Practical Strategies for Optimising SQL: Refactoring, Indexing, and ORM Best Practices

This article provides practical strategies for optimising SQL performance, covering query refactoring, index usage, and ORM best practices. It offers developers actionable tips to improve the efficiency and scalability of their applications.


In application development, SQL performance plays a crucial role in ensuring that your applications are responsive, scalable, and efficient. Poorly optimised SQL can lead to slow query execution times, high server loads, and a frustrating user experience. This article provides practical strategies for optimising SQL queries, focusing on refactoring techniques, efficient index usage, ORM best practices, and more. By applying these strategies, developers can significantly improve the performance of their applications.

Strategies for Optimising SQL with a Focus on Non-Functional Aspects

Optimising SQL is not just about ensuring your queries return the correct data—it’s also about ensuring they do so efficiently. Non-functional aspects, such as minimising database hits and reducing query complexity, are key to achieving this.

Refactor Queries to Reduce Database Hits

Refactoring SQL queries involves revisiting and restructuring them to make them more efficient. The goal is to reduce the number of database hits and handle more data with fewer resources.

One approach is to consolidate multiple queries into a single query. Instead of executing separate SELECT statements for related data, you can use JOIN clauses to retrieve all necessary data in one query. For example, instead of running:

sqlCopy codeSELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer_id = 1;
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id = 1;

You can refactor the query to:

sqlCopy codeSELECT orders.*, customers.*
FROM orders
JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
WHERE = 1;

Another important strategy is to optimise WHERE clauses. Avoid using functions on columns in the WHERE clause, as this can prevent the database from using indexes. Instead, refactor the query so that the condition allows the database to use an index. For instance, instead of:

sqlCopy codeSELECT * FROM orders WHERE YEAR(order_date) = 2024;

Refactor the query to:

sqlCopy codeSELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date BETWEEN '2024-01-01' AND '2024-12-31';

You can also avoid repeated queries with Common Table Expressions (CTEs). CTEs allow you to define a temporary result set that can be referenced within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. This is useful when the same result set is needed in multiple parts of a query. For example:

sqlCopy codeWITH OrderSummary AS (
    SELECT customer_id, SUM(total_amount) AS total_spent
    FROM orders
    GROUP BY customer_id
SELECT * FROM OrderSummary WHERE total_spent > 1000;

Leverage Indexes Effectively

Indexes are crucial for speeding up query performance, but they must be used wisely.

Creating indexes on frequently queried columns can significantly improve performance. Analyse your queries to identify columns frequently used in WHERE, JOIN, and ORDER BY clauses, and create indexes on them.

For queries involving multiple columns, composite indexes can optimise performance more efficiently than separate single-column indexes. For example:

sqlCopy codeCREATE INDEX idx_orders_customer_id_date ON orders(customer_id, order_date);

Be cautious of over-indexing, as too many indexes can slow down write operations and consume storage space. Regularly review and optimise your indexes.

Using covering indexes can also be effective. Create indexes that include all columns a query needs, allowing the database to satisfy the query entirely from the index. For instance:

sqlCopy codeCREATE INDEX idx_orders_covering ON orders(customer_id, order_date, total_amount);

Use Eager Loading to Avoid N+1 Queries

The N+1 query problem occurs when an application issues one query to retrieve a set of parent records and then issues additional queries for each child record. This can be mitigated by using eager loading techniques.

In Ruby on Rails, you can use the includes method to load associated records in a single query, significantly reducing the number of queries. For example:

rubyCopy codeposts = Post.includes(:comments).all

Depending on your specific use case, preloading or using joins can also help optimise queries by reducing the number of database hits.

Monitor and Test SQL Performance

Regular testing and monitoring are crucial for maintaining SQL performance.

Using query profilers can help you understand how your queries are performing and identify bottlenecks. Additionally, testing under load by simulating real-world conditions allows you to see how your SQL performs under stress, enabling you to adjust your queries accordingly.

Regularly review query execution plans to ensure that the database is using indexes effectively and that queries are not causing full table scans.

Additional SQL Refactoring Tips

Beyond the basic strategies, there are several other techniques that can further optimise your SQL queries.

Avoid using SELECT * in queries. Always specify only the columns you need to avoid fetching unnecessary data. For example, instead of:

sqlCopy codeSELECT * FROM orders;


sqlCopy codeSELECT order_id, order_date, total_amount FROM orders;

Implement query pagination when dealing with large datasets. Use pagination to load data in chunks, reducing memory usage. For instance:

sqlCopy codeSELECT order_id, order_date, total_amount
FROM orders
ORDER BY order_date DESC

Using EXISTS instead of IN for subqueries is often more efficient, especially in large result sets. For example, instead of:

sqlCopy codeSELECT * FROM customers WHERE id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM orders WHERE total_amount > 1000);


sqlCopy codeSELECT * FROM customers WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM orders WHERE orders.customer_id = AND total_amount > 1000);

Eliminate redundant joins to remove unnecessary overhead and improve performance. For instance, instead of:

sqlCopy codeSELECT orders.order_id,
FROM orders
JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
JOIN order_details ON orders.order_id = order_details.order_id;


sqlCopy codeSELECT orders.order_id,
FROM orders
JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =;

Additional ORM Tips for Optimising SQL in Ruby on Rails

ORM tools like Active Record in Ruby on Rails simplify database interactions but can introduce inefficiencies if not used carefully.

Using .select to limit columns is an effective way to reduce memory usage and improve performance. For example, instead of:

rubyCopy code@orders = Order.all


rubyCopy code@orders =, :order_date, :total_amount)

Avoid using default_scope for large datasets, as it can lead to performance issues. Consider using named scopes instead. For example, instead of:

rubyCopy codeclass Order < ApplicationRecord
  default_scope { where(status: 'active') }


rubyCopy codeclass Order < ApplicationRecord
  scope :active, -> { where(status: 'active') }

Leverage find_in_batches or find_each for large query sets. Processing large datasets in smaller batches reduces memory usage. For instance:

rubyCopy codeOrder.find_each(batch_size: 1000) do |order|

Optimise has_many associations with counter caches to avoid repetitive SQL count queries. For example:

rubyCopy code# Migration:
add_column :posts, :comments_count, :integer, default: 0

# In your model:
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :post, counter_cache: true

Be cautious with callbacks in Active Record. Limit their use, especially those that interact with the database, to avoid unnecessary database hits.

Index Optimisation Tips

Optimising indexes is critical for improving query performance.

For range queries, position the column used in the range condition last in a composite index to optimise range queries. For example:

sqlCopy codeCREATE INDEX idx_orders_date_amount ON orders(order_date, total_amount);

Consider using partial indexes, which cover only a subset of rows, making them efficient for queries that target specific rows. For instance:

sqlCopy codeCREATE INDEX idx_orders_active ON orders(order_date) WHERE status = 'active';

Regularly monitor and maintain indexes by using database tools to track index usage and rebuild or reorganise indexes as needed. For example:

sqlCopy codeREINDEX INDEX idx_orders_customer_id;


Optimising SQL performance is essential for developing applications that are both efficient and scalable. By refactoring queries to reduce database hits, leveraging indexes effectively, using eager loading to avoid N+1 queries, and following best practices in ORM and index usage, developers can ensure that their applications perform well under load. Regularly testing and monitoring SQL performance will also help in maintaining the efficiency of your application over time. By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve the responsiveness and scalability of your applications, leading to a better user experience.