Given that today marks the 5th year of (or just “bsc” to us Sun bloggers), and that it was this month two years ago that I published my first blog article (entitled “And finally“, an opinion piece on Gartner’s top ten predictions from 2007), I thought it would be nice to explore what “success” was in terms of blogging.
The most obvious indicator is large and regular readership, but I can’t imagine that that is all there is to it. The next most obvious criteria might be opinion setting, but measuring this seems troublesome and unscientific at that moment (until at least further semantic web infrastructure is in place to better relate meme flow across the Internet, although saying that Autonomy have an excellent visual analysis tool which is an early leading example in this field, the problem with this current non-semantic web model is that you have to generate meta-data by supposition, some of which is irregular at best).
Inward and outbound links are a major contributing factor in the calculation of Google’s “PageRank” algorithm, but I expect this to change significantly in the next few years as two things occur, increasingly effective “Search Engine Optimization” (SEO) techniques which will require modification to Google’s rating criteria, and the rise of the semantic web as increasing amounts of meta-data is included with unstructured data across the Internet, driving up implicit relationships between information.
And that leaves me with syndication and pieces written in response to your articles. Frankly I’m not sure that you can qualify syndication as a measure of success of your blog, but I do think it’s a good indicator of how far your message is being spread. I’m still uncomfortable with this, as I would prefer something more Empirical, however I think it may be about the best ‘soft’ indicator we have at the moment.
So using syndication of, and responses to, my articles, as a potential leading indicator, I correlated the following list. Historically I would have used Technorati to generate this information, but Technorati is suffering from some real issues lately, it’s page layout has become befuddled, and worst of all it’s not capturing (even remotely) the responses to my articles, subsequently I used Google Analytics’ “Referring Sites” breakdown instead (the list below isn’t remotely exhaustive, so if there is anything missing you’d like me to add let me know).
- Cloud Relationship Model Syndicated by the Sun Startup Essentials blog - Syndicated by the VC focused Entrepreneur Country website - Syndicated by System News for Sun Users - Covered by Philipp Strube in his article “Paas, Iaas, Saas: Den Überblick zu behalten ist wie immer ein Problem für sich” - Covered by Eric Bezille in his article “Sur les pas du premier Cloud Camp à Paris…” - Covered by Jana Technologies in their blog article “The Cloud Relationship Model” - Covered by in their blog article “EaaS: Everything as a Service – The next big buzzword?” - Was the first blog article to be included in Sun’s “Get the Buzz on Sun’s Cloud” Cloud Computing news site - Get’s an honourable mention by “The Aquarium” a popular Sun ‘group’ blog in the article “Your Data Center is Your (Cloud) Computer” - I was also asked if it would be OK to be used by Juniper Networks in their Cloud Computing overview, to which I agreed wholeheartedly
- Syndicated by the Sun Startup Essentials blog
- FasterTrading 2008 and the fragmentation of the UK and European Trade Markets Advertised on Sun’s corporate Architecture Services page “Architect Your IT Environment” as “Financial Services Market: Read a blog about how IT architecture impacts financial trading”
- Advertised on Sun’s corporate Architecture Services page “Architect Your IT Environment” as “Financial Services Market: Read a blog about how IT architecture impacts financial trading”
- Cloud Computing panel interview with Sun Microsystems at ‘Entrepreneur Country’ Syndicated by the VC focused Entrepreneur Country website
- Syndicated by the VC focused Entrepreneur Country website
- The Open Group release TOGAF 9 Written about on the Capgemini CIO blog - As the above was written by Ron Tolido, Vice-president and Chief Technology Officer of Capgemini for Continental Europe and Asia Pacific, it is also included on his blog - Included in the article “TOGAF 9” by Richard Varyard on his principally SOA themed blog - Included on the Open Group TOGAF 9 website
- Written about on the Capgemini CIO blog
- Response to the Capgemini CTO Blog article on the release of TOGAF 9 Mentioned by Matt Armstrong-Barnes on his blog article “TOGAF 9” - ComputerWeekly Capgemini news Covered by Joerg Moellenkamp in “links for 2009-03-15” - Covered by Joerg Moellenkamp in “links for 2009-03-15”
- Mentioned by Matt Armstrong-Barnes on his blog article “TOGAF 9”
- Simon Freeman, ex Chief Architect of the Government Gateway, responds to “Evolution of UK Government Messaging Systems” Syndicated by Computer Weekly DIY Desktop Blog and Ping (by Jim Degerstrom)
- DIY Desktop Blog and Ping (by Jim Degerstrom)
- My presentation on “Case Studies of Enterprise Architecture” as covered in the accompanying article and Reviewed in the article “Case Studies in Enterprise Architecture”
- Reviewed in the article “Case Studies in Enterprise Architecture”
- Sun Vodafone team winners in BCS awards ComputerWeekly Vodafone Group Plc News and Profile
- ComputerWeekly Vodafone Group Plc News and Profile
- Thoughts on hearing that Northern Rock are to lend £14 Billion in mortgages ComputerWeekly Northern Rock news
- ComputerWeekly Northern Rock news
- No outbound Twitter SMS for Europe, the UK and, frankly, most of the World “SMS is dead long live SMS” article from the rElearn blog
- “SMS is dead long live SMS” article from the rElearn blog
- Messaging Sub-Systems in the UK Government Referenced by Wikipedia in the article “Government to Government”
- Referenced by Wikipedia in the article “Government to Government”
- Roller Weblogger Related Entries and Blog Post code - Roller Weblogger alternative Next Previous function - Roller Weblogger Archive Menu All three of these articles are highlighted by Dave Johnson, the original designer and developer of Apache Roller / Roller Weblogger, the technology that underpins and enables the Sun Blogging platform, in his article “Eclectic Roller hacks”
- All three of these articles are highlighted by Dave Johnson, the original designer and developer of Apache Roller / Roller Weblogger, the technology that underpins and enables the Sun Blogging platform, in his article “Eclectic Roller hacks”
Given I’ve only been blogging for around two years I’m extremely pleased with the reaction and coverage I’m getting so far, which, in terms of success, works for me. The most successful articles from above appear to be those focused upon Cloud Computing, Business, Technology and Enterprise Architecture, Government IT, and large scale and complex systems, so expect more in a similar vein, as well as a focus upon the emerging field of “Web Science”. I have to admit I wasn’t keen on blogging initially, and felt rather badgered into it; at the time blogging seemed terribly self-referential to me. However it’s been a genuinely pleasant surprise to find people have enjoyed the articles and have gone on to re-use them and the ideas contained within. Many thanks to all my readers for all the encouragement along the way!
- Syndicated by Computer Weekly