Comparative Analysis of Personality Frameworks: MBTI, Business Chemistry, DISC, and Gallup Strengths

Provides a mapping across the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Deloitte’s Business Chemistry, DISC, and Gallup Strengths frameworks, illustrating potential intersections among different personality typologies. By dissecting each MBTI personality type based on four dichotomies (Extraversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving), the table attempts to map them to corresponding categories in Business Chemistry, DISC, and Gallup Strengths.


The MBTI is broadly organized into four temperaments (NF, NT, SJ, SP), each representing a set of personality types that share common characteristics. The Business Chemistry framework categorizes individuals into four primary types: Pioneers, Drivers, Integrators, and Guardians. On the other hand, the DISC model operates on four behavioural traits: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Compliance (C). Similarly, the Gallup Strengths focuses on 34 distinct personal strengths that are grouped into four domains: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking. Each of these domains highlights specific areas where an individual can excel and contribute uniquely to a team or organization.

The analysis reveals a discernible pattern of correlation among the four frameworks. For instance, MBTI’s EN and ES types generally align with Business Chemistry’s Pioneer and Integrator roles, while DISC’s Dominance (D) and Steadiness (S) traits find similarities with these MBTI types respectively. In the same vein, MBTI’s IN and IS types resonate with Business Chemistry’s Integrator and Guardian roles, and DISC’s Steadiness (S) and Compliance (C) traits.

Mapping between Myers-Briggs (MBTI) and Deloitte Business Chemistry and DISC and Gallup Strengths personality types

Table showing the mapping between the four frameworks.

MB NameTeacher/ProtagonistCampaigner/ChampionCommander/Field MarshalDebater/Inventor
MB Desc.Charismatic and inspiring leadersEnergetic, enthusiastic, and endlessly creativeBold, imaginative, strong-willed leadersSmart and curious thinkers who love debating
MB %3.3%8.1%1.8%3.2%
BC NameIntegratorPioneerDriverPioneer
BC Desc.Emphasizes connection, diplomacy, and consensus.Values possibilities, spontaneity, and innovation.Focuses on challenge, results, and taking command.Enjoys brainstorming, creative problem-solving, and taking risks.
BC Align.ENFJs are often focused on harmonizing groups and bringing people together, aligning well with the Integrator profile.ENFPs are enthusiastic innovators who enjoy exploring novel solutions, making them apt Pioneers.ENTJs are strategic leaders, often oriented towards results and logical decision-making, fitting the Driver profile.ENTPs are inventive and are excited by new ideas, matching the Pioneer profile.
D/C NameSteadiness (S)Influence (I)Primary: Dominance (D), Secondary: Compliance (C)Dominance (D)
D/C Desc.Cooperative, dependable, and prioritizes harmony and stability.Outgoing, enthusiastic, and persuasive.Direct, results-oriented, and assertive.Confident, venturesome, and seeks challenges.
D/C Align.ENFJs value deep personal connections and are motivated to maintain stability in their relationships, matching the Steadiness trait.ENFPs are charismatic individuals who can influence and energize others, aligning with the Influence trait.ENTJs are assertive leaders who pursue ambitious goals, aligning closely with the Dominance trait.ENTPs often challenge the status quo and pursue innovative solutions, resonating with the Dominance trait.
GS Name(s)Communication, Developer, Empathy, Positivity, RelatorCommunication, Positivity, Woo, Adaptability, IdeationCommand, Strategic, Achiever, Self-Assurance, CompetitionIdeation, Strategic, Command, Activator, Competition
GS Align.ENFJs are natural mentors, often able to uplift and guide others with their empathy and communicative skills.ENFPs are enthusiastic and imaginative, often able to inspire others with their positivity and innovative ideas.ENTJs are decisive leaders with a strategic vision. Their confidence and drive to achieve goals align with strengths like Command and Achiever.ENTPs are enterprising and love exploring new possibilities. Their confidence and strategic mindset are reflected in strengths like Command and Strategic.
MB NameProvider/ConsulESFP: Performer/EntertainerESTJ: Supervisor/ExecutiveESTP: Dynamo/Entrepreneur
MB Desc.Extraordinarily caring and socialSpontaneous, energetic, and enthusiastic peopleExcellent administratorsEnergetic people who want to solve problems
MB %12.3%8.5%8.7%4.3%
BC NameIntegratorPioneerGuardianPioneer
BC Desc.Focuses on relationships, harmony, and cooperation.Adventurous, lively, and values spontaneity.Organized, practical, and values order.Dynamic, pragmatic, and values action.
BC Align.ESFJs are naturally caring and prioritize harmony in relationships, aligning them closely with the Integrator profile.ESFPs are outgoing and thrive in dynamic environments, making them match the Pioneer profile.ESTJs are methodical and value structure and order, aligning them with the Guardian profile.ESTPs are practical problem solvers who enjoy challenges and thrive on action, fitting the Pioneer profile.
D/C NameSteadiness (S)Dominance (D)Compliance (C)Dominance (D)
D/C Desc.Desires peace, a supportive environment, and is loyal.Assertive, enthusiastic, and seeks immediate results.Logical, detail-oriented, and believes in following rules.Bold, challenges conventions, and is direct.
D/C Align.ESFJs are dependable and provide consistent support to others, fitting the Steadiness trait.ESFPs are assertive in their approach and are action-oriented, resonating with the Dominance trait.ESTJs are meticulous and have a strong belief in systems and procedures, making them fit the Compliance trait.ESTPs are direct in their approach and often challenge established norms, aligning them with the Dominance trait.
GS Name(s)Harmony, Responsibility, Communication, Woo, RelatorPositivity, Woo, Communication, Activator, AdaptabilityCommand, Responsibility, Discipline, Achiever, FocusActivator, Competition, Self-Assurance, Adaptability, Woo
GS Align.With a focus on caring for others and ensuring harmony, ESFJs often excel in roles that require clear communication and fostering relationships.ESFPs are enthusiastic, outgoing, and often the life of the party. Their natural communication skills and positive demeanour align with Positivity and Communication.ESTJs are often assertive leaders who value order and efficiency, resonating with strengths like Command and Discipline.Action-oriented and often thriving on challenges, ESTPs have a confidence that aligns with Self-Assurance, and their charisma can mirror the Woo strength.
MB NameCounsellor/AdvocateHealer/MediatorMastermind/ArchitectArchitect/Logician
MB Desc.Seek meaning and connection in ideasSeek harmony and express their own individualityImaginative and strategic thinkersInnovative inventors with unique perspectives
MB %1.5%4.4%2.1%3.3%
BC NameIntegratorIntegratorDriverDriver
BC Desc.Emphasizes understanding, unity, and empathetic relationships.Prioritizes feelings, relationships, and moral values.Analytical, strategic, and efficiency-focused.Problem-solving, analytical, and values innovation.
BC Align.INFJs are empathetic individuals who value deep connections and mutual understanding, making them aligned with the Integrator profile.INFPs are passionate about their values and fostering meaningful connections, aligning them closely with the Integrator profile.INTJs are methodical planners who value rationality and effectiveness, fitting the Driver profile.INTPs are inventive thinkers who enjoy dissecting complex problems, making them apt for the Driver profile.
D/C NameSteadiness (S)Steadiness (S)Primary: Dominance (D), Secondary: Compliance (C)Primary: Dominance (D), Secondary: Compliance (C)
D/C Desc.Values consistency, patience, and loyal relationships.Seeks harmony, supportive environments, and genuine connections.Independent, logical, and determined.Curious, challenges conventions, and values autonomy.
D/C Align.INFJs are often dependable and prefer harmonious relationships, resonating with the Steadiness trait.INFPs prioritize authenticity and harmony in their surroundings, matching the Steadiness trait.INTJs are assertive in their approaches and seek logical outcomes, aligning closely with the Dominance trait.INTPs are independent thinkers who often question established norms, aligning with the Dominance trait.
GS Name(s)Empathy, Relator, Strategic, Individualization, ConnectednessEmpathy, Individualization, Adaptability, Connectedness, DeveloperStrategic, Deliberative, Analytical, Ideation, FocusIdeation, Analytical, Strategic, Learner, Input
GS Align.INFJs tend to form deep connections and possess a vision for the future. Their intuitive understanding of others can be reflected in strengths like Empathy and Individualization.INFPs seek deep, meaningful connections and often sense the emotions and needs of others, resonating with strengths like Empathy and Connectedness.With a knack for planning and a love for big ideas, INTJs are often strategic thinkers. Their inclination to think deeply before acting mirrors the Deliberative strength.INTPs love exploring new ideas and are logical thinkers. Their innate curiosity and analytical mindset echo strengths like Ideation and Analytical.
MB NameProtector/DefenderComposer/AdventurerInspector/LogisticianCraftsman/Virtuoso
MB Desc.Warm, friendly, and conscientiousCharming, sensitive, and curiousFact-minded, practical, reliable, and dutifulBold, practical experimenters
MB %13.8%8.8%11.6%5.4%
BC NameIntegratorGuardianGuardianGuardian
BC Desc.Values tradition, reliability, and nurturing relationships.Appreciates aesthetics, harmony, and personal values.Values order, duty, and reliability.Analytical, pragmatic, and values hands-on experiences.
BC Align.ISFJs are caring and dependable, often upholding traditions and creating harmonious environments, resonating with the Integrator profile.ISFPs are individualistic and have a strong aesthetic sense, making them fit for the Guardian profile.ISTJs are methodical, dependable, and value structure, aligning them closely with the Guardian profile.ISTPs are practical problem solvers who enjoy tangible tasks, aligning them with the Guardian profile.
D/C NameSteadiness (S)Compliance (C)Compliance (C)Compliance (C)
D/C Desc.Reliable, patient, and seeks stability.Accommodating, humble, and values peace.Detail-oriented, systematic, and values accuracy.Adaptable, observant, and values clarity.
D/C Align.ISFJs provide consistent support and avoid confrontations, aligning closely with the Steadiness trait.ISFPs are adaptable and often avoid conflicts, resonating with the Compliance trait.ISTJs prioritize accuracy and following procedures, making them match the Compliance trait.ISTPs analyze situations before taking action and prefer clarity in their tasks, resonating with the Compliance trait.
GS Name(s)Responsibility, Empathy, Harmony, Consistency, RelatorAdaptability, Empathy, Relator, Developer, IndividualizationResponsibility, Discipline, Deliberative, Analytical, ConsistencyAdaptability, Analytical, Arranger, Restorative, Self-Assurance
GS Align.Known for their nurturing nature, ISFJs prioritize interpersonal harmony and are deeply committed. Their preference for stable, consistent environments aligns with strengths like Harmony and Consistency.With a strong preference for personal values and a focus on the present, ISFPs can easily resonate with others and thrive in harmonious settings.ISTJs are detail-oriented, reliable, and value order and tradition. They are analytical in nature and often take their commitments very seriously, mirroring the Gallup strengths of Responsibility and Discipline.ISTPs are practical problem-solvers, often confident in their abilities and can easily adapt to changing circumstances, aligning with Adaptability and Restorative.
Table mapping Myers-Briggs (MBTI), Business Chemistry, DISC, and Gallup Strengths models

Glossary & Key to Table

  • MBTI – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • MB – Shortened form of MBTI
  • BC – Deloitte’s Business Chemistry
  • DISC – Dominance (D), Inducement (I), Submission (S), Compliance (C) model
  • D/C – Shortened form of DISC
  • Gallup Strengths – also known as CliftonStrengths and before that StrengthsFinder
    • The four Gallup Strengths Groups are Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking
  • GS – Shortened form of Gallup Strengths
  • Four MBTI Axis:
    • Extraversion/Introversion
    • Sensing/Intuition
    • Thinking/Feeling
    • Judging/Perceiving
  • Table Columns
    • FJ – Feeling & Judging
    • FP – Feeling & Perceiving
    • TJ – Thinking & Judging
    • TP – Thinking & Perceiving
  • Table Rows
    • EN – Extraversion & Intuition
    • ES – Extraversion & Sensing
    • IN – Introversion & Intuition
    • IS – Introversion & Sensing


The meticulous mapping across the MBTI, Business Chemistry, and DISC frameworks illustrates the potential intersections and equivalencies among different personality typologies. This comparative analysis not only fosters a deeper understanding of human behaviour and personality but also aids in drawing more accurate inferences in organizational settings, enabling better teamwork, communication, and leadership. Despite the distinct nomenclatures and methodologies employed by each framework, the underlying similarities underscore a coherent narrative in the realm of personality analysis. Through such cross-framework analyses, practitioners and organizations can gain enriched insights into human behaviour and dynamics, aiding in optimized interpersonal interactions and organizational effectiveness.