I’m going to be talking about Futurology in a presentation hosted by the Nottingham and Derby Branch of the British Computer Society (BCS) on Monday evening.
The talk is entitled “Sun Microsystems’ View Of The Future Of The Technology Industry” and is advertised here: http://nottmderby.bcs.org/events09.php
I’ll be speaking about Futurology, how Sun sees the future of the technology industry, the trends in the industry, what the implications are for the UK and the wider World given the expected changes, and how they are set to impact us in both our personal and professional lives.
Here are some more details about the event:
- Date: Monday, 16th March 2009
- Time: 7.00pm (refreshments available from 6.30pm)
- Location: Novotel, Bostock Lane, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 4EP (map)
- Price: Free and non-members are more than welcome! (reserve a place)
And for those of you interested in attending any of the other locally hosted events a full list of the branches events schedule for 2009 can be found here: http://nottmderby.bcs.org/events09-mar.php
As usual I’d be delighted to see you there and will stay around a little while afterwards if anyone would like to talk over any of the contents.
In an odd moment of synchronicity our next door neighbour has just been round and I happened to mention the talk on Monday. Saying that I’ll probably talk about Ray Kurzweil and might even speak about Toffler (often credited as the ‘Father of Futurology’). My neighbour, who spent many years in the Army, went on to say that he’d met Alvin Toffler many years ago when Toffler had been commissioned to speak with the US and UK military about the future of warfare and the impact advancing technology would have on it. Given that anecdote it seems appropriate to quickly cover Buckminster Fuller, as well as more modern, British, futurologists like James Martin and Peter Cochrane too.