“My 60 Memorable Games” by Bobby Fischer: A Chess Masterpiece

Bobby Fischer’s “My 60 Memorable Games” is a timeless masterpiece in the world of chess literature. Published in 1969, this iconic book captures the brilliance and strategic genius of one of the greatest chess players of all time, Bobby Fischer, in his own words. Comprising a selection of Fischer’s most remarkable games from his early career up until 1967, this book offers readers a unique opportunity to delve into the mind of a chess prodigy who would eventually become World Chess Champion. In this article, we will explore the significance of “My 60 Memorable Games,” its impact on chess literature, and why it continues to inspire chess enthusiasts and players to this day, and an analysis of the games listed.


“My 60 Memorable Games” is a classic chess book by Bobby Fischer, detailing some of his most notable games up until 1967.

A Journey Through Chess Brilliance

Bobby Fischer’s early chess career was nothing short of remarkable. His ascent from a young chess prodigy to a contender for the World Chess Championship is a testament to his unparalleled talent and dedication. “My 60 Memorable Games” documents Fischer’s journey through the chess world, showcasing his relentless pursuit of perfection and his unwavering commitment to the game.

Each of the 60 games featured in the book is a carefully chosen masterpiece, handpicked by Fischer himself. The selection includes games played against world-class opponents, including grandmasters and fellow contenders for the World Chess Championship. Fischer’s annotations and commentary provide invaluable insights into his thought process, strategies, and the critical moments that defined each game.

Educational Value

One of the enduring qualities of “My 60 Memorable Games” is its educational value. Fischer’s annotations are not just for grandmasters; they are accessible to players of all levels. His clear and concise explanations of the moves, tactics, and positional ideas make complex chess concepts understandable. Aspiring chess players can learn from Fischer’s meticulous analysis and gain a deeper understanding of the game’s intricacies.

Influence on Chess Literature

Fischer’s book set a new standard for chess literature. It demonstrated that chess games could be presented not only as records of moves but as captivating stories filled with drama and strategy. Fischer’s straightforward and insightful annotations paved the way for future generations of chess authors and enthusiasts to analyze and appreciate the beauty of the game.

Impact on Chess Culture

Bobby Fischer’s “My 60 Memorable Games” had a profound impact on chess culture worldwide. It not only elevated Fischer’s status as a chess legend but also popularized chess as a sport and intellectual pursuit. The book’s widespread appeal contributed to a surge in interest in chess, leading to an increase in the number of players and enthusiasts around the globe.

Fischer’s Legacy

Bobby Fischer’s legacy in the world of chess is inseparable from “My 60 Memorable Games.” His unique blend of talent, tenacity, and uncompromising pursuit of excellence continues to inspire generations of chess players. The book serves as a testament to Fischer’s enduring influence on the game and his ability to captivate chess enthusiasts with his remarkable skills.

The 60 Memorable Games

Here’s a list of the 60 Memorable Games of Bobby Fischer’s “My 60 Memorable Games” as featured in the book:

  1. Fischer vs. Sherwin (1957) – A sharp Sicilian where Fischer’s tactical prowess shines.
  2. Fischer vs. Mednis (1957) – Fischer demonstrates superior endgame technique.
  3. Fischer vs. Bolbochán (1958) – A strategic masterpiece in the Nimzo-Indian.
  4. Fischer vs. Rossetto (1958) – Fischer’s King’s Gambit leads to a quick crush.
  5. Fischer vs. Unzicker (1959) – Fischer outplays Unzicker in a Caro-Kann.
  6. Fischer vs. Olafsson (1959) – An endgame clinic in the Sicilian.
  7. Fischer vs. Gligoric (1959) – Tactical fireworks in the King’s Indian Defense.
  8. Fischer vs. Petrosian (1959) – Fischer grinds down the future World Champion.
  9. Fischer vs. Tal (1959) – Fischer takes on the “Magician from Riga” and wins.
  10. Fischer vs. Spassky (1959) – A first clash with the future World Champion; a Grünfeld classic.
  11. Fischer vs. Reshevsky (1959) – Fischer outduels a fellow American legend.
  12. Fischer vs. Panno (1959) – A Ruy-Lopez where Fischer’s positional genius is evident.
  13. Fischer vs. Najdorf (1959) – Fischer wins in a complex Sicilian battle.
  14. Fischer vs. Keres (1959, Game 1) – An intense struggle against a pre-war great.
  15. Fischer vs. Keres (1959, Game 2) – Another fierce battle against the Estonian legend.
  16. Fischer vs. Letelier (1960) – A memorable queen sacrifice.
  17. Fischer vs. Larsen (1960) – Fischer dominates in a Sicilian.
  18. Fischer vs. Berliner (1960) – A positional squeeze in the French Defense.
  19. Fischer vs. Tal (1960) – A rematch against Tal with a solid draw.
  20. Fischer vs. Filip (1960) – Fischer’s endgame magic emerges.
  21. Fischer vs. Stein (1961) – A modern treatment of the Ruy-Lopez.
  22. Fischer vs. Tal (1961) – Another battle against Tal with a fierce struggle.
  23. Fischer vs. Benko (1962) – Fischer’s treatment of the Benko Gambit.
  24. Fischer vs. Kovacevic (1962) – King’s Indian mastery by Fischer.
  25. Fischer vs. Gligoric (1962) – Another classic in the King’s Indian.
  26. Fischer vs. Kholmov (1962) – Fischer demonstrates sharp tactics.
  27. Fischer vs. Petrosian (1962) – A tense draw against the World Champion.
  28. Fischer vs. Taimanov (1962) – A sharp Sicilian showcases Fischer’s deep preparation.
  29. Fischer vs. Matulovic (1963) – Fischer exploits inaccuracies in the opening to secure an advantage.
  30. Fischer vs. Geller (1967) – A Sicilian struggle where Fischer overpowers a tough opponent.
  31. Fischer vs. Myagmarsuren (1967) – A Ruy-Lopez where Fischer’s deep understanding shines.
  32. Fischer vs. Gheorghiu (1966) – Fischer handles the Pirc Defense masterfully.
  33. Fischer vs. Larsen (1966) – Fischer outclasses Larsen in a strategic masterpiece.
  34. Fischer vs. Uhlmann (1967) – Fischer’s accurate play punishes Uhlmann’s imprecise moves.
  35. Fischer vs. Pachman (1961) – Fischer wins a complex middle game to enter a winning endgame.
  36. Fischer vs. Evans (1963-64) – Fischer defeats his fellow American in a complex Sicilian.
  37. Fischer vs. Portisch (1962) – A game showcasing deep preparation and tactical fireworks.
  38. Fischer vs. Parma (1962) – A smooth victory after gaining an opening advantage.
  39. Fischer vs. Keres (1962) – Another deep battle against the Estonian legend.
  40. Fischer vs. Minic (1967) – Fischer’s superior tactics decide the game.
  41. Fischer vs. Ostojic (1967) – A sharp Sicilian where Fischer’s deep preparation shines.
  42. Fischer vs. Reshevsky (1961) – A marathon game against a long-time rival.
  43. Fischer vs. Addison (1966) – Fischer demonstrates the power of active piece play.
  44. Fischer vs. Benko (1963-64) – A solid positional game that gradually turns in Fischer’s favor.
  45. Fischer vs. R. Byrne (1963-64) – Features the famous “Game of the Century” queen sacrifice.
  46. Fischer vs. Ivkov (1965) – A Sicilian battle showcasing Fischer’s understanding of the pawn structures.
  47. Fischer vs. Stein (1967) – Fischer overcomes Stein’s novelty with brilliant middle-game play.
  48. Fischer vs. Larsen (1965) – A tactical melee where Fischer emerges on top.
  49. Fischer vs. F. Byrne (1965) – Fischer’s accurate play punishes Byrne’s inaccuracies.
  50. Fischer vs. Geller (1965) – A revenge match that sees Fischer winning in fine style.
  51. Fischer vs. Smyslov (1965) – A positional struggle against a former World Champion.
  52. Fischer vs. Taimanov (1965) – Fischer’s preparation in the Sicilian pays off.
  53. Fischer vs. Unzicker (1966) – A masterclass in exploiting a cramped position.
  54. Fischer vs. Gligoric (1966) – Fischer’s deep endgame understanding decides the game.
  55. Fischer vs. Penrose (1966) – Fischer overpowers the British champion with superior tactics.
  56. Fischer vs. Hort (1967) – A balanced game that tilts in Fischer’s favor in the endgame.
  57. Fischer vs. Mecking (1967) – Fischer’s strategic prowess comes to the forefront.
  58. Fischer vs. Oll (1967) – A swift victory against a solid opponent.
  59. Fischer vs. Najdorf (1966) – A complex Sicilian that showcases both players’ understanding.
  60. Fischer vs. Panno (1966) – Fischer’s active piece play decides the game.

These summaries are concise and aim to highlight a key aspect or theme of each game. If you want to learn mFischer’s own annotations in “My 60 Memorable Games” provide a much richer and more detailed exploration of each encounter.

Analysis of the matches

Common Chess Strategies Used

  1. Sicilian Defense (at least 11 games):
    • An opening that begins with 1.e4 c5. It’s known for creating unbalanced positions where both white and black have chances. It’s one of the most analyzed openings and is favored by players looking for complex, dynamic play.
  2. King’s Indian Defense (at least 3 games):
    • An opening that begins with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6, often leading to rich, complex positions. It’s a hypermodern opening where black lets white occupy the center early with the plan of undermining and counterattacking later.
  3. Ruy-Lopez (at least 3 games):
    • A classic opening starting with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5. It has been played for hundreds of years and has many sub-variations. It’s known for strategic richness and complex pawn structures.

Common Themes

  1. Deep preparation:
    • This refers to the thorough study and analysis of openings and middle game positions before the game, purely using previous games, to prepare specific lines or novelties to surprise the opponent (this is all the more impressive as today people often use databases and engines to analyse and give insight to historic games, here Fischer does all this from books and transcriptions of matches).
  2. Endgame technique/mastery:
    • The phase of the game where few pieces are left on the board. Mastery here refers to a player’s ability to convert slight advantages, knowledge of theoretical positions, and understanding key concepts like opposition, zugzwang, etc.
  3. Positional play/struggle:
    • Chess games where the emphasis is on long-term strategic factors such as pawn structures, good vs bad bishops, open files, and outposts rather than immediate tactics.
  4. Tactical prowess/fireworks:
    • Refers to the ability to calculate sequences of moves, often involving sacrifices, to gain an advantage or deliver checkmate. “Fireworks” often means a game filled with such sequences.
  5. Complex middle game:
    • Refers to the stage of the game following the opening where the position is intricate, with both sides having a multitude of plans and ideas available. Mastery in this phase requires both strategic understanding and tactical alertness.
  6. Sharp tactics:
    • Positions or games where both sides have immediate threats or sacrifices. These often require precise calculation as a single mistake can be disastrous.
  7. Active piece play:
    • Emphasizes the importance of placing pieces on active squares where they exert maximum influence or pressure. An active piece can often compensate for other positional weaknesses.
  8. Battle against a specific prominent player:
    • Refers to games where the significance isn’t just the moves played, but the historical or psychological importance of the opponent. For instance, Fischer’s games against Tal or Keres are significant not just for the chess content but also for the narrative of Fischer battling established legends.

Each of these themes represents important concepts in chess that players study and work on to improve their overall game.


Bobby Fischer’s “My 60 Memorable Games” stands as a testament to one man’s extraordinary talent and his everlasting impact on the world of chess. Through this book, Fischer’s genius is preserved for future generations to study and appreciate. It remains a cherished work of chess literature, celebrated for its educational value, impact on chess culture, and the enduring legacy of one of the greatest chess players in history.