Category Archives: link

links for 2009-01-16

Witness Interview(s) – The Banking Crisis – HoC Treasury Committee – Treasury select committee told that the government’s top priority should be to restore the flow of credit through the economy whilst giving evidence on the banking crisis this week. …..

links for 2009-01-14

BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Czech EU art stokes controversy The latest art installation on display at the European Council building in Brussels has angered EU members with its lampoons of national stereotypes. …..

links for 2009-01-12

links for 2008-12-24

That’s cloud computing; But not as we know it, JimThe Register Readers poll of likely adoption of key cloud applications. …..

links for 2008-12-11

Blog of helios: Linux – Stop holding our kids back A US school teacher ignorantly confiscates a boy’s Linux discs and puts him on detention; all because she believed that anything that wasn’t Windows was illegal and immoral. …..

links for 2008-12-10

Why the Great-British-Pædowall is a dumb idea – Paul Jakma’s Weblog Paul Jakma point’s out how poorly thought out and implemented the Internet Watch Foundation’s filtering solution is for UK ISPs and sadly how open to exploitation it could become. …..

links for 2008-12-09

Oliver Postgate – Creator of Bagpuss, The Clangers, Ivor the Engine and other Childrens TV classics Oliver Postgate passed away yesterday; famous for being a founder of Smallfilms (with Peter Firmin) the co-creators of children’s TV favorites like “The Saga of Noggin. …..

links for 2008-12-04

Harvey Nash Annual Business Breakfast, October 2008 Richard Lambert, DG of the CBI, gives the best overview of the “Credit Crunch” that I’ve heard so far. …..