Tag Archives: SQL optimisation

Optimising SQL in Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL: Best Practices and Strategies

This article explores strategies for optimising SQL performance in Ruby on Rails applications using PostgreSQL. It covers techniques such as avoiding N+1 queries, efficient indexing, leveraging PostgreSQL-specific features, and monitoring performance to ensure applications remain efficient and scalable.

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Practical Strategies for Optimising SQL: Refactoring, Indexing, and ORM Best Practices

This article provides practical strategies for optimising SQL performance, covering query refactoring, index usage, and ORM best practices. It offers developers actionable tips to improve the efficiency and scalability of their applications.

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Leveraging Sequence Diagrams for SQL Optimisation: A Non-Functional Perspective

This article explores how extending sequence diagrams to include non-functional aspects can help developers better understand and optimise SQL performance by highlighting often-overlooked details like database hits and data transfer volumes.

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Bridging the Divide: Understanding Application Development vs. Database Optimisation

This article explores the divide between application developers and database administrators, highlighting how their differing focuses can lead to inefficiencies in SQL performance. It discusses the importance of bridging this gap by encouraging collaboration and a unified approach to optimise both application logic and database performance.

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