In Response to “Electrifying Change: How the Auto Salvage Industry Gears Up for the EV Era”: An Analysis with Strategic Suggestions

The recent FT article “Electrifying Change: How the Auto Salvage Industry Gears Up for the EV Era” by Claire Bushey gives an overview of the coming challenges for the salvage industry. As the electric vehicle (EV) revolution accelerates, the US auto salvage industry stands on the brink of a transformative shift. As these EVs near the end of their lifespans, the industry is gearing up for challenges and opportunities that lie in recycling a new breed of vehicles, where the battery becomes the star. This article is a response to the FT with analysis and strategic suggestions.


The recent article “Electrifying Change: How the Auto Salvage Industry Gears Up for the EV Era” by the Financial Times Chicago correspondent Claire Bushey, speaks about how the US auto salvage industry is preparing for a significant increase in electric vehicles (EVs) reaching the end of their life cycle. The shift from petrol-powered cars to EVs will require the industry to adapt to new recycling methods, particularly focusing on EV batteries, which hold the bulk of an EV’s value.


  1. Impact on the Auto Salvage Industry: The industry’s traditional focus on extracting valuable components from gasoline-powered vehicles will be disrupted as EVs become more prevalent. With the intrinsic value of an EV largely in its battery, salvage operations will need to pivot.
  2. Market Dynamics: The rise of EVs will introduce new dynamics in recycling. The value once found in mechanical components will shift to batteries, potentially leading auction houses to sell batteries separately from decommissioned vehicles.
  3. Industry Fragmentation: The auto salvage sector is varied, ranging from family-owned outfits to large publicly traded companies. These bigger entities like Copart and LKQ could play a significant role in recycling EV batteries, given their resources and infrastructure.
  4. Learning from Global Counterparts: The US industry could look to countries like Norway, where the majority of new cars sold are electric. Norwegian companies have experience in sourcing and recycling EV batteries, offering potential insights.
  5. Challenges and Safety Concerns: EVs will require different handling, including safety measures to prevent risks like fires or electrocution during the disassembly process.
  6. Material Composition: Unlike traditional cars which are primarily made of steel, EVs have more aluminium and copper, making the recycling process more complex.


  1. Collaborations and Partnerships: Entities like LKQ are already considering collaborations, such as with Seoul-based Korea Zinc, to develop large-scale ventures for battery recycling.
  2. Adapting Business Models: Companies should anticipate the transition well in advance, considering that EVs are becoming an increasingly significant portion of new vehicle sales.
  3. Leveraging Existing Infrastructure: Companies that already process junked cars are well-positioned to handle EV batteries. Their infrastructure can be utilized, but with adaptations to meet the unique requirements of EVs.
  4. Training and Safety Protocols: Introducing new protocols and training for technicians to handle EV components safely is imperative.
  5. Market Analysis: Given the different material composition of EVs, understanding the value and demand for various materials can guide the recycling process more profitably.
  6. Forward Thinking: Embracing the change rather than resisting it is essential. As the industry evolves, businesses should be proactive in understanding new trends and adapting accordingly.


The auto salvage industry is at a pivotal crossroads. While challenges abound in adapting to the wave of retiring EVs, they also present unprecedented opportunities for recycling and profit. The industry’s future success hinges on its ability to innovate, collaborate, and proactively embrace the evolving landscape of vehicular end-of-life management.