Tag Archives: chris-loughran

Just back from speaking at the Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2007

Just got back from the Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference, 2007. What an absolutely great day, I’ll get a better update out tomorrow now, along with my slides. I got my best reception ever today, everybody clapped for what seemed to be a good while, with over half the room standing in ovation. It felt brilliant that they all appreciated my retelling of Sun’s experiences in Enterprise Architecture. Have to type the speaker notes up to go with the slides though – this year I went with a very minimal slide set, but twenty-six A5 pages of speaking notes (just making the 30 minute slot), whereas last year I went for very busy slides with less speaking content.

I met some lovely people, and especially my hosts from the Open Group, spending some time with Allen Brown, the President and Chief Executive Officer of The Open Group (short bio here), and briefly with Mike Lambert, the ex-CTO of the Open Group.

Then as I was just coming home I bumped into Chris Loughran, the head of the Technology Integration Consultancy at Deloitte in the UK, and a friend from when we did a large Government Department IT / IS system review a couple of years ago. It was good to see him and a nice bit of serendipity to finish off the day.

Like I said earlier – my full conference update and slides tomorrow !

It took a lot longer than ‘tomorrow’ – so apologies – however it is all online now.

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