Category Archives: tech

Mitteilung-Subsysteme in der Britischen Regierung

Dieses ist das erste Teil eines Überblicks mit drei Teilen über BRITISCHE Mitteilung-Subsysteme der Regierungs-G2G . …..

Przesyłanie wiadomości Sub-Systems w the UK Rząd

To być the pierwszy część trzy część przegląd UK Rząd G2G Przesyłanie wiadomości Sub-Systems . …..

Updating PRINCE2

Recently I was talking with Andy Murray about the evolution and update of PRINCE2 – he’s been appointed the Lead Author for the “PRINCE2™ Refresh Project” by the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), the owners of the PRINCE2 copyright and standard, and The Stationery Office (TSO), the publishers.

PRINCE2, by the way, is a project management methodology, and stands for “PRojects IN Controlled Environments (version 2)” – it covers the management, control and organisation of a project.

I, and Sun, have worked with Andy, both on individual engagements and regarding the use of PRINCE2 at Sun in the UK, for a number of years, and he’s easily the best person to perform this role – I wish him the best of luck.

Andy’s first task as Lead Author is to produce a Consultation Report summarising all the feedback received from a review that’s just taken place.

I was asked to contribute, and this is the data that Andy has been collecting:

  • 3 things you like about PRINCE2
  • 3 things you dislike
  • What do you consider the essential elements (i.e. without them it would not be PRINCE2) ?
  • What changes would you like to see in the next version ?

My responses were:

  • Things I like about PRINCE2:
    1. Ubiquity – loads of people are practitioners, and so communication and understanding between practitioners is faster then would be if a common understanding & dictionary of terms would need to be created
    2. product focus versus task focus (although I’ve seen this be dependent on the PM involved)
  • Things I dislike about PRINCE2
    1. too much documentation
    2. not enough “natural English” or is that “plain speaking, common English”
    3. used as a raison d’etre / justification – either to manipulate a situation or because the person in question is process bound
    4. previously lack of examples and documentation on integrating other methods into a PRINCE2 framework. Specifically RUP, RAD, DSDM, and now XP / Scrum, but I suppose SSADM might still apply. When we come to running software projects our PRINCE2 accredited PM’s would often get upset when trying to integrate XP like methods into there PRINCE2 frameworks they were trying to implement.
  • Essential elements:
    1. A PM
    2. A sponsor / sponsoring board
    3. Discret timeboxes of deliverables
    4. Milestones
    5. Product Focus versus Task Focus
    6. A PID
  • What changes would you like to see in the next version ?
    1. Simplification – where possible
    2. Better integration with other Project Management techniques – especially those from a re-iterative background (RUP, RAD, SCRUM, DSDM, XP, etc.)
  • The report should be out in the near future (it’s due to be published in June or July), and once approved, Andy will be busy working on a Scoping Document defining the proposed changes to the method.

    Andy’s started a weblog at to keep everyone up to date with progress and to gather further input.

    If you’re interested in PRINCE2, are an individual practitioner, or are using in your organisation, and either want to influence it’s evolution, or even just learn more, I’d recommend getting in touch with Andy at his site.

    Right – best be off – Donna and I go to Karate with our boys every Sunday, and I need to get our kit ready.

    Relevant Links and where you can learn more:

    Just back from speaking at the Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2007

    Just got back from the Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2007. What an absolutely great day, I’ll get a better update out tomorrow now, along with my slides. I got my best reception ever today, everybody clapped for what seemed to be a good while, with over half the room standing in ovation. It felt brilliant that they all appreciated my retelling of Sun’s experiences in Enterprise Architecture. Have to type the speaker notes up to go with the slides though – this year I went with a very minimal slide set, but twenty-six A5 pages of speaking notes (just making the 30 minute slot), whereas last year I went for very busy slides with less speaking content.

    I met some lovely people, and especially my hosts from the Open Group, spending some time with Allen Brown, the President and Chief Executive Officer of The Open Group (short bio here), and briefly with Mike Lambert, the ex-CTO of the Open Group.

    Then as I was just coming home I bumped into Chris Loughran, the head of the Technology Integration Consultancy at Deloitte in the UK, and a friend from when we did a large Government Department IT / IS system review a couple of years ago. It was good to see him and a nice bit of serendipity to finish off the day.

    Like I said earlier – my full conference update and slides tomorrow !

    It took a lot longer than ‘tomorrow’ – so apologies – however it is all online now.

    Related Links:

    Presenting at the Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2007

    Pleased to say that I’m due to speak next Tuesday (the 24th of April) at the Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2007. ….. 4 Trackbacks

    I w końcu…

    … po tym jak dużo komentarz – od workmates, kolega, przyjaciel i znajomość (ale nie, I można, od członek rodziny) – jeśli chodzi the brak blog jakaś rodzaj, i gdy the szczyt the blogging zjawisko najwyraźniej przyjeżdżać na the wspólny horyzont, I decydować i początek jeden. …..


    … blogging現象のピーク外見上着いた後多くのコメントが- workmates、同僚、友人および知人から(しかしない、私は家族から、加えるかもしれない)集合的な地平線に-あらゆる種類のブログの欠乏に関する…、そしてと同時に、私はおよび開始1行くことにした。 Gartnerに従って( ここに )、ニュースが( ここに 、記録で、および ここに 、尋問者で、例えば) bloggingの成長の土地を選定する何人かの私の好みによって報告されて最終的に2007年までに100,000,000のブログ頃最高になり。. …..

    Och slutligen…,

    …, efter mycket kommentar – från jobbarkompisar, kollegor, vänner och bekantar (men inte, jag kan tillfogar, från familjemedlemmar) – om bristen av en blog av några har sorterat, och som det maximalt av det blogging fenomen ankommer som synes på den kollektiva horisonten, har jag avgjort att gå och. …..

    И окончательно…

    … после того как много комментарий – от workmates, коллегаов, друзей и знакомцев (но не, я мог добавить, от членов семьи) – о отсутсвии блога любого вида, и по мере того как пик blogging явления явно приезжает на собирательный горизонт, я решал пойти и старт одно. …..

    E finalmente…

    … depois que muito comentário – dos workmates, dos colegas, dos amigos e dos conhecimentos (mas não, eu pude adicionar, dos membros da família) – a respeito da falta de um blogue de toda a sorte, e enquanto o pico do fenômeno blogging chega aparentemente no horizonte coletivo, eu decidi ir e o. …..


    …,在评论-从工友、同事、朋友和相识(但是没有,我也许从家庭成员补充说)之后-至于缺乏所有排序博克和,当这种blogging的现象的峰顶在集体天际显然地到达,我决定去和开始一。 根据Gartner ( 这里 )和由新闻选址的很多个我的喜爱报告(例如 这里 ,在记数器,和 这里 ,在察问者)成长blogging在100百万个博克前后最后将锐化在2007年以前。 这是””的一部分Gartner名列前茅十预言在2007年和在””之外-和如此哪里更好开始比在这些预言短的回顾。. …..

    Et finalement…

    … après que beaucoup de commentaire – des collègues, des collègues, des amis et des connaissances (mais pas, je pourrais ajouter, des membres de la famille) – quant au manque d’un blog de n’importe quelle sorte, et pendant que la crête du phénomène blogging arrive apparemment sur l’horizon. …..

    Y finalmente…

    … después de que mucho comentario – de compañeros de trabajo, de colegas, de amigos y de conocidos (pero no, puede ser que agregue, de miembros de familia) – en cuanto a la carencia de un blog de cualquier clase, y mientras que el pico del fenómeno blogging llegue al parecer en el horizonte. …..

    Und schließlich…

    …, nachdem viel Anmerkung – von den Workmates, von den Kollegen, von den Freunden und von den bekannten (aber nicht, konnte ich, von den Familienmitgliedern hinzufügen) – hinsichtlich des Fehlens von einem Blog jeder möglicher Art und während die Spitze des blogging Phänomenes anscheinend auf dem. …..

    그리고 마지막으로…

    … blogging 현상의 첨단 외관상으로는 도착하는 후에 다량 코멘트가 – 직장 동료, 동료, 친구 및 지인에서 (그러나 아닙니다, 나는 가족 구성원에게서, 덧붙일지도 모르다) 공동 수평선에 – 어떤 종류든지의 블로그의 부족에 관해서는 -, 그리고 때, 나는 그리고 시작 하나 가는 것을 결정했다. …..

    Ed infine…

    … dopo che molto commento – dai colleghi, dai colleghi, dagli amici e dalle conoscenze (ma non, potrei aggiungere, dai membri di famiglia) – quanto alla mancanza di blog di tutta la specie e mentre il picco del fenomeno blogging arriva apparentemente sull’orizzonte collettivo, ho deciso di andare ed.…..

    En tenslotte…

    … na veel commentaar – van collega’s, collega’s, vrienden en kennissen (maar niet, zou ik kunnen toevoegen, van familieleden) – in verband met het gebrek aan een blog van om het even welke soort, en aangezien de piek van het blogging fenomeen blijkbaar op de collectieve horizon aankomt, ik hebben. …..

    And finally…

    …after much comment – from workmates, colleagues, friends and acquaintances (but not, I might add, from family members) – as to the lack of a blog of any sort, and as the peak of the blogging phenomenon apparently arrives on the collective horizon, I’ve decided to go and start one.

    According to Gartner (here), and reported by a number of my favourite news sites (here, at the Register, and here, at the Inquirer, for example) the growth of blogging will finally peak at around 100 million blogs by 2007. This is part of “the Gartner top ten predictions for 2007 and beyond” – and so where better to start than at a short review of these predictions. I have to admit that I’ve been asked to report on technology trends, make market predictions and even, occasionally, present on futurology – and find the subject of trying to second guess the future as fascinating as it is frustrating.

    When it comes to predictions such as this it’s important to bring your own views and opinions to bear, and in regards to objectivity, I like to recall this quote from Warren Buffett: “Forecasts usually tell us more of the forecaster than of the forecast”.

    1. Through 2009, market share for the top 10 IT outsourcers will decline to 40.0% (from 43.5% now), equalling a revenue shift of $5.4 billion: Gartner believes that as the market share for outsourcers declines (based upon current trends) there will be consolidation of outsource businesses and some closures. This is an extremely common prediction, in these circumstances, and is almost always true of maturing markets – frankly I can’t see how you could get this wrong – although it’s good to be reminded about the situation of the outsourcing market, even for those of us who are living with it’s effects everyday.
    2. Only one Asia/Pacific-based service provider will make the global top 20 through 2010: Because of the relatively small number of “global players” in consulting coming from Asia it will limit the ability of the Asian economies to grow revenue streams quickly and become global leaders. I find it really difficult to see how the Asian economies will be limited in growth – I can see them simply buying into the areas they need to, when they need to – some of them already make significant revenues from IT offshoring, and building consultancies out of these organisations is very likely, for instance, Tata & Wipro both have consultancy departments which are growing and maturing fast.
    3. Blogging and community contributors will peak in the first half of 2007: Trends in the average life span of a blogger and the current growth rate of blogs means that there are already more than 200 million ex-bloggers, therefore, the number of bloggers will peak around 100 million mark circa the first half of 2007.Although significant growth in bloggers may have slowed down, I believe it will settle down to more natural growth, plus I don’t see how this has factored in the increasing Internet population, nor the increasing world population. Growth may bottom out for a time but I would then expect there to be slow and progressive growth, much more based on the increasing number of people getting adequate access to Internet resources, fuelled by the overall growth of the world population. And that is without considering the next MySpace phenomenon, where massive expansion unexpectedly grows the overall blogging population.
    4. By 2009, corporate social responsibility (CSR) will be a higher board – and executive-level priority than regulatory compliance: regulation has become a key issue for government and the corporate world, with the aim of ensuring more-responsible behaviour. However, the need for companies to be socially responsible to their employees, customers and shareholders is growing as well. The future will see corporate boards and executives make this social dynamic a more-critical priority. Collective awareness of corporate responsibility is growing, and not purely around green issues. How corporates treat people and conduct themselves in the wider world has needed focusing on for a long time. Plus I believe that CSR will be good for businesses, related to game theory, specifically the Nash equilibrium (developed by John Nash), where choice of optimal behaviour when costs and benefits of each option depend upon the choices of other individuals. Working with a community finance charity, I know that there is already research into this area, which suggests that this is the case – this is another topic I hope to approach in the future of this blog.
    5. By the end of 2007, 75% of enterprises will be infected with undetected, financially motivated, targeted malware that evaded their traditional perimeter and host defences: the threat environment is changing — financially motivated, targeted attacks are increasing, and automated malware-generation kits allow simple creation of thousands of variants quickly — but our security processes and technologies haven’t kept up. Security in IT is an absolute arms race – and this is not going to change – but whilst money can still be made from the sector, legally in defence, and illegally in offence, we will continue to see a strong and healthy IT Security market. This is not to say anyone should be complacent, as the problems at TK-Max have just shown, we have to be rational about these issues, and approach them in a sensible manner.
    6. Vista will be the last major release of Microsoft Windows: the next generation of operating environments will be more modular and will be updated incrementally. The era of monolithic deployments of software releases is nearing an end. Microsoft will be a visible player in this movement, and the result will be more-flexible updates to Windows and a new focus on quality overall. Microsoft have always been able to move there business empire juggernaut into new areas – however they are very often not the first, nor the second , but have often manipulated the market by having the largest installed base volume – look at how slowly they embraced the Internet for one (for instance, Microsoft didn’t even make the first 100 Internet Domain Name Registrations, more here, Sun are joint eleventh, b.t.w.), but when they did it – they did it. Although there have been reports of ramp down of Windows Operating Systems staff, I very much doubt Microsoft are ready to let go of exploiting that installed base to the maximum – there are still a lot of PC users not yet connected to the Internet and they will need a distribution mechanism to support those users.
    7. By 2010, the average total cost of ownership (TCO) of new PCs will fall by 50%: the growing importance and focus on manageability, automation and reliability will provide a welcome means of differentiating PCs in a market that is increasingly commoditised. Many of the manageability and support tools will be broadly available across multiple vendors. However, vendors that can leverage these tools further and can graduate from claims of “goodness” to concrete examples of cost savings will have a market advantage. I’m finding this hard to believe: three years to see new PC TCO fall by 50%. Most people agree that the majority of cost is in systems management, and even with the expected growth in systems management tools (and the ilk), it doesn’t approach issues such as increasing functionality forcing TCO up. Nor the logistics of having staff support a distributed PC estate. Having helped manage the maintenance of a large, distributed PC estate, I know that one of my largest costs were the staff required to physically go around the buildings in question, often the PC required direct support, or for some reason would not be connected to the network (either off, broken, network / network card failure, not loading drivers, etc.). I believe that Thin Client and Ultra Thin Client (UTC) technologies like Sun’s Sun Ray, which have a centralised server model, most readily approach these issues, and that there will be an increase in the acceptance of what used to be referred to as Network Computing (NC).
    8. By 2010, 60% of the worldwide cellular population will be “trackable” via an emerging “follow-me Internet”: local regulations have arisen to protect users’ privacy, but growing demands for national safety and civil protection are relaxing some of the initial privacy limitations. Marketing incentives will also push users to forgo privacy concerns, and many other scenarios will enable outsiders to track their users. Another believable prediction, although given the fact that this is “60% of the world wide cellular population”, I feel it might imply that this will be in what used to be called the “first world”. The issue of evolved versus planned systems play into this, and we all need to think more about what the implications are, so that we can put in place the best governance model available.
    9. Through 2011, enterprises will waste $100 billion buying the wrong networking technologies and services: enterprises are missing out on opportunities to build a network that would put them at a competitive advantage. Instead, they follow outdated design practices and collectively will waste at least $100 billion in the next five years. I can well believe this prediction: having reviewed, audited, and helped close down a number of very large IT programmes, I am sadly becoming de-sensitised & acclimatised to the amounts of money which are needlessly lost, however this does not mean any of us should be dismissive about the massive amounts wasted. In fact I’m surprised it’s estimated as low as $100 billion.
    10. By 2008, nearly 50% of data centers worldwide will lack the necessary power and cooling capacity to support high-density equipment: due to higher densities of processors proliferating, problems in this area continue to grow, and although the power and cooling challenge of high-density computer equipment will persist in the short term, a convergence of innovative technologies will begin to mitigate the problem by 2010. This is a trend which I see emerging every day amongst our customers, especially those who still host out of large cities, such as London. We have field research into this area, which easily backs this claim up too. However this prediction, doesn’t appear to take innovation, such as processor multi-threading, into account: technologies like Sun’s Niagara, and Niagara 2, will have a significant impact on this area, due to the massive decrease in compute footprint. This is an area which I’ll be exploring in more detail over the next few months.

    At first I’d thought my title for this post was to do with my finally getting a blog online – but I think it’s as applicable to some of the predictions above. In the next few posts I hope to be looking at the UK Government IT ecosystem, macro IT estate issues & definitions, some more about me and what I do at Sun, and maybe just a little bit about motorbikes.