however these describe the major architectural components (which support the service being procured), not simply ancillary functions, effectively what are the cloud providers customers principally paying for. 

Delta of Effort / Delta of Opportunity

This is much more than the ‘gap’ between the cloud providers and the cloud users, wherein the cloud adopters / developers sit, the gap between the cloud providers and the end cloud users can be called the delta of effort, but also the delta of opportunity.

It is the delta of effort in terms of skills, abilities, experience and technology that the cloud adopter needs to deliver a functional service to their own “End Users”.  This will be potentially a major area of cost to the cloud adopters. But it’s also the delta of opportunity;in terms of ‘room’ to innovate.

The more capability procured from the cloud provider (i.e. higher up the stack as a whole), the less you have to do (and procure) yourself.  However the less procured from the cloud provider the more opportunity you have engineer a differentiating technology stack yourself.  This itself has it’s disadvantages because the cloud adopters / developers could potentially not realise the true and best value of their cloud providers infrastructure.

I suspect that there is an optimum level, around the Platform Layer, which abstracts enough complexity away (i.e. you don’t have to procure servers, networks, implementation or technology operations staff), but also leaves enough room to innovate and produce software engineered value.  Arguably the only current successful cloud provider, based upon market share, perception, revenue and customer take up, is Amazon Web Services (AWS) who provide a PaaS offering.


Hope you enjoyed the article, in summary if developing cloud services or even building out a cloud infrastructure I would recommend that you focus on your users and if your a cloud provider, your users’ users; remembering that only a certain percentage of those users will be customers (I won’t getting into discussing Chris Anderson’s 5% recommended conversion rate for the long tail, however I would recommend understanding what some of those calculations might be).

If you’re looking to develop services over the cloud, think carefully about where you and your teams skills lie, and where would you most want them focusing there efforts; working on installing and tuning operating systems and application platforms or writing business value focused applications and services, before choosing at which level to engage with your cloud provider(s).  

I haven’t mentioned enterprise adoption of cloud based services, and
that’s because I’d like to post that in the near future in a different

Hope you enjoyed the article and all the best,

Wayne Horkan

Message to MS: Adopt Firefox now to radically innovate against Chrome

Read an article earlier today by Mary-Jo Foley entitled “Should Microsoft do an IE 8 ‘Lite’?“. I quite enjoyed the article and posted a lengthy response here, which I think is worth sharing on this site too.

Hi Mary-Jo,

Enjoyed the article, here’s a radical idea for you (and MS) though…

MS would be better off binning development on IE8 (and even a potential IE Lite), and throwing there development effort into Firefox.

Why? Well here goes…

By browser market share the competition enticingly looks like IE to Google and Chrome, but the competition is really around innovation and increased functionality.

Neither IE nor Chrome can even remotely compete with the feature rich innovation coming out of Firefox, and, importantly, it’s massive community of Add-On developers.

Just to name a few of the Add-Ons to Firefox, so as to expand on the point, I’m running FireBug (an extremely competent realtime HTML, CSS, etc, editor and web development tool), ScribeFire (a blog posting tool), SeoQuake (a very useful SEO tool), Operator (presents semantic data from web pages into the browser) and, finally, Glubble (an absolutely stunning parental control tool for safe surfing for Children).

Yes, I could probably “cobble” all of this functionality together from separate stand alone applications and possibly sites, however I already have all of this embedded into my browser thanks to Firefox’s Open Source and Open Standards approach.

The real competition for Google’s Chrome is Firefox, and the Firefox development and Add-On development communities. Google know this really and will be attempting to build communities around Chrome to emulate the model (but not quite as Open, as we’ve seen with them before, because ultimately they’ll need to keep control to be able to manipulate and dominate the market).

How much genuine innovation(tm) have we seen from MS in IE in the last couple of years? Anything that made your jaw drop and think “wow”? That’s right: Nowt.

How do you genuinely expect MS to keep up when web pages, search results, and other online applications and services work better and, more importantly, have increased functionality in Chrome?

That’s also right, they won’t be able to, because this time they don’t own the platform, and with 60-70% of all English speaking web traffic initially being presented through Google they won’t be able to use there PC based monopoly to help them, because Google “owns” this platform.

IE had it’s time and place; specifically to “kill off” Netscape’s Browser so that MS could remain relevant in the Internet Age (remember when Bill Gates kept saying the Internet was a fad, and despite what you might think I’m a big fan of Bill).

Now perhaps the only thing that can save MS from the oncoming Google and Chrome “storm” and allow them to continue as a provider of access technology to the Interweb (i.e. Browsers) is the “illegitimate” offspring of the rival it so unceremoniously crushed just a few years ago. How ironic.

Of course, MS won’t, they are too locked into the proprietary model which will ultimately spell the downfall of IE, and possibly even of the MS organisation as we know it today.

But imagine, if you can, just for a moment, a scenario in which MS throws it’d development effort into the open Firefox community, and into it’s Add-On capabilities. Firefox becomes the standard and benchmark, not just for innovation and increased functionality, but for browser share too, both of which would have a reciprocal effect on each other. Google would be forced into following behind, and never given the opportunity to set the agenda (as they are attempting to begin now). For the time being, at least, this would limit Googles penetration onto, and dominance of, the access device (which includes the PC), and keeping them temporarily “server side” on the web.

All the best,


Links for this article:

Is Alex Serpo the worst journalist at ZDNet? Possibly so…

I’ve just read the most poorly researched article, and possibly worst ever published online, at the ZDNet Australia website. It’s a piece by their Australian Editor, Munir Kotadia, and their Australian Reviews Editor, Alex Serpo, titled “Do you love or hate Microsoft’s Seinfeld ads?“. The lead part by Munir isn’t too bad, it’s Alex’s part that has got me incised.

Alex ‘not too bright’ Serpo writes:

Let’s not pretend. Bill Gates isn’t like everyone else. This is a man who wrote his own operating system in his early twenties. Bill Gates makes Stephen Hawking look like a man with hobbies.

Frankly I wouldn’t let Alex near to a keyboard again if I were ZDNet after demonstrating such a phenomenal level of ignorance of his alleged IT industry speciality, but perhaps this is the level of journalistic quality coming out of ZDNet Australia (unless this is a super-ironic, post post-modern piece, of course, but I doubt that very much).

I tried to add a comment about the poor quality and paucity of journalistic rigour demonstrated, specifically of Alex Serpo’s research, however the ZDNet site wouldn’t let me, so I created this blog entry and here it is in full for your amusement.

Alex – try checking your facts before contributing to articles

Your piece is full of holes, and frankly reflects a very poor level of journalism, especially as your subject matter is the IT industry, and IT industry history.

Bill Gates never wrote an operating system in his twenties, nor in his life. He’s a significant and major figure in our industry, but you certainly don’t need to add false achievements and accolades to his legacy.

QDos, which went onto become MS-Dos was written by Tim Paterson, after being purchased by Paul Allen, Bill Gates partner, and joint founder of Microsoft.

Bill wrote a BASIC compiler and interpreter along with Paul, and as I recall one of his major achievement’s was writing InterSvr / InterLnk, although this may too be apocrypha.

As to the Seinfeld adverts, I don’t like Seinfeld, so no big shakes to me. They can waste their money in a vain attempt to stop the coming dominance of Open Source operating systems and I’m sure it’ll help sell a few copies of Windows and Office for the short term at least.

Frankly the best advert for PCs was the Apple sponsored Mitchell and Web adverts, because although Mitchell was plainly representing the PC, his character in Peep Show, upon which the advert appeared to be based, was the more likeable. Talk about Apple shooting themselves in the foot.



If you need any help with IT industry history in the future give me a shout, but for God’s sake please don’t produce drivel like this again.


If we ignore the sadly unfunny swipe at Hawkins, what upsets me about the quality of the ZDNet article is that it denigrates the achievement that great technologists such as Ken Thompson (father of UNIX, Plan 9, and Inferno, along with Dennis Ritchie), Bill Joy (the genius behind BSD and SunOS / Solaris), Linus Torvalds (writer of the Linux kernel), and a relatively small number of others, have made in having actually written an Operating System.

Oh and by the way Alex, the offer still holds, if you need any help with IT industry history or research in the future then give me a shout.

¨C14C ¨C15C¨C16C

Links for this article:

Dr. James Martin’s ‘Target Earth’, the 2008 Turing Lecture

I promised a couple of months ago to do a review of the 2008 Turing Lecture, but I’ve changed my mind, and here’s why…

Basically I enjoyed it so much I think you should see it yourself, here’s the link from the site, so go to it.

2008 with James Martin

Target Earth: The IET/BCS Turing Lecture

James Martin

Speaker: James Martin, Savoy Place, London, UK

2008-02-19 12:00:00.0 IT Channel

>> go to webcast

The Lecture was done by Dr. James Martin, the “RAD father”[1], or at least the father of RAD (Rapid Application Development).

Dr. Martin reminds me of another hero of mine, E. Gary Gygax (who sadly passed away recently), the father of the RPG, without whom we wouldn’t have MMORPGs as we know them today. Of course without James Martin, and his work developing RAD, it’s likely we wouldn’t have it’s progeny, like RUP, DSDM, XP, SCRUM, or any of the other myriad of agile, re-iterative and rapid approaches to development (certainly not in the form we see them now anyway).

The tweleve mega-problems

James went on to speak about the twelve mega-problems facing us today:

  • Climate Change
  • Population Growth
  • Water / Soil / Farm Shortage
  • Oceans Destroyed (polluted)
  • Failed Nations
  • Mass Famine
  • Automated Global Triage
  • Religious Extremism
  • Failed Nations
  • Terrorism with Atomic Weapons
  • War Ending Civilization
  • Existential Risks

A major issue with the mega-problems, James mentioned, is that they will combine to make a crescendo of disaster.

I really enjoyed the lecture, and although I’m not going to go into it deeply (cause I think you should watch it), I did catch the following notes, which must have interested me at the time.

Growth in China

Growth in China is such that they are building a new power station every week and a new city (of 2 million plus inhabitants) per month. I find this staggering, China’s economic value and growth is incredibly impressive and constantly amazes me.

The Singularity and the Law of Accelerating Returns

James spoke about a number of the predictions in Ray Kurzweil’s major work on futurology: ‘The Singularity is Near‘.

Like many people I’d already been turned onto the idea of ‘The Singularity’, but James positioned Kurzweil’s ‘Law of Accelerating Returns‘ as a significant influence on our combined ability to respond to the ‘mega-problems’.

The basic premise of this law is “an increase in the rate of technological (and sometimes social and cultural) progress throughout history, which may suggest faster and more profound change in the future”.

This first slide shows a correlation of fifteen preeminent lists of innovation, disruptive change and paradigm shift throughout history, that suggest an exponential trend.

Ray uses this as a primary source of data for the aforementioned law.

In Kurzweil’s 2001 essay ‘The Law of Accelerating Returns’ Ray extends Moore’s law to describe an exponential growth of technological progress.

He describes this as one of the reasons behind the Law of Accelerating Returns.

Many thanks to Ray Kurzweil and his organisation, Kurzweil Technologies, Inc., for the permission to reproduce these slides under a Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 license.

Understanding and Communicating the ‘Big Picture’

Another point James made was that to have any chance of resolving the mega-problems above it “needs”…”everybody (to) get the big picture”.

Of course “getting the big picture means everyone pulls together !” and that’s the real reason that vision statements and goals really do need to be clear and understandable, so everyone involved understands how their contribution ends up helping to make a difference.

Frankly I find the number of businesses that understand this is phenomenally low. I genuinely think it’s a big reason behind corporate inertia as company employees ‘churn’ around over what the ‘real’ goals of their organisation are.

A major reason that we all need to “get” the “Big Picture” is that our Politicians views reflect those of their voters and constituents, and until resolving these issues becomes important to us, our Politicians won’t really reflect them in their policies.

James Lovelock

James also name checks James Lovelock, another of my heroes and one of my favorite scientists, particularly for his work on Gaia Theory and the related ‘Daisyworld‘ virtual world simulation that suggests bio-diversity is a key component of the mechinism of the eco-system maintaining a habitable environment.

He is probably most well known for his work inventing the electron capture detector (1956) which led to the discovery of the ubiquitous distribution of pesticide residues (initially DDT) and pollutants (Lovelock was the first to detect the widespread presence of CFCs in the atmosphere) in the natural environment and can be said, along with Rachel Carson’s seminal book Silent Spring, to have started the environmental movement.

Jeffrey Sachs

Dr. Martin also name checks Jeffrey Sachs, and his book ‘The End of Poverty‘. Despite some negativity to Sachs methods online I still aim to get a copy soon.


Something I hadn’t heard of before, in regards to ‘Failed Nations’ was “Kleptocracy”: where a Government steals from it’s own people, a number of African Governments were given as example.


So I definitely enjoyed the lecture, thought provoking and extremely relevant, and I’m already looking forward to next years event, I wonder who the IET and BCS will get to present for 2009.

Previous IET / BCS Turing Lectures

Here’s links (and synopses) to the last four years Turing Lectures, all of which have been recorded by the IET for your viewing pleasure. Well worth a couple of hours of your time rather than being exposed to the latest ‘Internet Meme’…

2007 with Grady Booch

9th Annual Turing Lecture

Grady Booch, IBM

The Promise The Limits and the Beauty of Software Lecturer: Grady Booch, IBM

2007-01-25 12:00:00.0 IT Channel

>> go to webcast

2006 with Chris Mairs

Lifestyle access for the disabled

Dr. Chris Mairs

The BCS/IEE Turing Lecture 2006 Speaker: Dr Chris Mairs, Data Connection plc

2006-01-26 12:00:00.0 Control & Automation Channel

>> go to webcast

2005 with Fred Brooks

7th Annual Turing Lecture

Professor Frederick P Brooks

Collaboration and Telecollaboration in Design Lecturer: Professor Frederick P Brooks, Jr., FREng, Dist. FBCS

2005-01-20 12:00:00.0 IT Channel

>> go to webcast

2004 with Fred Piper

Cyberworld security – the good, the bad and the ugly (2004 Turing Lecture)

Professor Fred Piper

This lecture looks at some of the technical security mechanisms used for protecting our infrastructure by providing confidentiality for information; entity authentication over distributed computer networks and the detection of alteration to information. It discusses some of the social and political problems that can result from their use and from the fact that the same technology can be used by law enforcers (to catch criminals) and law breakers (to avoid being caught), as well as by businesses (to protect their assets) and by individuals (to protect privacy and preserve confidential data).

2004-01-21 12:00:00.0 Communications Channel

>> go to webcast


  1. If Paul Weller can be called the “Mod father[2], I don’t see why I can’t re-appropriate the term in a computing context.
  2. Actually shouldn’t that be Steve Mariott ? Surely Mr. Weller only qualifies as the Punk Rock / Mod Revival cross-over father ? Or does that not trip as lightly off the tongue…

Presenting at the Open Groups “Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference 2008” tomorrow in Glasgow

I’ll be presenting tomorrow at the “Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference 2008”.

As usual this Enterprise Architecture (EA) Practitioners Conference is being hosted by the Open Group, the custodians of the extremely popular TOGAF EA Framework (it stand for “The Open Group Architecture Framework”). TOGAF is currently used by 80% of the Forbes Global Top 50 companies, and has emerged as a leading framework amongst Enterprise Architects for developing information systems architectures.

The strap line of the conference is “Successful Enterprise Architecture” and through the use of working application case studies and peer-group discussion, the event will demonstrate how the framework used is central to the development of an effective Enterprise Architecture.

I’ll be presenting “Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture“: exploring a number of major customer engagements, including an Enterprise Architecture team which led its company into a 70+ million pound ‘pitfall’, the use of Enterprise Architecture to define a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and an example of how successful Enterprise Architecture is dependent on achieving the proper Governance model.

This is the 18th EA Practitioners Conference, and is being held in Glasgow, Scotland, at the Radisson SAS Hotel. It will be the third one that I’ll have presented at now, having done the previous two “European” versions of the conferences: Paris in 2007 and London in 2006. There are a variety of posts about these conferences on this blog and the best way to find them, and the content I presented, is via the tag for enterprise-architecture-practitioners-conference or for more general posts with EA content at the tag on enterprise-architecture.

I’m not the only Sun guy presenting at the conference, Dan Berg (CTO Global Sales & Services and Vice President EMEA Systems Engineering) presented “Architecting the Sun” on Monday, and Rakesh Radhakrishnan (Chief Identity & SOA Architect, Sun Microsystems, US) is presenting “Aligning ADM and SOA for Successful EA” today.

Sun were originally founding members of the Open Group and thanks to Scott Radeztsky championing EA in Field / Customer Engineering in the US we have recently rejoined the Open Group as Platinum members. This has also led to a TOGAF certification programme being rolled out in the US, and I very much hope that we can see a similar programme in Europe and the UK.

Here’s the main link to the event:

Here’s the link to the program for the event:

Here’s the link to the Open Group synopsis of my presentation:

FasterTrading 2008 and the fragmentation of the UK and European Trade Markets

After a busy day at work in our City Office last Tuesday (the 4th) I was able to get along to Intel’s FasterTrading 2008 event, hosted by an ex-Sun guy, Nigel Woodward, over at the HQ of the IET at the magnificent Savoy Place.

I really enjoyed the event, finding it one of the best vendor run, market facing, events I’ve yet gone to. Nigel and the Intel team had secured some top-notch speakers who really knew their stuff, and it was a pleasure to listen to them.

I’ve broken down what I captured against each speaker and their pitches below (as a reference here’s more about the speakers and there individual pitches too) and I’ve used this post as an opportunity to discuss and write-up an overview of the current status of the European and UK Finance and Market Trading industry, as well as the topic of the event itself, which was the current technology ‘Arms Race’ around increasing Trade speeds and the impact of increased Trade speeds on trading itself.

The post is divided into the following sections which mainly follow the course of the event itself (apart from the last section, which are my reflections and thoughts about the event and its content).

  • A Market Overview
  • The New Market(place) Maker
  • The Standard(s) Bearer
  • The Bank Chief Architect
  • The Vendor
  • The Sponsors Panel
  • My Thoughts

A Market Overview

George Andreadis, Head of AES Liquidity Strategy at Credit Suisse, presented “Challenges of the trading arms race”.

Our first speaker covered the fragmentation in the trading markets across the UK and Europe and why that was and he gave an exemplary overview of both.

Due to a variety of reasons, the number of Market Trading systems and Marketplaces across Europe (not just in the UK) has been rapidly expanding, fragmenting the European Market Trading market, leading to greater competition. He went on to talk about:

  • Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)
  • Dark Liquidity and Dark Pools
  • Low Latency and Low Latency Trading
  • Smart Order Routing (SOR) versus Smart Order Execution (SOE)

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)

At a very basic level the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) is a legal agreement between the European Economic Area nations to manage and regulate trading in an open manner, and has led to the ‘opening up’ of the European Trading Markets, and ultimately to the current fragmentation seen in those markets.

Dark Liquidity and Dark Pools

Dark Liquidity generally means liquidity which is not revealed, and when collected together it is in Dark Pools. These are off-market collections of Dark Liquid where there is a desire to trade without display on order books. Because liquidity is not revealed potential market participants cannot determine market depth. This is useful for traders moving large numbers of shares without revealing themselves to the open market, and is generally used to try and reduce market impact when trading large orders (that would otherwise move the market if known).

Low Latency and Low Latency Trading

Low Latency is currently a very ‘hot’ topic for Traders as “a 1-millisecond advantage in trading applications can be worth $100 million a year“. It is focused towards driving down Trade transaction latency as much as possible.

Low Latency Trading is about utilising the transaction speed reduction to gain financial advantage. The tremendous differences in transaction latency across the World had led to demand for dealing with systems that could give the lowest latency possible, in fact one of the most striking differences that he spoke about was the comparison in latency across the world, latency in the US was as good as 5 ms, the UK was circa 20 ms, whilst the European average was as poor as 40 ms.

Smart Order Routing (SOR) versus Smart Order Execution (SOE)

He also spoke about Smart Order Routing (SOR) in deference to Smart Order Execution (SOE).

In the past Trading was focused very much about the quality of the trade and this is commonly called Smart Order Execution (SOE). As you have one market to go to, such as the London Stock Exchange (LSE), you’d need to extract as much financial value out of getting the trade ‘right’ as possible.

With the emergence of new Trading Markets, financial value can be delivered by understanding which trading marketplace will give you the best reward for your trade, and is very much about who to trade with, this is typically called Smart Order Routing (SOR).

SOR looks to answer the question: “who do I send my trade to so as to make the most profitable trade”.

SOE answers the question: “how and when do I position and transact my trade to make the most profitable trade”.

Obviously Low Latency Trading impacts and is currently in a symbiotic relationship with SOR.

The New Market(place) Maker

Peter Randall, CEO of Chi-X, presented: “New market trading models & technology”.

Our next speaker gave us an overview of why Latency was so slow in the UK (and across Europe) against the trading latency found in the US. His opinion was that we in the UK had computerised legacy, human focused, business processes, and never really moved away from supporting that model. Whereas the Americans had delivered computerised trading systems, which did not rely upon emulating human / organic processing.

The new exchanges like Chi-X took the American approach and started with processes designed for electronic systems from the outset. This was a principal reason why Chi-X’s trading latency was as low as 7 ms, just 2 ms off of the American (NASDAQ) average, a whole 13 ms faster than the UK (LSE) average, and a whopping 33 ms faster than the European average !

To fulfil the desire to trade in Dark Pools, Peter posed the rhetorical question “What has enabled the transformation of the European markets and the growth of these Market trading systems ?” answering it:

  1. The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) – an agreement across Europe for co-ordinated and harmonised regulation in the financial industry
  2. Financial Information eXchange (FIX) Protocol – common interface standard
  3. Market Data – available and free
  4. Rebating – low transaction costs pass on financial gains to both the buyers and sellers – the “maker and taker” benefit

I think that there is a lot here for the other (data) trading systems to take on board, and points to which attributes any such system needs to have to be successful, apart from the obvious requirement for a genuine “Business Need”:

  1. Regulation – agree boundaries and demarcation (i.e. who is responsible for what, when)
  2. Open Standards – well regulated, maintained and managed, with an inclusive approach to defining the standard
  3. Shared Status – where the current status is known and there is a common benchmark to judge against
  4. Good Value for Money – for all concerned

The Standard(s) Bearer

Kevin Houstoun, CTO of BidRoute, presented: “Winning the race to liquidity & new services”.

Kevin is a popular figure in the Finance industry, acting as an evangelist for the FIX protocol, which he is in an ideal position to do so as the co-lead of the FIX Protocol’s Global Technical Committee, he also leads the repository working group and the web services working group.

He gave an overview of Bid Route as a supplier of SOR based solutions, explaining more around SOR architectures.

An audience member representing the Securities Technology Analysis Center (STAC) brought up some good points about the move towards standardised SOR based trading architectures and the increase in data available around the performance of trading systems (which, of course, STAC is driving).

The Bank Chief Architect

Tony Bishop, former Chief Architect Wachovia IT (sponsored jointly by Verari and Wachovia), presented: “High-speed trading: specialized solutions”.

Tony gave possibly one of the best overviews of matching functional requirements (in this instance those of trades) to that of technology. It was excellent as it worked on two levels, both the overview between the relationship between functional requirements and technology was good, but so was the match of the technology to those business requirements. He’d managed this in one slide, and frankly I was very impressed.

He continued on to talk about the technology implemented, he spoke about the techniques he implemented at Wachovia to achieve their dominance in terms of trade speeds in the US, which included:

  1. Standardised trade system design focused around ‘Pods’
  • Proximity of components making up a discrete functional component matters – because it affects speed
  • Speed of Roll Out / Deployment matters to allow exponential growth to be managed
  • Standardised Data Centre design focused around Shipping Containers (such as Sun’s Modular Data Center, aka project ‘Black Box’)
    • Another mechanism to speed up roll out / deployment
    • High level of flexibility, not encumbered by having to build a new DC (and get permission to do so)
  • Avoid full ISO stacks, use technology which talks directly to the hardware if and where possible
    • Offload Standard processing to a Daughter Board chipset
    • Put specific, proprietary bank algorithms on Daughter Board chips
  • Use Java to rapidly deliver functionality, setting up an environment where it ran quicker than natively compiled C++
    • Put everything Java based in memory, each device having 80GB of memory
    • Turn off Garbage Collection – disable Deterministic Garbage Collection (GC), allowing the process to build up uncollected memory as long as the 80 GB ‘pool’ is enough to get it through the trade cycle, when it can be forced to do Garbage Collection then
  • Move storage to online and solid state mediums
    • Tony suggested that circa 30% of all DC floor space is now taken up by storage, and it is imperative to shrink this footprint so as to maximise the compute power available.

    I suppose, unsurprisingly, I enjoyed Tony’s presentation most, having spent much of my career in IT Architecture roles, and one of my main interests being how technology is implemented to meet genuine business needs.

    In conversation with Tony after the event he said these items:

    • Measurement mattered to justify belief and sponsorship. They used OpsTier at Wachovia to provide a vertical view through their (multiple) n-tier architectures and applications, and a horizontal view across the applications, infrastructure, network and storage.
    • Sun is one of the greatest Software Companies in the World, and rather than give away our software and charge for hardware, we should do the opposite charging for our software and giving our hardware away for free (have to admit I’ve heard this before, but usually it’s said quite ‘tongue in cheek’ which I didn’t feel with Tony’s version).

    The Vendor

    Pavel Yegerov, Chief Architect Financial Services at Intel, presented: “Acceleration techniques for the front-office infrastructure”.

    Basically this was overview of the Intel roadmap, well presented and put together. I found some of the joint work that the Intel Finance team are doing within the industry interesting (probably Nigel to thank for at least some of that, he championed the early work around FIX at Sun circa six or seven years ago).

    The Sponsors Panel

    There was representation from the following companies (sadly I didn’t catch the names, just who they represented):

    • Fujitsu-Siemens
    • BEA (now an Oracle subsidiary of course)
    • Merrill Lynch
    • Goldman Sachs
    • Fidelity

    Don’t recall much from this part of the event, although the chap from BEA did speak about Complex Event Processing (CEP), suggesting that the WYSIWYG tools for Business Process Engineering (BPE, and it’s close relative, Business Process Re-engineering, or BPR) could be easily enabled by the use of his companies toolset (presume this would be what was called WebLogic Integration, or WLI, running over the WebLogic Business Process Manager, or BPM, which itself runs over the BEA J2EE Application Server).

    He suggested that this would become an acceptable technology due to the move of ‘everything’ to memory.

    Frankly I thought this extremely questionable, as that tool, as many of its ilk, abstract so much technical complexity in a bid to simplify their workings so as to be used by Business Analysts to the point that non-functional capabilities such as speed, performance, and reliability, are impacted detrimentally.

    I’ve come across this issue before, and it is specifically to do with the over abstraction of solution, to the point that it ignores, or rather does not take into consideration, the technical constraints.

    It can be most obviously demonstrated by comparing two sequence diagrams, one showing how the Business Analyst / Designer thinks it works based on the Functional calls it makes, and then how it actually works based upon adding the Non-Functional calls it makes. Even if you don’t understand sequence diagrams it should at least contrast that there is a lot more going on than the person designing these processes is aware of.

    Here is an example Sequence Diagram, seen at the Functional Level.

    Here is the same Sequence Diagram, seen at the Non-Functional Level.

    As you can plainly see there is a lot going on ‘under the hood’, and this should not be dismissed purely to gain increases in delivery / implementation time. I will do a post just on this subject in the near future.

    My Thoughts

    Here’s a section of the things that came to mind during and after the event…

    Some thoughts on HPC across differing Industries

    Don Grantham, EVP for our Global Sales and Services (GSS) Organisation (basically Don is the head of the entire ‘Field’ or ‘Customer’ engineering) said in his keynote to the UK organisation “measure what you care for, because you’ll come to care for what you measure”, and this underlies my thoughts on the different HPC systems across the world, and across the differing industries.

    I find that “the different HPC systems across differing industries are defined by the measurements attributed to them”, so for HPC systems in education and research this is typically teraflops and the like, the stuff of the Top500. But for HPC systems in Finance they are typically measured in trade latency, transactional fulfillment and algorithmic speed. Whilst for Google and the other Internet based ‘cloud compute’ HPC grids the focus is successful responses in a given time period.

    As the functional requirements are different, even though they share the same sort of non-functional scale and performance requirements, the architecture and topology across HPC systems is different, leading to Industry Specific Grids and HPC.

    I suppose this is pretty obvious, but I find it’s the obvious, core attribute, stuff that people lose focus of and seemingly forget. The Infrastructure between the differing HPC types, as delineated by industry, can have a lot of similarities at the infrastructure layer (speed, performance, technology components, network, topology i.e. how it’s fitted together), however they differ immensely when it comes to the application / logical and functional layers.

    Some thoughts on messaging systems across differing Industries

    Expanding my series of messaging system overviews outside of the ones on messaging systems in Government to cover other industries, including: trade land (the stock exchanges and their ilk, the Market Data trading systems, FIX, FIXml, Swift and SwiftNet, etc.), utility land (Moresco, the DTC, etc.), energy land (gas, oil, and other energy and resource trading exchanges), retail (B2B, etc.), manufacturing (supply and demand), media (news, and market data too if you’re a Reuters), and Telco (customer and service transfer and transactions).

    What these messaging systems point out is that everyone is sharing to enable business, and that inclusion and participation matters.

    Some thoughts on speeding up trading systems Straight Through Processing (STP)

    As well as the move to re-engineer the trading market places to avoid legacy Business Processes, another way to improve speed would be to retire the existent data dictionary during trade related Straight Through Processing (STP).

    Don’t translate in to and out of local proprietary data dictionaries, instead use FIX as the native data dictionary throughout a trade transaction.

    FasterTrading 2008 e a fragmentação dos mercados de comércio do Reino Unido e do europeu

    Depois que um dia ocupado no trabalho em nosso escritório de cidade terça-feira de passado (o ô) eu podia começ longitudinalmente ao evento 2008 de FasterTrading de Intel, hospedado por um indivíduo de ex-Sun, Nigel Woodward, sobre no QG do IET no lugar magnífico do Savoy.

    Eu apreciei realmente o evento, encontrando o um do melhor funcionamento do vendedor, revestimento do mercado, eventos que eu fui ainda a. Nigel e a equipe de Intel tinham fixado alguns altofalantes top-notch que souberam realmente seu material, e era um prazer escutar-lhes.

    Eu dividi o que eu capturei de encontro a cada altofalante e seus passos abaixo (porque uma referência aqui é mais sobre os altofalantes e lá os passos do indivíduo demasiado) e eu usei este borne como uma oportunidade de discutir e o write-up uma vista geral do status atual do europeu e da finança BRITÂNICA e de introduzir no mercado a indústria de troca, assim como o tópico do evento próprio, que era a tecnologia atual de “raça braços” em torno das velocidades de comércio crescentes e do impato de velocidades de comércio aumentadas em se trocar.

    O borne é dividido nas seguintes seções que seguem principalmente o curso do evento próprio (aparte da última seção, que são meus reflexões e pensamentos sobre o evento e seu índice).

    • Uma vista geral do mercado
    • O fabricante do novo mercado (lugar)
    • O portador dos padrões
    • O arquiteto do chefe do banco
    • O vendedor
    • O painel dos patrocinadores
    • Meus pensamentos

    Uma vista geral do mercado

    George Andreadis, cabeça da estratégia da liquidez de AES em Credit Suisse, apresentou “desafios da raça de braços de troca”.

    Nosso primeiro altofalante cobriu a fragmentação nos mercados de troca através do Reino Unido e a Europa e porque aquela era e ele deu uma vista geral exemplar de ambos.

    Devido a uma variedade de razões, ao número de sistemas de comércio do mercado e aos mercados através de Europa (não apenas no Reino Unido) foi ràpida expandir, fragmentando o mercado de troca do mercado europeu, conduzindo à maior competição. Foi sobre falar aproximadamente:

    • Mercados nos instrumentos financeiros diretivos (MiFID)
    • Liquidez escura e associações escuras
    • Baixa latência e baixa troca da latência
    • Roteamento esperto da ordem (SOR) contra a execução esperta da ordem (SOE)

    Mercados nos instrumentos financeiros diretivos (MiFID)

    A nível muito básico os mercados na diretriz orientadora dos instrumentos financeiros (MiFID) são um acordo legal entre as nações da área econômica européia controlar e regular a troca em uma maneira aberta, e conduziram à “abertura” dos mercados de troca europeus, e finalmente à fragmentação atual considerada naqueles mercados.

    Liquidez escura e associações escuras

    A liquidez escura significa geralmente a liquidez que não está revelada, e quando coletado junto lhe está em associações escuras. Estas são coleções do fora-mercado do líquido escuro onde há um desejo trocar sem a exposição em livro de encomendas. Porque a liquidez não é revelada os participantes do mercado potencial não podem determinar a profundidade do mercado. Isto é útil para os comerciantes que movem um grande número partes sem revelar-se ao mercado livre, e é usado geralmente para tentar e reduzir o impato do mercado ao trocar as grandes ordens (de que moveria de outra maneira o mercado se sabido).

    Baixa latência e baixa troca da latência

    A baixa latência é atualmente um tópico muito “quente” para comerciantes como “uma vantagem de 1 milissegundo em aplicações de troca pode valer a pena $100 milhões um o ano”. É focalizada para a condução abaixo da latência de comércio da transação tanto quanto possível.

    A baixa troca da latência é sobre a utilização da redução de velocidade da transação para ganhar a vantagem financeira. As diferenças tremendas na latência da transação através do mundo tinham conduzido para exijir para tratar os sistemas que poderiam dar a mais baixa latência possível, de fato uma das diferenças as mais impressionantes que falou era aproximadamente a comparação na latência através do mundo, latência nos E.U. era tão bom quanto a Senhora 5, o Reino Unido era circa a Senhora 20, enquanto a média européia era tão pobre quanto a Senhora 40.

    Roteamento esperto da ordem (SOR) contra a execução esperta da ordem (SOE)

    Igualmente falou sobre o roteamento esperto da ordem (SOR) no respeito à execução esperta da ordem (SOE).

    Na troca passada foi focalizado muito sobre a qualidade do comércio e isto é chamado geralmente execução de Esperto Ordem (SOE). Porque você tem um mercado a ir a, como a troca conservada em estoque de Londres (LSE), você precisaria de extrair tanto valor financeiro fora de começ o “direito de comércio” como possível.

    Com a emergência de mercados de troca novos, o valor financeiro pode ser entregado compreendendo que mercado de troca lhe dará a melhor recompensa para seu comércio, e é muito sobre quem a trocar com, isto é chamado tipicamente roteamento de Esperto Ordem (SOR).

    O sor olha para responder à pergunta: “quem eu emito meu comércio para fazer o comércio o mais rentável”.

    SOE responde à pergunta: “como e quando fizer a posição de I e para transacionar meu comércio para fazer o comércio o mais rentável”.

    A latência obviamente baixa que troca impatos e está atualmente em um relacionamento symbiotic com sor.

    O fabricante do novo mercado (lugar)

    Peter Randall, CEO do Qui-x, apresentado: Do “modelos & tecnologia de troca novo mercado”.

    Nosso altofalante seguinte deu-nos uma vista geral de porque a latência era assim que retarda no Reino Unido (e através de Europa) de encontro à latência de troca encontrada nos E.U. Sua opinião era que nós no Reino Unido tínhamos computarizado o legado, processos humanos focalizada, de negócio, e movido nunca realmente longe de suportar esse modelo. Considerando que os americanos tinham entregado os sistemas de comércio computarizados, que não confiaram processamento humano/orgânico da emulação.

    As trocas novas como o Qui-x tomaram a aproximação americana e começaram-na com os processos projetados para sistemas eletrônicos no início. Esta era uma razão principal pela qual a latência da troca de Qui-X era tão baixa quanto a Senhora 7, a Senhora apenas 2 fora da média (Nasdaq) americana, uma Senhora do todo 13 mais rapidamente do que a média (LSE) BRITÂNICA, e uma Senhora 33 enorme mais rapidamente do que a média européia!

    Para cumprir o desejo trocar em associações escuras, Peter levantou a pergunta retórica “o que permitiu a transformação dos mercados europeus e o crescimento destes sistemas de comércio do mercado?” respondendo a lhe:

    1. Os mercados na diretriz orientadora dos instrumentos financeiros (MiFID) – um acordo através de Europa para o regulamento côordenado e harmonizado na indústria financeira
    2. Protocolo financeiro da troca de informação (REPARO) – padrão de relação comum
    3. Dados do mercado – disponíveis e livres
    4. Abatendo – os baixos custos da transação passam sobre benefícios financeiros aos compradores e aos vendedores – do “o benefício fabricante e do comprador”

    Eu penso que há muito aqui para que os outros sistemas de comércio (dos dados) tomem a bordo, e os pontos a que atribuem um sistema precisa de ter que ser bem sucedido, aparte da exigência óbvia para do “uma necessidade genuína negócio”:

    1. Regulamento – concordar limites e delimitação (isto é quem é responsável para que, quando)
    2. Standard abertos – regulado bom, mantido e controlado, com uma aproximação inclusiva a definir o padrão
    3. Status compartilhado – onde o status atual é sabido e há uma marca de nível comum ao juiz de encontro
    4. Bom valor-custo – para todo o interessado

    O portador dos padrões

    Kevin Houstoun, CTO de BidRoute, apresentado: “Ganhando a raça à liquidez & aos serviços novos”.

    Kevin é uma figura popular na indústria da finança, actuando como um evangelista para o protocolo do REPARO, que é em uma posição ideal a fazer de modo a co-conduz do comité técnico global do protocolo do REPARO, igualmente conduz o grupo de trabalho do repositório e o grupo de trabalho de serviços de correia fotorreceptora.

    Deu uma vista geral da rota da oferta como um fornecedor de soluções baseadas sor, explicando mais em torno das arquiteturas do sor.

    Um membro da audiência que representa o centro de análise da tecnologia de seguranças (STAC) trouxe acima alguns bons pontos sobre o movimento para arquiteturas de troca baseadas sor estandardizadas e o aumento nos dados disponíveis em torno do desempenho dos sistemas de comércio (que, naturalmente, STAC está conduzindo).

    O arquiteto do chefe do banco

    Bishop de Tony, arquiteto principal anterior Wachovia ELE (patrocinado comum por Verari e por Wachovia), apresentado: “Troca de alta velocidade: soluções especializadas”.

    Tony deu possivelmente uma das melhores vistas gerais de combinar exigências funcionais (neste exemplo aqueles dos comércios) àquela da tecnologia. Era excelente como trabalhou em dois níveis, a vista geral entre o relacionamento entre exigências funcionais e a tecnologia eram boas, mas assim que era o fósforo da tecnologia 2 aquelas exigências do negócio. Tinha controlado este em uma corrediça, e eu fui imprimido sincera muito.

    Continuou sobre a falar sobre a tecnologia executada, ele falou sobre as técnicas que executou em Wachovia para conseguir seu domínio nos termos de troca velocidades nos E.U., que incluíram:

    1. O projeto de sistema de comércio estandardizado focalizou em torno dos “vagens
    • A proximidade dos componentes que compo um componente funcional discreto importa – porque afeta a velocidade
    • A velocidade da apresentação/distribuição importa para permitir que o crescimento exponencial seja controlado
    • O projeto estandardizado do centro de dados focalizou em torno dos contentores (tais como o centro de dados de Sun, caixa negra modulares do projeto do aka a “”)
    • Um outro mecanismo para acelerar a apresentação/distribuição
    • De nível elevado da flexibilidade, não impedido tendo que construir uma C.C. nova (e para começ a permissão fazer assim)
    • Evitar pilhas cheias do ISO, usar a tecnologia que fala diretamente à ferragem se e sempre que seja possível
    • Offload o processamento padrão a um chipset da placa de filha
    • Põr algoritmos específicos, proprietários do banco sobre microplaquetas da placa de filha
    • Uso Java entregar ràpida a funcionalidade, setting-up um ambiente onde funcionasse mais rapidamente C++ do que nativa compilado
    • Põr tudo Java baseado na memória, cada dispositivo que tem 80GB da memória
    • Desligar a coleção de lixo – incapacitar a coleção de lixo Deterministic (GC), permitindo que o processo acumule memória uncollected contanto que os 80 GB “associação” forem bastante para a começ através do ciclo de comércio, quando pode ser forçado para fazer então a coleção de lixo
    • Mover o armazenamento para em linha e o sólido – indic meios
    • Tony sugeriu que aquele circa 30% de todo o espaço da C.C. estivesse pegado agora pelo armazenamento, e fosse imperativo encolher esta pegada para maximizar o poder do cálculo disponível.

    Eu supor, unsurprisingly, me apreciei a apresentação de Tony mais, gastando muita de minha carreira nELE papéis da arquitetura, e um de meus interesses principais que são como a tecnologia é executada para encontrar o negócio genuíno precisa.

    Na conversação com o Tony após o evento disse estes artigos:

    • A medida importou para justificar a opinião e o patrocínio. Usaram OpsTier em Wachovia para fornecer uma vista vertical com suas arquiteturas e aplicações da n-série (do múltiplo), e uma vista horizontal através das aplicações, da infra-estrutura, da rede e do armazenamento.
    • Sun é uma das grandes empresas de software no mundo, e um pouco do que dá afastado nosso software e carrega-o para a ferragem, nós devemos fazer o carregamento oposto para nosso software e a doação de nossa ferragem afastado para livre (têm que admitir que eu ouvi este antes, mas geralmente disse completamente a “lingüeta no mordente” que eu não senti com versão de Tony).

    O vendedor

    Pavel Yegerov, serviços financeiros do arquiteto principal em Intel, apresentado: Da “técnicas aceleração para a infra-estrutura do dianteiro-escritório”.

    Basicamente esta era vista geral do mapa rodoviário de Intel, bem apresentava e põr junto. Eu encontrei que algum do trabalho comum que Intel financia a equipe estão fazendo dentro da indústria interessante (provavelmente Nigel para agradecer no mínimo a alguma daquele, patrocinou as primeiras obras em torno do REPARO em Sun circa seis ou sete anos há).

    O painel dos patrocinadores

    Havia uma respresentação das seguintes companhias (triste eu não travei os nomes, apenas quem representou):

    • Fujitsu-Siemens
    • BEA (agora uma subsidiária de Oracle naturalmente)
    • Merrill Lynch
    • Goldman Sachs
    • Fidelidade

    Não recordar muito desta parte do evento, embora a rachadura de BEA fale sobre o processamento complexo do evento (CEP), sugerindo que as ferramentas do WYSIWYG para a engenharia Process de negócio (BPE, e é familiar próximo, Re-engineering do processo de negócio, ou BPR) poderiam facilmente ser permitidas pelo uso de seu conjunto de ferramentas das companhias (presumir que este seria o que foi chamado integração de WebLogic, ou WLI, funcionando sobre o gerente do processo de negócio de WebLogic, ou BPM, que próprio funciona sobre o servidor de aplicações de BEA J2EE).

    Sugeriu que esta se transformasse uma tecnologia aceitável devido ao movimento de “tudo” à memória.

    Sincera eu pensei este extremamente questionável, como que a ferramenta, tanta como de sua laia, abstrai tanto a complexidade técnica a fim de simplificar seus funcionamentos para ser usado por Negócio Analista ao ponto que as capacidades non-functional tais como a velocidade, o desempenho, e a confiabilidade, são impatadas prejudicial.

    Eu vim através desta edição antes, e é especificamente fazer com a abstração excedente da solução, ao ponto que ignora, ou um pouco não toma na consideração, os confinamentes técnicos.

    Pode o mais obviamente ser demonstrada comparando dois diagramas de seqüência, um que mostra como o analista/desenhador do negócio pensa que trabalha baseado nas chamadas que funcionais faz, e então como trabalha realmente baseado em adicionar as chamadas Non-Functional faz. Mesmo se você não compreende diagramas de seqüência deve pelo menos contrastar que está indo muito mais em do que a pessoa que projeta estes processos está ciente de.

    Está aqui um diagrama de seqüência do exemplo, considerado a nível funcional.

    Está aqui o mesmo diagrama de seqüência, considerado a nível Non-Functional.

    Como você pode claramente ver está indo muito em “sob a capa”, e este não deve ser demitido puramente para ganhar aumentos no tempo da entrega/execução. Eu farei um borne apenas neste assunto em um futuro próximo.

    Meus pensamentos

    Está aqui uma seção das coisas que veio se ocupar durante e após o evento…

    Alguns pensamentos na HPC através das indústrias de deferimento

    Don Grantham, EVP para nossos vendas e serviços globais (GSS) que a organização (basicamente Don é a cabeça da engenharia inteira do “campo” ou do “cliente”) disse em seu tom básico medida à organização BRITÂNICA a “o que você se importa com, porque você virá se importar com o que você mede”, e isto é a base de meus pensamentos nos sistemas diferentes da HPC através do mundo, e através das indústrias de deferimento.

    Eu encontro que “os sistemas diferentes da HPC através das indústrias de deferimento estão definidos pelas medidas atribuídas a elas”, assim que para sistemas da HPC na instrução e pesquiso este sou tipicamente teraflops e semelhante, o material do Top500. Mas para sistemas da HPC na finança são medidos tipicamente na latência de comércio, na realização transactional e na velocidade algorítmica. Enquanto para Google e o outro Internet baseou da “grades da HPC do cálculo nuvem” o foco é respostas bem sucedidas em um período de tempo dado.

    Porque as exigências funcionais são diferentes, mesmo que compartilhem da mesma sorte de exigências non-functional da escala e de desempenho, a arquitetura e a topologia através dos sistemas da HPC são diferentes, conduzindo às grades e à HPC específicas da indústria.

    Eu supor este é consideravelmente óbvio, mas eu encontro que é o óbvio, atributo do núcleo, material que os povos perdem o foco de e o esquecem convenientemente. A infra-estrutura entre os tipos de deferimento da HPC, como delineados pela indústria, pode ter muitas similaridades na camada da infra-estrutura (velocidade, desempenho, componentes da tecnologia, rede, topologia isto é como coube junto), porém diferem imensa quando vem à aplicação/camadas lógicas e funcionais.

    Alguns pensamentos em sistemas de mensagem através das indústrias de deferimento

    Expandindo minha série de vistas gerais de sistema da mensagem fora de essas em sistemas de mensagem no governo para cobrir outras indústrias, incluindo: terra de comércio (as bolsas e sua laia, os sistemas de comércio dos dados do mercado, REPARO, FIXml, rápido e SwiftNet, etc.), terra de serviço público (Moresco, o DTC, etc.), terra da energia (gás, óleo, e outras trocas de troca da energia e do recurso), de varejo (B2B, etc.), fabricação (oferta e procura), meios (notícia, e dados do mercado demasiado se você é Reuters), e Telco (cliente e transferência e transações do serviço).

    O que estes sistemas de mensagem indic é que todos está compartilhando para permitir o negócio, e que matérias da inclusão e da participação.

    Alguns pensamentos em acelerar sistemas de comércio em linha reta com do processamento (STP)

    Assim como o movimento re-engineer os mercados de troca para evitar processos de negócio do legado, uma outra maneira de melhorar a velocidade seria aposentar-se o dicionário de dados existente durante o comércio relativo em linha reta com do processamento (STP).

    Não traduzir dentro e fora dos dicionários de dados proprietários locais, em lugar de do REPARO do uso como o dicionário de dados nativo durante todo uma transação de comércio.

    FasterTrading 2008년과 UK와 유럽인 무역 시장의 파편

    우리의 시청에 있는 일에 바쁜 일 마지막 화요일 (제 4) 나가 인텔의 FasterTrading 전 일요일 녀석이, 장려한 양배추 장소에 IET의 HQ에 Nigel Woodward 접대할 따라 얻을 수 후에, 2008년 사건에 있을 넘어서. …..

    FasterTrading 2008 y la fragmentación de los mercados comerciales de Reino Unido y del europeo

    Después de que un día ocupado en el trabajo en nuestra oficina de ciudad el pasado martes (el 4to) pudiera conseguir adelante al acontecimiento 2008 de FasterTrading de Intel, recibido por un individuo de ex-Sun, Nigel Woodward, encima en el HQ del IET en el lugar magnífico de la col rizada.

    Disfruté realmente del acontecimiento, encontrándolo uno del mejor funcionamiento del vendedor, revestimiento del mercado, acontecimientos que todavía he ido a. Nigel y el equipo de Intel habían asegurado a algunos locutores top-notch que sabían realmente su materia, y era un placer escuchar ellos.

    He analizado lo que capturé contra cada altavoz y sus echadas abajo (pues una referencia aquí es más sobre los altavoces y allí las echadas del individuo también) y he utilizado este poste como una oportunidad de discutir y relato una descripción del estado actual del europeo y de las finanzas BRITÁNICAS y de poner industria comercial, así como el asunto del acontecimiento sí mismo, que era la tecnología actual “carrera de armamentos” alrededor de velocidades comerciales cada vez mayores y del impacto de velocidades comerciales crecientes en el comercio.

    El poste se divide en las secciones siguientes que siguen principalmente el curso del acontecimiento sí mismo (aparte de la sección pasada, que son mis reflexiones y pensamientos sobre el acontecimiento y su contenido).

    • Una descripción del mercado
    • El fabricante del nuevo mercado (lugar)
    • El portador de los estándares
    • El arquitecto del jefe del banco
    • El vendedor
    • El panel de los patrocinadores
    • Mis pensamientos

    Una descripción del mercado

    George Andreadis, jefe de la estrategia de la liquidez de AES en Credit Suisse, presentó “desafíos de la carrera de armamentos comercial”.

    Nuestro primer altavoz cubrió la fragmentación en los mercados comerciales a través del Reino Unido y la Europa y porqué era ésa y él dio una descripción ejemplar de ambos.

    Debido a una variedad de razones, al número de sistemas de comercio del mercado y a los mercados a través de Europa (no apenas en el Reino Unido) ha sido rápido la extensión, haciendo fragmentos del mercado comercial del mercado europeo, llevando a la mayor competición. Él se encendió hablar:

    • Mercados en los instrumentos financieros directivos (MiFID)
    • Liquidez oscura y piscinas oscuras
    • Estado latente bajo y comercio bajo del estado latente
    • Encaminamiento elegante de la orden (SOR) contra la ejecución elegante de la orden (SOE)

    Mercados en los instrumentos financieros directivos (MiFID)

    En un nivel muy básico los mercados en directorio de los instrumentos financieros (MiFID) son un acuerdo legal entre las naciones del área económica europea de manejar y de regular el comercio de una manera abierta, y han llevado a la “apertura” de los mercados comerciales europeos, y en última instancia a la fragmentación actual considerada en esos mercados.

    Liquidez oscura y piscinas oscuras

    La liquidez oscura significa generalmente la liquidez que no se revela, y cuando le está recogido junto está en piscinas oscuras. Éstas son colecciones del apagado-mercado de líquido oscuro donde hay un deseo de negociar sin la exhibición en libros de pedidos. Porque la liquidez no se revela los participantes del mercado potencial no pueden determinar profundidad del mercado. Esto es útil para los comerciantes que mueven una gran cantidad de partes sin revelarse al mercado libre, y se utiliza generalmente para intentar y para reducir impacto del mercado al negociar las órdenes grandes (que movería de otra manera el mercado si estuvieron sabido).

    Estado latente bajo y comercio bajo del estado latente

    El estado latente bajo es actual un asunto muy “caliente” para los comerciantes como “una ventaja de 1 milisegundo en usos comerciales puede valer $100 millones al año”. Se enfoca hacia la conducción abajo del estado latente comercial de la transacción tanto cuanto sea posible.

    El comercio bajo del estado latente está sobre utilizar la reducción de velocidad de la transacción para conseguir ventaja financiera. Las enormes diferencias en estado latente de la transacción a través del mundo habían llevado para exigir para ocuparse de los sistemas que podrían dar el estado latente más bajo posible, de hecho una de las diferencias más llamativas que él habló era alrededor la comparación en el estado latente a través del mundo, estado latente en los E.E.U.U. era tan bueno como el ms 5, el Reino Unido estaba circa el ms 20, mientras que el promedio europeo era tan pobre como el ms 40.

    Encaminamiento elegante de la orden (SOR) contra la ejecución elegante de la orden (SOE)

    Él también habló sobre la encaminamiento elegante de la orden (SOR) en respeto a la ejecución elegante de la orden (SOE).

    En el último comercio fue enfocado mucho sobre la calidad del comercio y esto comúnmente se llama ejecución Smart Order (SOE). Pues usted tiene un mercado a ir a, por ejemplo la bolsa de acción de Londres (LSE), usted necesitaría extraer tanto valor financiero fuera de conseguir el “derecho comercial” como sea posible.

    Con la aparición de nuevos mercados comerciales, el valor financiero puede ser entregado entendiendo qué mercado comercial le dará la mejor recompensa por su comercio, y está mucho sobre con quién a negociar, esto típicamente se llama encaminamiento Smart Order (SOR).

    El sor mira para contestar a la pregunta: “quién envío mi comercio para hacer el comercio más provechoso”.

    SOE contesta a la pregunta: “cómo y cuándo lo hace la posición de I y tramitar mi comercio para hacer el comercio más provechoso”.

    El estado latente obviamente bajo que negocia impactos y está actual en una relación simbiótica con el sor.

    El fabricante del nuevo mercado (lugar)

    Peter Randall, CEO de la Ji-x, presentado: Del “modelos comerciales y tecnología nuevo mercado”.

    Nuestro altavoz siguiente nos dio una descripción de porqué era el estado latente así que se retarda en el Reino Unido (y a través de Europa) contra el estado latente comercial encontrado en los E.E.U.U. Su opinión era que en el Reino Unido habíamos automatizado la herencia, procesos enfocada, de negocio humanos, y haber movido nunca realmente lejos de apoyar ese modelo. Considerando que los americanos habían entregado los sistemas de comercio automatizados, que no confiaron en el proceso humano/orgánico de la emulación.

    Los nuevos intercambios como Ji-x tomaron el acercamiento americano y comenzaron con los procesos diseñados para los sistemas electrónicos desde el principio. ¡Esto era una razón principal por la que el estado latente del comercio de Ji-X era tan bajo como el ms 7, el ms apenas 2 apagado del promedio americano (Nasdaq), un ms del conjunto 13 más rápidamente que el promedio BRITÁNICO (LSE), y un ms increíble 33 más rápidamente que el promedio europeo!

    Para satisfacer el deseo de negociar en piscinas oscuras, Peter planteó la pregunta retórica “qué ha permitido la transformación de los mercados europeos y el crecimiento de estos sistemas de comercio del mercado?” contestación de él:

    1. Los mercados en el directorio de los instrumentos financieros (MiFID) – un acuerdo a través de Europa para la regulación coordinada y armonizada en la industria financiera
    2. Protocolo financiero del intercambio de información (ARREGLO) – estándar de interfaz común
    3. Datos del mercado – disponibles y libres
    4. Reembolsar – los costes bajos de la transacción pasan encendido beneficios financieros a los compradores y a los vendedores – la ventaja del “fabricante y del tomador”

    Pienso que hay mucho aquí para que los otros sistemas de comercio (de los datos) tomen a bordo, y los puntos a los cuales atribuyen cualquier sistema necesita tener que ser acertado, aparte de el requisito obvio para una “necesidad genuina del negocio”:

    1. Regulación – convenir los límites y la demarcación (es decir quién es responsable de lo que, cuando)
    2. Estándares abiertos – haber regulado bien, mantenido y manejado, con un acercamiento inclusivo a definir el estándar
    3. Estado compartido – donde se sabe el estado actual y hay una prueba patrón común al juez contra
    4. Buena optimización de recursos – para todo el en cuestión

    El portador de los estándares

    Kevin Houstoun, CTO de BidRoute, presentado: “Ganando la carrera a la liquidez y a los nuevos servicios”.

    Kevin es una figura popular en la industria de las finanzas, actuando como evangelista para el protocolo del ARREGLO, que él es en una posición ideal a hacer para co-lleva del comité técnico global del protocolo del ARREGLO, él también lleva al grupo de trabajo del depósito y a grupo de trabajo de los servicios de tela.

    Él dio una descripción de la ruta de la oferta como surtidor de soluciones basadas sor, explicando más alrededor de arquitecturas del sor.

    Un miembro de la audiencia que representaba el centro de análisis de la tecnología de seguridades (STAC) sacó a colación algunos buenos puntos sobre el movimiento hacia arquitecturas comerciales basadas sor estandardizadas y el aumento en los datos disponibles alrededor del funcionamiento de los sistemas de comercio (que, por supuesto, STAC está conduciendo).

    El arquitecto del jefe del banco

    Obispo de Tony, principal arquitecto anterior Wachovia ÉL (patrocinado en común por Verari y Wachovia), presentado: “Comercio de alta velocidad: soluciones especializadas”.

    Tony dio posiblemente una de las mejores descripciones de emparejar requisitos funcionales (en este caso los de comercios) a el de la tecnología. Era excelente como trabajó en dos niveles, la descripción entre la relación entre los requisitos funcionales y la tecnología eran buenas, pero así que era el fósforo de la tecnología a esos requisitos del negocio. Él había manejado esto en una diapositiva, y muy franco me impresionaron.

    Él continuó encendido hablando de la tecnología ejecutada, él habló sobre las técnicas que él ejecutó en Wachovia para alcanzar su dominación en términos de velocidades comerciales en los E.E.U.U., que incluyeron:

    1. El diseño de sistema comercial estandardizado se enfocó alrededor de las “vainas”
    • La proximidad de los componentes que componen un componente funcional discreto importa – porque afecta a velocidad
    • La velocidad del desarrollo/del despliegue importa para permitir que el crecimiento exponencial sea manejado
    • Diseño estandardizado del centro de datos enfocado alrededor de los contenedores (tales como centro de datos modular de Sun, caja negra del proyecto del aka “”)
    • Otro mecanismo para acelerar desarrollo/el despliegue
    • De alto nivel de flexibilidad, no estorbado por tener que construir una nueva C.C. (y conseguir el permiso para hacer tan)
    • Evitar los apilados llenos de la ISO, utilizar la tecnología que habla directo con el hardware si y en lo posible
    • Sacar datos el proceso estándar a un chipset del tablero de hija
    • Poner los algoritmos específicos, propietarios del banco en virutas del tablero de hija
    • Uso Java de entregar rápido la funcionalidad, fijando un ambiente donde funcionó más aprisa C++ que nativo compilado
    • Puesto todo Java basada en la memoria, cada dispositivo que tiene 80GB de la memoria
    • Apagar la colección de basura – inhabilitar la colección de basura determinista (GC), permitiendo que el proceso aumente memoria dispersa mientras los 80 GB “piscina” sean bastantes para conseguirla durante el ciclo comercial, cuando puede ser forzado entonces para hacer la colección de basura
    • Mover el almacenaje a los medios en línea y de estado sólido
    • Tony sugirió que eso circa el 30% de todo el espacio de la C.C. ahora sea tomada por el almacenaje, y es imprescindible encoger esta huella para maximizar la energía del cálculo disponible.

    Me supongo, unsurprisingly, disfruté de la presentación de Tony más, pasando mucha de mi carrera en ÉL los papeles de la arquitectura, y uno de mis intereses principales que son cómo la tecnología se ejecuta para resolver negocio genuino necesita.

    En la conversación con Tony después del acontecimiento él dijo estos artículos:

    • La medida importó para justificar creencia y patrocinio. Utilizaron OpsTier en Wachovia para proporcionar una visión vertical con sus arquitecturas y usos de la n-grada (del múltiplo), y una visión horizontal a través de los usos, de la infraestructura, de la red y del almacenaje.
    • Sun es una de las empresas de informática más grandes del mundo, y algo que lejos nuestro software y carga para el hardware, debemos hacer la carga opuesta para nuestro software y el donante de nuestro hardware lejos para libre (tienen que admitir que he oído esto antes, pero ha dicho generalmente absolutamente la “lengüeta en la mejilla” que no sentía con la versión de Tony).

    El vendedor

    Pavel Yegerov, servicios financieros del principal arquitecto en Intel, presentado: “Técnicas de la aceleración para la infraestructura de la delantero-oficina”.

    Ésta era descripción del mapa itinerario de Intel, bien presentó y puso básicamente junta. Encontré que algo del trabajo común que Intel financia a equipo están haciendo dentro de la industria interesante (probablemente Nigel para agradecer por lo menos algo de eso, él defendió las primeras obras alrededor de ARREGLO en Sun circa hace seis o siete años).

    El panel de los patrocinadores

    Había representación de las compañías siguientes (no cogí tristemente los nombres, apenas quién él representó):

    • Fujitsu-Siemens
    • BEA (ahora un subsidiario de Oracle por supuesto)
    • Merrill Lynch
    • Goldman Sachs
    • Fidelidad

    No recordar mucho de esta parte del acontecimiento, aunque la grieta de BEA hablara sobre el proceso complejo del acontecimiento (CEP), sugiriendo que las herramientas del WYSIWYG para la ingeniería de proceso de negocio (BPE, y es familiar cercano, Re-engineering del proceso de negocio, o BPR) se podrían permitir fácilmente por el uso de su juego de herramientas de las compañías (presumir que esto sería qué fue llamada integración de WebLogic, o WLI, funcionando encima el encargado del proceso de negocio de WebLogic, o BPM, que sí mismo funciona con encima el servidor de aplicaciones de BEA J2EE).

    Él sugirió que esto se convirtió en una tecnología aceptable debido al movimiento “todo” a la memoria.

    Franco pensé este extremadamente cuestionable, como que la herramienta, tanta de su tipo, abstrae tanto complejidad técnica a fin de simplificar sus funcionamientos para para ser utilizado por Business Analysts al punto que las capacidades no funcionales tales como velocidad, funcionamiento, y confiabilidad, se afectan perjudicial.

    He parecido esta edición antes, y es específicamente hacer con la abstracción excesiva de la solución, al punto de que no hace caso, o no toma algo en la consideración, los problemas técnicos.

    Puede ser demostrada lo más obviamente posible comparando dos diagramas de secuencia, uno que demuestra cómo el analista/el diseñador del negocio piensa que trabaja basado en las llamadas funcionales que hace, y entonces cómo trabaja realmente basado sobre el adición de las llamadas no funcionales hace. Incluso si usted no entiende diagramas de secuencia debe por lo menos poner en contraste que va mucho más en que la persona que diseña estos procesos es consciente de.

    Aquí está un diagrama de secuencia del ejemplo, considerado en el nivel funcional.

    Aquí está el mismo diagrama de secuencia, considerado en el nivel no funcional.

    Como usted puede ver llano mucho va en “debajo de la capilla”, y esto no se debe despedir puramente para ganar aumentos en tiempo de la entrega/de la puesta en práctica. Haré un poste apenas en este tema en un futuro próximo.

    Mis pensamientos

    Aquí está una sección de las cosas durante las cuales vino importar y después del acontecimiento…

    Algunos pensamientos en la HPC a través de industrias de diferenciación

    Don Grantham, EVP para nuestras ventas y servicios globales (GSS) que la organización (Don es básicamente el jefe de la ingeniería entera del “campo” o del “cliente”) dijo en su nota tónica medida de la organización BRITÁNICA la “para qué usted cuida, porque usted vendrá cuidar para lo que usted mide”, y esto es la base de mis pensamientos en los diversos sistemas de la HPC a través del mundo, y a través de las industrias de diferenciación.

    Encuentro que “los diversos sistemas de la HPC a través de industrias de diferenciación son definidos por las medidas atribuidas a ellas”, así que para los sistemas de la HPC en la educación e investigo esto soy típicamente teraflops y similares, la materia del Top500. Pero para los sistemas de la HPC en finanzas se miden típicamente en el estado latente comercial, el cumplimiento transaccional y la velocidad algorítmica. Mientras que para el Google y el otro Internet basó “rejillas de la HPC del cálculo de la nube” el foco es respuestas acertadas en un plazo dado.

    Pues los requisitos funcionales son diferentes, aunque comparten la misma clase de requisitos no funcionales de la escala y de funcionamiento, la arquitectura y la topología a través de sistemas de la HPC es diferentes, llevando a las rejillas y a la HPC específicas de la industria.

    Supongo esto es bastante obvio, pero encuentro que es la obvia, cualidad de la base, materia que la gente pierde el foco de y olvida aparentemente. La infraestructura entre los tipos de diferenciación de la HPC, según lo delineado por la industria, puede tener muchas semejanzas en la capa de la infraestructura (velocidad, funcionamiento, componentes de la tecnología, red, topología es decir cómo ha cabido junta), no obstante diferencian inmenso cuando viene al uso/a las capas lógicas y funcionales.

    Algunos pensamientos en sistemas de mensajería a través de industrias de diferenciación

    Extensión de mi serie de descripciones de sistema de mensajería fuera de las que está en sistemas de mensajería en el gobierno para cubrir otras industrias, incluyendo: tierra comercial (las bolsas y su tipo, los sistemas de comercio de los datos del mercado, ARREGLO, FIXml, rápido y SwiftNet, etc.), tierra para uso general (Moresco, el DTC, etc.), tierra de la energía (gas, aceite, y otros intercambios de comercio de la energía y del recurso), al por menor (B2B, etc.), fabricación (oferta y demanda), medios (noticias, y datos del mercado también si usted es Reuters), y Telco (cliente y transferencia y transacciones del servicio).

    Qué estos sistemas de mensajería precisan es que cada uno está compartiendo para permitir negocio, y que las materias de la inclusión y de la participación.

    Algunos pensamientos en la aceleración de los sistemas de comercio derecho con el proceso (STP)

    Así como el movimiento de re-engineer los mercados comerciales para evitar procesos de negocio de la herencia, otra manera de mejorar velocidad sería retirar el diccionario de datos existente durante el comercio relacionado derecho con el proceso (STP).

    No traducir adentro y fuera de los diccionarios de datos propietarios locales, en lugar del ARREGLO del uso como el diccionario de datos nativo a través de una transacción comercial.

    FasterTrading 2008 и разртв рынков Великобритании и европейца торговый

    После того как многодельный день на работе в нашем последнем вторник городского управления (4-ом) я мог получить вперед к случаю 2008 FasterTrading Intel , котор хозяйничает ванта ex-Sun, Nigel Woodward, сверх на HQ IET на пышном месте Savoy. …..

    FasterTrading 2008 e la frammentazione dei mercati commerciali dell’europeo e del Regno Unito

    Dopo che un giorno occupato sul lavoro nel nostro ufficio di città martedì scorso (il quarto) potevo ottenere avanti all’evento 2008 di FasterTrading dell’Intel , ospitato da un tipo di ex-Sun, Nigel Woodward, sopra al HQ dello IET al posto magnifico della Savoia. …..

    FasterTrading 2008 i the fragmentaryzacja the UK i Europejczyk Handlowy Rynek

    Po Tym Jak ruchliwie dzień przy praca w nasz Miasto Biurowy ostatni Wtorek (the 4th) I być sprawnie sprawnie Intel FasterTrading 2008 wydarzenie, gościć ex-Słońce facet, Nigel Woodward, przy the HQ the IET przy the wspaniały Savoy Miejsce.

    I naprawdę cieszyć się the wydarzenie, ono jeden the najlepszy sprzedawca bieg, targowy obszycie, wydarzenie I targowy iść. Nigel i the Intel drużyna zabezpieczać niektóre niektóre mówca kto naprawdę znać ich materiał, i ono być przyjemność.

    I łamać puszek co I chwytać przeciw co mówca i ich smoła ich (gdy odniesienie tutaj być odniesienie o the mówca i tam  indywidualny smoła zbyt) i I używać ten poczta jako sposobność i write-up przegląd the aktualny status the Europejczyk i UK Finanse i Rynek Handlarski przemysł, zarówno jak i the temat smoła the wydarzenie, che być the aktualny technologia “Ręka Ścigać się” wokoło wzrastający Handlowy prędkość wydarzenie i the wpływ narosły Handlowy prędkość na handel.

    The poczta dzielić w the następujący sekcja che głownie podążać the kurs che the wydarzenie (oprócz the ostatni sekcja, che być mój odbicie i myśl o the wydarzenie i swój zawartość).

    • Targowy Przegląd
    • The Nowy Rynek (miejsce) Producent
    • The Standard Okaziciel
    • The Bank Szef Architekt
    • The Sprzedawca
    • The Sponsor Panel
    • Mój Myśl

    Targowy Przegląd

    George Andreadis, Głowa AES Płynność Strategia przy Kredytowy Suisse, przedstawiać “Wyzwanie the handlarski ręka ścigać się”.

    Nasz pierwszy mówca zakrywać the fragmentaryzacja w the handlarski rynek przez the UK i Europa i dlaczego UK być i on dać przykładny przegląd UK.

    Opłata różnorodność powód, the liczba Targowy System handlowy i Rynek przez Europa (właśnie w the UK) być wartko, the Europejczyk Rynek Handel rynek, wielki rywalizacja. On pójść dalej:

    • Rynek w Pieniężny Instrument Zarządzenie (MiFID)
    • Ciemny Płynność i Ciemny Basen
    • Niski Utajenie i Depresja Utajenie Handel
    • Mądrze Rozkaz Numer banku (SOR) versus Mądrze Rozkaz Egzekucja (SOE)

    Rynek w Pieniężny Instrument Zarządzenie (MiFID)

    Przy bardzo podstawowy poziom the Rynek w Pieniężny Instrument Zarządzenie (MiFID) być legalny zgoda między the Europejski Ekonomiczny Teren naród i handel w otwarty sposób, i prowadzić the “otwarcie otwarty” the Europejski Handlarski Rynek, i ostatecznie the aktualny fragmentaryzacja widzieć w tamte rynek.

    Ciemny Płynność i Ciemny Basen

    Ciemny Płynność ogólny znaczyć płynność che wyjawiać, i gdy zbierać wpólnie ono być w Ciemny Basen. Książka być daleko-wprowadzać na rynek kolekcja Ciemny Ciecz dokąd tam  być pragnienie bez pokaz na rozkaz książka. Ponieważ płynność wyjawiać potencjalny rynek uczestnik móc targowy głębia. Rynek być pożytecznie dla handlowiec ogromna liczba część bez themselves the rynek otwarty, i ogólny używać i targowy wpływ gdy handlować wielki rozkaz (który inaczej ruszać się the rynek jeżeli znać).

    Niski Utajenie i Depresja Utajenie Handel

    Niski Utajenie być obecnie bardzo “gorący” temat dla Handlowiec “(1) millisecond przewaga w zastosowanie konserwować być wartym $100 milion rok“. Ono skupiać się w kierunku napędowy puszek Handel transakcja utajenie równie dużo ewentualny.

    Niski Utajenie Handel być o the transakcja prędkość redukcja pieniężny przewaga. The olbrzymi różnica w transakcja utajenie przez the Świat prowadzić żądanie dla z system który móc the niski utajenie ewentualny, w rzeczywistości jeden the najwięcej uderzający różnica który on mówić wokoło być the porównanie w utajenie przez the świat, utajenie w the USA być tak dobre jak 5 ms, the UK być około 20 ms, podczas gdy the Europejczyk średnia być równie biedny 40 ms.

    Mądrze Rozkaz Numer banku (SOR) versus Mądrze Rozkaz Egzekucja (SOE)

    On także mówić o Mądrze Rozkaz Numer banku (SOR) w poważanie Mądrze Rozkaz Egzekucja (SOE).

    W przeszłości Skupiać się bardzo mocno o the ilość the handel i skupiać się powszechnie dzwonić Mądrze Rozkaz Egzekucja (SOE). Gdy ty mieć jeden rynek, tak jak the Londyński Giełda Papierów Wartościowych (LSE), ty potrzebować równie dużo pieniężny wartość z the handlowy “prawy” ewentualny.

    Z the pojawienie się nowy Handlarski Rynek, pieniężny wartość móc dostarczać che handlarski rynek dawać ty the najlepszy nagroda dla twój handel, i być bardzo mocno o być z, być typowo dzwonić Mądrze Rozkaz Numer banku (SOR).

    SOR spojrzenie the pytanie: “handel I wysyłać mój handel the zyskowny handel”.

    SOE odpowiadać the pytanie: “jak i kiedy I ustawiać i transact mój handel the zyskowny handel”.

    Oczywiście Niski Utajenie Handlarski wpływ i być obecnie w symbiotyczny związek z SOR.

    The Nowy Rynek (miejsce) Producent

    Peter Randall, CEO Chi-X, przedstawiać: “Nowy rynek handlarski model & technologia”.

    Nasz następny mówca dać przegląd dlaczego Utajenie być więc zwalniać w the UK (i przez Europa) przeciw the handlarski utajenie znajdować w the USA. Jego opinia być że my w the UK komputeryzować spadek, istota ludzka skupiać się, rozwój biznesu, i nigdy naprawdę ruszać się zdala od zachęcanie który modelować. Podczas Gdy the Amerykanin dostarczać skomputeryzowany system handlowy, che polegać na ludzki/organicznie przerób.

    The nowy wymiana jak Chi-X wziąć the Amerykański podejście i zaczynać z proces projektować dla elektroniczny system od the outset. Średnia być główny powód dlaczego Chi-X handlarski utajenie być równie niski 7 ms, właśnie 2 ms daleko the Amerykański (NASDAQ) średnia, całość 13 ms szybki the UK (LSE) średnia, i 33 ms szybki the Europejski średnia!

    The pragnienie w Ciemny Basen, Peter pozować the retoryczny pytanie “System handlowy umożliwiać the transformacja the Europejski rynek i the przyrost te Targowy system handlowy?” ono:

    1. The Rynek w Pieniężny Instrument Zarządzenie (MiFID) – zgoda przez Europa dla koordynować i harmonizować przepis w the pieniężny przemysł
    2. Pieniężny Informacja wymiana (DYLEMAT) Protokół – pospolity interfejs standard
    3. Targowy Dane – dostępny i bezpłatny
    4. Rebating – niski transakcja koszt przechodzić dalej zysk finansowy the nabywca i sprzedawca – the “producent i zabieracz” korzyść

    I myśleć że tam  być dużo tutaj dla the inny (dane) system handlowy inny, i punkt który atrybut jakaś taki system potrzeba pomyślny, oprócz the oczywisty wymaganie dla prawdziwy “Biznesowy Potrzeba”:

    1. Przepis – zgadzać się granica i demarkacja (i.e co być odpowiedzialny dla co, gdy)
    2. Otwierać Standard – standard, utrzymywać i kierować, z obejmujący podejście the standard
    3. Podzielony Status – dokąd the aktualny status znać i tam  być pospolity kryterium sędzia przeciw
    4. Dobry Wartość dla Pieniądze – dla wszystko zaniepokojony

    The Standard Okaziciel

    Kevin Houstoun, CTO BidRoute, przedstawiać: “Wygrywać the rasa płynność & nowy usługa”.

    Kevin być popularny postać w the Finansowy przemysł, jako ewangelista dla the DYLEMAT protokół, che on być w idealny pozycja w ten sposób jako the co-prowadzić the DYLEMAT Protokół Globalny Komisja Techniczna, on także prowadzić the przechowalnia grupa robocza i the sieć usługa grupa robocza.

    On dać przegląd Oferta Trasa jako dostawca SOR opierać się rozwiązanie, architektura wokoło SOR architektura.

    Widownia członek the Ochrona Technologia Analiza Centrum (STAC) przynosić w górę niektóre dobra uwaga o the ruch w kierunku znormalizowany SOR opierać się handlarski architektura i the wzrost w dane dostępny wokoło the występ system handlowy (che, oczywiście, STAC jechać).

    The Bank Szef Architekt

    Tony Biskup, poprzedni Naczelny Architekt Wachovia ONO (sponsorować wspólnie Verari i Wachovia), przedstawiać: “Szybkościowy handel: specjalizować się rozwiązanie”.

    Tony dać możliwie jeden the najlepszy przegląd dopasowywanie czynnościowy wymaganie (w ten przykład jeden handel) jeden technologia. Ono być znakomity gdy ono pracować na dwa poziom, the przegląd między the związek między czynnościowy wymaganie i technologia być dobry, ale więc być the dopasowanie the technologia tamte biznesowy wymaganie. On kierować i w jeden obruszenie, i szczerze I bardzo imponować.

    On kontynuować dalej the technologia uprawomocniać, on mówić o the technika on uprawomocniać przy Wachovia ich przewaga pod względem handlowy prędkość w the USA, che zawrzeć:

    1. Znormalizowany system handlowy projekt skupiać się wokoło “Strąk
    • Inny mechanizm w górę promocja/rozmieszczenie
    • Wysoki poziom elastyczność, utrudniony nowy DC (i pozwolenie w ten sposób)
    • Unikać pełny ISO sterta, używać technologia che opowiadać bezpośrednio the narzędzia jeżeli i dokąd ewentualny
    • Wyładowywać Standardowy przerób Córka Deska zestaw chipów
    • Stawiać specyfik, zastrzeżony bank algorytm na Córka Deska układ scalony
    • Use Jawa wartko funkcjonalność, utworzenie środowisko dokąd ono biegać szybki niż niż kompilować C++
    • Stawiać pamięć Jawa opierać się w pamięć, opierać się przyrząd 80GB pamięć
    • Zwrot z Śmieciarski Kolekcja – obezwładniać Deterministyczny Śmieciarski Kolekcja (GC), pozwolić the proces w górę niezebrany pamięć dopóki the 80 GB “basen” być dosyć ono przez the handlowy cykl, gdy ono móc zmuszać Śmieciarski Kolekcja wtedy
    • Ruszać się magazyn online i stały środek
    • Tony sugerować brać około 30% wszystkie DC podłogowy przestrzeń teraz wziąć teraz magazyn, i ono być imperatywny ten odcisk stopy the compute władza dostępny.

    I przypuszczać, bez zaskoczenia, I cieszyć się Tony prezentacja najwięcej, wydawać dużo mój kariera w ONO Architektura rola, i jeden mój główny interes jak technologia uprawomocniać prawdziwy biznesowy potrzeba.

    W rozmowa z Tony po the wydarzenie on powiedzieć te rzecz:

    • Pomiar liczyć się wiara i poręczenie. Używać OpsTier przy Wachovia pionowo widok przez ich (wieloskładnikowy) n-poziom architektura i zastosowanie, i horyzontalny widok przez the zastosowanie, infrastruktura, sieć i magazyn.
    • Słońce być jeden the wielki Firma Softwarowa w the Świat, i raczej dawać daleko od nasz oprogramowanie i ładować dla narzędzia, my musieć the nasz dla nasz oprogramowanie i nasz narzędzia daleko od dla bezpłatny (musieć I słuchać bezpłatny przed, ale zazwyczaj ono mówić zupełnie “jęzor w policzek” che I czuć z Tony wersja).

    The Sprzedawca

    Pavel Yegerov, Naczelny Architekt Pieniężny Usługa przy Intel, przedstawiać: “Przyśpieszenie technika dla the stać na czele-biuro infrastruktura”.

    Podstawowy to być przegląd the Intel mapa samochodowa, well przedstawiać i stawiać wpólnie. I zakładać niektóre the łączny praca który the Intel Finanse drużyna robić wśród the przemysł (prawdopodobnie Nigel dla przynajmniej dla dla, on wstawiać się the wczesna praca wokoło DYLEMAT przy Słońce około sześć lub siedem rok temu).

    The Sponsor Panel

    Tam  być przedstawicielstwo od the następujący firma (z przykrością I łapać the imię, właśnie, reprezentować):

    • Fujitsu-Siemens
    • BEA (teraz Wyrocznia filia oczywiście)
    • Merrill Lynch
    • Goldman Sachs
    • Wierność

    Przywoływać dużo od ten część the wydarzenie, chociaż the kumpel od BEA mówić o Powikłany Wydarzenie Przerób (CEP), proponowanie który the WYSIWYG narzędzie dla Rozwój Biznesu Inżynieria (BPE, i ono być bliski krewny, Rozwój Biznesu Re-engineering, lub BPR) móc łatwo umożliwiać przy pomocy jego firma toolset (przypuszczać być być być dzwonić WebLogic Integracja, lub WLI, nad the WebLogic Rozwój Biznesu Kierownik, lub BPM, che bpm biegać nad the BEA J2EE Serwer Aplikacji).

    On sugerować że pamięć zostać dopuszczalny technologia należny the ruch “pamięć” pamięć.

    Szczerze I myśleć ten niezwykle sporny, ten narzędzie, równie, swój rodzaj, abstract tak dużo techniczny złożoność w oferta ich działanie używać Biznes Analityk the punkt który używać potencjał tak jak prędkość, występ, i niezawodność, wywierać wpływ używać.

    I napotykać ten zagadnienie przed, i ono być specyficznie z the nadmierny abstrakcja rozwiązanie, the punkt który ono ignorować, lub raczej brać w rozważanie, the techniczny przymus.

    Ono móc oczywiście demonstrować dwa sekwencja diagram, jeden jak the Biznesowy Analityk/Projektant myśleć ono pracować zasadzony na the Czynnościowy wezwanie ono robić, i wtedy jak ono właściwie pracować zasadzony na the Zasadzony wezwanie ono robić. Nawet jeśli ty rozumieć sekwencja diagram ono musieć przynajmniej że tam  o wiele więcej iść na the osoba te proces być świadomy.

    Tutaj być przykład Sekwencja Diagram, widzieć przy the Czynnościowy Poziom.

    Tutaj być the ten sam Sekwencja Diagram, widzieć przy the Widzieć Poziom.

    Gdy ty móc otwarcie tam  dużo iść na “pod the kapiszon”, i być musieć odprawiać wyłącznie wzrost w dostawa/urzeczywistnienie czas. I robić poczta właśnie na ten temat w the pobliski przyszłość.

    Mój Myśl

    Tutaj być sekcja the rzecz który przychodzić podczas i po the wydarzenie…

    Niektóre myśl na HPC przez Przemysł

    Przywdziewać Grantham, EVP dla nasz Globalny Sprzedaż i Usługa (GSS) Organisation (podstawowy Don być the głowa the całkowity “Pole” lub “Klient” inżynieria) mówić w jego główny wątek the UK organisation “miara przemysł ty dbać dla, ponieważ ty przychodzić dla przychodzić ty mierzyć”, i mierzyć leżeć u podłoża mój przemyśliwanie na the różny HPC system przez the świat, i przez the przemysł.

    I znajdować że “the różny HPC system przez przemysł definiować the pomiar przypisywać”, więc dla HPC system w edukacja i badać top500 być typowo teraflops i the podobieństwo, the materiał the Top500. Ale dla HPC system w Finanse typowo mierzyć w handlowy utajenie, handlowy zadość i handlowy prędkość. Podczas Gdy dla Google i the inny Internet opierać się “obłoczny compute” HPC siatka the ostrość być pomyślny odpowiedź w dawać czas okres.

    Gdy the czynnościowy wymaganie być różny, nawet jeśli dzielić the ten sam poniekąd poniekąd skala i występ wymaganie, the architektura i topologia przez HPC system być różny, prowadzić Przemysł Odmianowy Siatka i HPC.

    I przypuszczać pozornie być dosyć oczywisty, ale I znajdować ono być the oczywisty, rdzeniować atrybut, materiał że ludzie gubić ostrość i pozornie zapominać. The Infrastruktura między the HPC typ, warstwa przemysł, móc mnóstwo podobieństwo przy the infrastruktura warstwa (prędkość, występ, technologia składnik, sieć, topologia i.e jak ono dostosowywać wpólnie), jednakże odróżniać się ogromnie jeśli chodzi o the podaniowy/logiczny i czynnościowy warstwa.

    Niektóre myśl na przesyłanie wiadomości system przez Przemysł

    Mój seria przesyłanie wiadomości system przegląd na zewnątrz the przemysł na przesyłanie wiadomości system w Rząd inny przemysł, zawierać: handlowy ziemia (the Giełda Papierów Wartościowych i ich rodzaj, the Targowy Dane system handlowy, DYLEMAT, FIXml, Jerzyk i SwiftNet, Etc.), użyteczność ziemia (Moresco, the DTC, Etc.), energia ziemia (gaz, olej, i inny energia i zasoby handlarski wymiana), handel detaliczny (B2B, Etc.), (podaż i popyt), środek (wiadomość, i targowy dane zbyt jeżeli ty być Reuters), i Telco (klient i usługa przeniesienie i transakcja).

    Sprawa te przesyłanie wiadomości system uwydatniać być że sprawa być udzielenie biznes, i że włączenie i uczestnictwo sprawa.

    Niektóre myśl na mknięcie – w górę system handlowy Prosto Przez Przerób (STP)

    Zarówno jak i the ruch re-engineer the handlarski rynek spadek Rozwój Biznesu, inny sposób prędkość być the inny dane słownik podczas handel odnosić sie Prosto Przez Przerób (STP).

    Tłumaczyć wewnątrz i z lokalny zastrzeżony dane słownik, zamiast używać DYLEMAT jako the rodzimy dane słownik przez cały handlowy transakcja.

    FasterTrading 2008 et la fragmentation des marchés commerciaux du R-U et de l’Européen

    Après qu’un jour occupé au travail dans notre bureau de ville mardi dernier (le 4ème) j’aie pu subsister à l’événement 2008 de FasterTrading d’Intel , accueilli par un type d’ex-Sun, Nigel Woodward, plus d’au QG de l’IET à l’endroit magnifique de la Savoie. …..

    FasterTrading 2008 en de fragmentatie van de Britse en Europese van de Handel Markten

    Na een bezige dag op het werk in ons Bureau van de Stad vorige Dinsdag (de vierde) die ik kon aan de gebeurtenis vooruitgang boeken van FasterTrading 2008 van Intel , door een ex-zonkerel, Nigel Woodward, over bij HK van IET op de prachtige Plaats van de Savooiekool wordt ontvangen. …..

    FasterTrading 2008年和英国和欧洲人商业市场的破碎

    在一繁忙的天在工作在我们的市政厅最后星期二(4个)之后我能有 英特尔的FasterTrading 2008年 事件,主持由前太阳人,奈格尔Woodward,在IET的HQ在壮观的开胃菜地方。 我真正地享受这个事件,发现它一个最佳的供营商奔跑,市场饰面,我去的事件。 奈格尔和英特尔队巩固了真正地知道他们的材料的一些第一流报告人,并且它是乐趣听他们。 我划分了什么我夺取了反对每位报告人,并且如下他们的沥青(因为 这里 参考 是更多关于报告人和那里个体沥青. …..

    FasterTrading 2008 och splittringen av UK- och européhandeln marknadsför

    Över på HQEN av IETEN på den storartade savoyen förlägga, efter en upptagen dag på arbete i vår tisdag för jumbon för stadskontoret (4th) jag var kompetent att få along till Intel den FasterTrading händelsen som 2008 varades värd av enSun grabb, Nigel Woodward. ….. 1 Trackback

    FasterTrading 2008 und die Zerteilung der Großbritannien-und Europäer-Geschäftsmärkte

    Nachdem ein beschäftigter Tag bei der Arbeit in unserem Stadtbüro letzten Dienstag (der 4.) ich in der Lage war, Intels FasterTrading an das Ereignis 2008 entlang zu gelangen, bewirtet von einem Exsun-Kerl, Nigel Woodward, vorbei am Hauptquartier des IET am ausgezeichneten Wirsing-Platz. …..

    FasterTrading 2008年およびイギリスおよびヨーロッパ人の貿易市場の分裂

    私達の市役所の仕事の使用中日最後の火曜日(第4)私が IntelのFasterTradingの前 日曜日の人が、壮麗なサヴォイの場所のIETのHQのナイジェルWoodward催した得られた後、 2008年の でき事に。 私は実際にそれを見つけるでき事を最もよい売り手の操業の1つ、市場の表面仕上げ、私によってがまだに行っているでき事楽しんだ。 ナイジェルおよびIntelのチームは実際に彼らの原料を知っていた、それはそれらを聞く喜びだったある最高のスピーカーをしっかり止め。 . …..

    Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture – Event Update

    Just a short post re: the “Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture” event I presented at last week for the Birmingham Branch of the BCS.

    Pleased to say that the event went very well, with a very good turn out, and I was told that it was almost twice the size of the average group meeting and the largest for the preceding year.

    Sadly I only presented a few slides, although I spoke for almost two hours, and I won’t be posting them in the short term for two reasons, first, there were only a few slides with no electronically captured notes, and second, I have a couple more presentations and talks to give on the topic, and this material will be the basis for them (more details below).

    Basically the areas I covered, without giving too much away, were:

    1. What is Enterprise Architecture ?
    • Public Definitions of Enterprise Architecture (EA)
    • My Definition of EA (as a practitioner)
    • An overview of the major EA frameworks
    • A comparative analysis of the major EA Framework variants, with particular attention to Zachman model (and the ZFEA) and the Open Group’s TOGAF
    • The relationship of EA to other technical architecture disciplines (Application Architecture, Systems / Infrastructure Architecture and Solution Architecture)
    • The relationship between EA and other major “Macro IT” initiatives, such as ITIL, Cobit, CMM, etc.
  • Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture
    • A large Utility company: and how an EA team led it’s business into a £70 Million black hole, and what we had to do to “rescue” the situation
    • A large Government department: and how EA can enable the definition of SOA Roadmaps and Transformation plans
    • A large Government organisation: and how getting the right EA Governance structure is key to ensuring the success of the overall IT change programme
  • Recommendations & Summary
    • A variety of recommendations when implementing and governing EA programmes
  • Q & A
    • An open session

    The responses to the event were very positive, Howard Hewitt, Senior Consultant at Syntaxnet kindly dropped me an email after the event saying:

    “Just a quick note to thank you for the talk in Birmingham on Monday night. It was very informative and useful.”

    Whilst another comment sent in by email was:

    “I enjoyed your presentation on Enterprise Architecture, thanks. I thought it provided a pragmatic view; something sorely lacking within the world of IT!”

    My friend, and the person who taught me the C programming language many years ago, Walter Milner, said:

    “Gadzooks!”, to go back a further century. On behalf of the BCS, thanks Wayne.

    And it was especially nice to see Micheal Flaherty, with whom I worked on the 1901 census website, at the event too.

    As to the upcoming events which I’ll be presenting the next iteration of this material, they should be another BCS event, an IET event, and this year’s European leg of the Open Group’s “Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2008”.

    Reader’s of this blog may be aware this will be my third year presenting for the Open Group on Enterprise Architecture, having presented at the “Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2007” in Paris, and the “Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2006” in London).

    More details on these upcoming events as I get further confirmations, dates, locations and times.

    Target Earth – the 2008 Turing Lecture with Dr. James Martin

    Last night, after work, I was lucky enough to be able to go to one of the Technology highlights of the year, the annual Turing Lecture (2008) . …..