I’ll be presenting tomorrow at the “Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference 2008”.
As usual this Enterprise Architecture (EA) Practitioners Conference is being hosted by the Open Group, the custodians of the extremely popular TOGAF EA Framework (it stand for “The Open Group Architecture Framework”). TOGAF is currently used by 80% of the Forbes Global Top 50 companies, and has emerged as a leading framework amongst Enterprise Architects for developing information systems architectures.
The strap line of the conference is “Successful Enterprise Architecture” and through the use of working application case studies and peer-group discussion, the event will demonstrate how the framework used is central to the development of an effective Enterprise Architecture.
I’ll be presenting “Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture“: exploring a number of major customer engagements, including an Enterprise Architecture team which led its company into a 70+ million pound ‘pitfall’, the use of Enterprise Architecture to define a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and an example of how successful Enterprise Architecture is dependent on achieving the proper Governance model.
This is the 18th EA Practitioners Conference, and is being held in Glasgow, Scotland, at the Radisson SAS Hotel. It will be the third one that I’ll have presented at now, having done the previous two “European” versions of the conferences: Paris in 2007 and London in 2006. There are a variety of posts about these conferences on this blog and the best way to find them, and the content I presented, is via the tag for enterprise-architecture-practitioners-conference or for more general posts with EA content at the tag on enterprise-architecture.
I’m not the only Sun guy presenting at the conference, Dan Berg (CTO Global Sales & Services and Vice President EMEA Systems Engineering) presented “Architecting the Sun” on Monday, and Rakesh Radhakrishnan (Chief Identity & SOA Architect, Sun Microsystems, US) is presenting “Aligning ADM and SOA for Successful EA” today.
Sun were originally founding members of the Open Group and thanks to Scott Radeztsky championing EA in Field / Customer Engineering in the US we have recently rejoined the Open Group as Platinum members. This has also led to a TOGAF certification programme being rolled out in the US, and I very much hope that we can see a similar programme in Europe and the UK.
Here’s the main link to the event: https://www.opengroup.org/glasgow2008/
Here’s the link to the program for the event: https://www.opengroup.org/glasgow2008/program.htm
Here’s the link to the Open Group synopsis of my presentation: https://www.opengroup.org/glasgow2008/horkan.html
- Recovered link: https://horkan.com/2008/04/22/2008-enterprise-architecture-practitioners-conference
- Archived link: https://web.archive.org/web/20100713051531/https://blogs.sun.com/eclectic/entry/2008_enterprise_architecture_practitioners_conference
- Original link: