Monthly Archives: August 2023

Embracing Asperger’s Syndrome: Honoring a Historical Legacy and Moving Forward

While the historical association of Hans Asperger with the Nazi regime has cast a shadow over his name, it is worth considering the case for retaining the term “Asperger’s Syndrome” and allowing the past to become a part of history. By recognizing the valuable contributions made by Asperger’s and acknowledging the unique experiences of individuals previously diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, we can strike a balance between honoring the legacy and promoting inclusivity.

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Ensuring Autistic Voices Are Heard: A Call for Community Consultation on Asperger’s Syndrome

The decision to move away from using the term “Asperger’s Syndrome” has raised concerns regarding the lack of meaningful consultation with the very community it represents. Furthermore, there are suggestions that this shift has been imposed upon the community by external forces, potentially fueled by underlying tensions within the broader Neurodiversity community. In the spirit of inclusivity and empowerment, it is essential to prioritize the voices and perspectives of autistic individuals when making decisions that directly impact their identities and well-being.

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The Test of Commitment and The Nuances of Estimation: Lessons from the IT Trenches

Across three decades of diving deep into the intricacies of IT, from software engineering to enterprise architecture, there’s a multitude of lessons I’ve unearthed. However, two recent experiences bring to light some invaluable insights about software delivery and the broader strokes of business ethos.

Consider a scenario where your project hinges on the delivery timeline of an external firm. A firm that’s been given two years to code a mere API HTTP PUT request, with the deadline stretching from mid to end September. The stakes? The very funding of your project. Enter the vendor’s sales representative: brimming with confidence, he assures an on-time delivery. Yet, when playfully challenged with a wager to affirm this confidence, he declines. A simple bet revealing the chasm between rhetoric and conviction.

Such instances resonate with an enduring truth in software delivery and business: actions always echo louder than words. The real “test” in business is not just about meeting estimates or deadlines, but about the conviction, commitment, and authenticity behind the promises.

However, alongside this test of commitment, lies another challenge I’ve grappled with regardless of the cap I wore: estimating software delivery. Despite my extensive track record, I’ve faced moments when estimates missed the mark. And I’m not alone in this.

Early in my career, Bill Vass, another IT leader, imparted a nugget of wisdom that remains etched in my memory. He quipped, “When it comes to developer estimates, always times them by four.” This wasn’t mere cynicism, but a recognition of the myriad unpredictabilities inherent in software development, reminiscent of the broader unpredictabilities in business.

Yet, the essence isn’t about perfecting estimates. It revolves around three pillars: honesty in setting and communicating expectations; realism in distinguishing optimism from capability; and engagement to ensure ongoing dialogue through the project’s ups and downs.

In the grand tapestry of IT and business, it’s not always the flawless execution of an estimate or a delivered promise that counts. At the end of the day, an estimate is just that; an estimate. The crux lies in how we navigate the journey, armed with authenticity, grounded expectations, and unwavering engagement. These cornerstones, combined with real-world lessons, are what construct the foundation of trust, catalyse collaborations, and steer us toward true success.

Comparison of Open Source Licenses in 2023

Below is a table that compares popular open-source licenses.

LicensePermissivenessCopyleftPatent GrantComplexityAttributionDerivative & Redistribution LicensingExamples
MIT LicenseVery highNoneNoLowRequiredAny license, No RequirementjQuery, .NET Core
GNU GPLLowStrongNoHighRequiredGPL OnlyLinux kernel, WordPress
GNU LGPLModerateWeakNoModerateRequiredLGPL or More Permissive, Required LGPLGTK
Apache License 2.0Very highNoneYesModerateRequired with changesAny license, No RequirementApache HTTPD, Kafka
BSD LicensesVery highNoneNoLowVaries by clauseAny license, No RequirementFreeBSD, NetBSD
MPL 2.0ModerateFile-levelNoModerateRequiredMPL or More Permissive, Required MPLFirefox
Creative CommonsVariesVariesNoLow to ModerateVaries by license typeVariesArtwork, music, blogs
Eclipse Public LicenseModerateModerateNoModerateRequiredAny license, No RequirementEclipse IDE


  • Permissiveness: Describes how free the users are to use, modify, and distribute the code. “Very high” means there are minimal restrictions, while “Low” means there are more restrictions.
  • Copyleft: Describes the requirement for derivative works to remain under the same license. “None” means no such requirement, “Strong” means a strict requirement, and “Weak” or “File-level” means only some parts (e.g., modified files) need to be under the same license.
  • Patent Grant: Indicates if the license grants patent rights from the contributors to the users.
  • Complexity: Indicates the difficulty in understanding, applying, and using the license.
  • Attribution: Refers to the requirement of giving credit to the original authors. If the license requires attribution only with changes, it means that users must mention changes they made when redistributing the code.
  • Derivative & Redistribution Licensing: Conditions under which modified works or redistributions of original content must operate.

The difference between license and licence

The difference between “license” and “licence” is primarily regional:

  1. License (used both as a noun and verb in American English)
    • Example (noun): “He has a driver’s license.”
    • Example (verb): “The software is licensed under MIT.”
  2. Licence (British English noun) and License (British English verb)
    • Example (noun, UK): “He has a driving licence.”
    • Example (verb, UK): “The software is licensed under MIT.”

In essence, in American English, “license” serves as both the noun and verb form. In contrast, British English differentiates between the two: “licence” is the noun, and “license” is the verb. However, it’s crucial to remember the context and audience when writing, as using the appropriate form can enhance clarity and adherence to regional language standards.

Brief Guide to Open Source Licenses in 2023

Open source licenses allow developers to share their code with the public while also dictating how that code can be used, modified, and distributed. Different licenses cater to various philosophies and use cases. Here’s a comparison of some popular open source licenses:

  1. MIT License (MIT)
    • Advantages:
      • Very permissive: allows reuse in any project, including proprietary ones.
      • Simple and easy to understand.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Doesn’t ensure that derivative works are open sourced.
    • Popularity and Usage: One of the most popular licenses, especially for small projects and libraries. Examples: jQuery, .NET Core.
  2. GNU General Public License (GPL)
    • Advantages:
      • Ensures that derivative works remain open source (strong copyleft).
      • Protects the freedoms of end users.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Can be seen as restrictive, especially for commercial software.
      • Version incompatibilities (e.g., GPLv2 vs GPLv3).
    • Popularity and Usage: Used by many significant projects. Examples: Linux kernel (GPLv2), WordPress, and GNU tools.
  3. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
    • Advantages:
      • Similar to GPL but more permissive for libraries. Libraries under LGPL can be used in proprietary software.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Still requires derivative works or modifications to the library itself to be open sourced.
    • Popularity and Usage: Suitable for libraries that want to be more friendly to commercial software. Examples: GTK.
  4. Apache License 2.0
    • Advantages:
      • Permissive like MIT.
      • Express grant of patent rights from contributors to users.
      • Requires a change log for modifications, ensuring downstream users can track alterations.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Slightly more complicated than MIT.
    • Popularity and Usage: Used by many Apache Software Foundation projects and others. Examples: Apache HTTPD, Apache Kafka.
  5. BSD Licenses (e.g., 2-clause, 3-clause)
    • Advantages:
      • Very permissive.
      • Simple and concise.
    • Disadvantages:
      • The “BSD advertising clause” in the original BSD license led to complications (and eventually was removed in the 2-clause and 3-clause versions).
    • Popularity and Usage: The FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD operating systems use variations of the BSD license.
  6. Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0)
    • Advantages:
      • File-level copyleft: Individual files that are modified must remain under MPL, but new files or works that only link to MPL-covered software do not.
    • Disadvantages:
      • More intricate than MIT or BSD licenses.
    • Popularity and Usage: Used by Mozilla projects like Firefox.
  7. Creative Commons Licenses
    • Advantages:
      • Flexible suite of licenses catering to various needs, from very permissive to more restrictive.
      • Not just for software, but for any kind of creative work.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Not intended for software, leading to potential ambiguities in that context.
    • Popularity and Usage: Widely used for artwork, music, blogs, and educational materials.
  8. Eclipse Public License (EPL)
    • Advantages:
      • Allows derivatives and distributions of modified works under other licenses.
    • Disadvantages:
      • Not as well-known as other licenses.
    • Popularity and Usage: Used by Eclipse IDE and other Eclipse Foundation projects.

Conclusion: Choosing a license depends on the developer’s goals. If they want maximum freedom and adaptability, MIT or BSD are excellent choices. If ensuring that derivative works remain open source is crucial, GPL might be the way to go. For something in between, MPL or LGPL could be ideal. As always, when considering licensing, it might be wise to consult with someone knowledgeable about intellectual property laws.

An Overview of Real-time Video Analysis with Amazon Rekognition

Amazon Rekognition Video offers real-time video analysis for streaming videos, and it’s tailored to handle video streams seamlessly. Using Rekognition Video, you can identify and recognize faces in real-time, detect unsafe content, and track people, among other features.

Here’s how Amazon Rekognition works with video streams:

1. Integration with Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

Rekognition Video is integrated with Amazon Kinesis Video Streams, which captures, processes, and stores video streams for analytics and machine learning. Here’s a basic flow:

  1. Capture: Stream your video using Kinesis Video Streams.
  2. Analyze: Use Rekognition Video to process the stream and analyze the content.
  3. Act: Obtain insights in real-time and act on them, like triggering alerts.

2. Key Features

2.1. Real-time Face Recognition

  • Recognize faces: You can identify persons of interest in real-time.
  • Face search: You can match faces from the live video against a database of face images that you’ve stored.
  • Face metadata: Extract attributes like gender, age range, emotions, and more.

2.2. Person Tracking

Track persons even when they are partially hidden from view in your video, such as when they go behind an object. This powerful feature offers:

  • Robustness: Even when a person is partially obscured, such as when they walk behind a piece of furniture or another person, the system can continue to track their movement.
  • Pathing: Gain insights into the trajectories individuals take within a video frame. This can be especially useful in understanding patterns in crowded places or monitoring specific zones.
  • Integration with other features: Combine person tracking with facial recognition to not only track an individual but also identify them. This can be beneficial for security or access control purposes.
  • Use cases: From surveillance systems to customer behavior analysis in retail environments, the applications of person tracking are vast and versatile.

2.3. Unsafe Content Detection

Identify potentially unsafe or inappropriate content in your video streams. This feature’s capabilities include:

  • Real-time Monitoring: Scan live video streams to detect and flag any content that may be deemed inappropriate, ensuring timely interventions.
  • Classification: The content is classified into various categories, such as violence, nudity, or any other custom category, allowing for nuanced content filtering.
  • Contextual Analysis: Beyond just object and scene detection, the system understands the context. This helps reduce false positives where a potentially unsafe object might be present but in a harmless context.
  • Applications: This feature can be crucial for content platforms that need to maintain community guidelines, for businesses that want to ensure their advertisement appears alongside safe content, or for parental controls in digital media offerings.
  • Customization: Over time, you can train the system to better understand what you categorize as “unsafe” based on feedback and specific requirements.

3. Setting It Up

Here’s a high-level approach to setting up real-time video analysis:

  1. Set up a Kinesis Video Stream: This will be your source of video data.
  2. Connect your video source: This could be a camera or any other source of video data.
  3. Use Kinesis Video SDK: This SDK helps stream the video to your Kinesis Video Stream.
  4. Create a Rekognition Video Stream Processor: This will process your video and analyze it. Set up the specific features you want (like face detection).
  5. Start the stream processor: Once started, Rekognition will begin analyzing the video content in real-time.
  6. Handle the results: The analyzed results can be sent to another Kinesis stream (like Kinesis Data Streams). From there, you can act on the results, like triggering Lambda functions or storing insights in a database.

4. Considerations

  • Latency: Real-time analysis introduces some latency. Ensure that this latency is acceptable for your application.
  • Cost: Streaming video analysis can be more costly than batch processing of stored videos. Monitor usage and set up alerts.
  • API Limits: Understand the limits of the Rekognition Video API to avoid throttling.

In conclusion, Amazon Rekognition Video provides a powerful platform for real-time video analysis when paired with Kinesis Video Streams. It enables applications in security, monitoring, user engagement, content moderation, and more. Always refer to the official AWS documentation for the most up-to-date and detailed information.

Guide to Learning the Amazon Rekognition Platform and API


Amazon Rekognition is a service that allows developers to add image and video analysis to their applications. With it, you can detect objects, scenes, faces, identify celebrities, and even spot potentially unsafe content. This guide will walk you through the basics of the platform and its API.


  1. AWS Account: Before diving in, make sure you have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.
  2. AWS CLI: Install the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). It’s a handy tool for interacting with AWS services.
  3. Programming experience: Familiarity with a programming language like Python, JavaScript, or Java will be helpful.

1. Getting Started

1.1. Setting Up Your Environment

  1. IAM: Before you begin, set up an IAM user in the AWS Console with the necessary permissions to access Rekognition. Always avoid using root user credentials.
  2. AWS SDK: Amazon Rekognition is accessible via the AWS SDKs available for various languages. Depending on your language of choice, you may want to set up the SDK. For this guide, we’ll use Python with the Boto3 library.

1.2. Exploring the Console

Amazon Rekognition provides a web-based console where you can try out many of its features without writing any code. Before diving deep into the API:

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Rekognition Console in your AWS Dashboard.
  2. Explore the various options available, like image and video analysis.

2. Diving into the API

2.1. Analyzing Images

There are several functions provided by the Rekognition API to analyze images:

  1. DetectLabels: Detect objects, people, scenes, and activities.
  2. DetectFaces: Detect facial features and attributes.
  3. CompareFaces: Compare two faces and see how similar they are.
  4. RecognizeCelebrities: Identify famous individuals in your images.

Example: Detecting Labels using Python and Boto3

import boto3 client = boto3.client('rekognition') response = client.detect_labels( Image={ 'S3Object': { 'Bucket': 'your-bucket-name', 'Name': 'your-image-name.jpg' } }, MaxLabels=10 ) print(response['Labels'])

2.2. Working with Videos

Rekognition’s video analysis functions similarly to its image functions, but due to the asynchronous nature of video analysis, you’ll often start an analysis task and get results later.

Some key video functions include:

  1. StartLabelDetection
    • Purpose: Initiates the asynchronous detection of labels in a video.
    • How it Works: Once started, this function processes video frames to identify objects, scenes, and activities, such as “bicycle,” “tree,” or “walking.”
    • Applications: Can be used in video surveillance for object monitoring, content generation for tagging video content, and more.
  2. StartFaceDetection
    • Purpose: Begins the asynchronous detection of faces within a video.
    • How it Works: This function scans video frames to identify and locate faces. For each detected face, it returns the position and facial attributes such as age range, emotions, and gender.
    • Applications: Useful in situations like crowd monitoring, audience reactions during events, and security applications.
  3. GetLabelDetection
    • Purpose: Retrieves the results of the label detection operation once it’s complete.
    • How it Works: After you initiate label detection using StartLabelDetection, you can use this function to obtain the detected labels, their confidence scores, and their timings in the video.
    • Applications: Post-processing of video data, generating insights or reports based on video content, and refining content recommendation systems.
  4. GetFaceDetection
    • Purpose: Retrieves the results of the face detection operation once it’s done.
    • How it Works: After starting face detection with StartFaceDetection, this function allows you to get details of the detected faces, their attributes, and their timings in the video.
    • Applications: Analyzing audience engagement, monitoring restricted areas for unauthorized access, and in-depth video analytics.

3. Advanced Features

3.1. Custom Labels

With Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels, you can train your own machine learning model to detect specific items in images tailored to your needs.

  1. Create a dataset: You’ll need a labeled dataset.
  2. Train your model: Use the Rekognition console to train your model.
  3. Test & deploy: Once your model is trained, you can test and deploy it.

3.2. Face Collections

You can create collections of faces, which lets you search for faces in an image that match those in your collection. Useful functions include:

  1. CreateCollection
    • Purpose: Creates a new collection of faces.
    • How it Works: A collection is a container for storing face metadata. Once you create a collection, you can add face data to it.
    • Applications: Building a face database for facial recognition systems, creating a whitelist/blacklist of faces for security systems.
  2. IndexFaces
    • Purpose: Adds face data to the specified collection.
    • How it Works: This function detects faces in an input image and adds them to the specified collection. It returns face records for each face detected, which includes a face ID and a bounding box.
    • Applications: Populating a database for a facial recognition system, storing face data for repeat visitors or customers.
  3. SearchFaces
    • Purpose: Searches for matching faces in the specified collection.
    • How it Works: You provide a source face, and the function searches for faces in the collection that look similar. It returns a ranked list of faces with similarity scores.
    • Applications: Finding a person of interest in a database, verifying identity using facial data, and ensuring only authorized personnel access specific areas.

4. Best Practices & Tips

  1. Stay within limits: Rekognition has API rate limits. Familiarize yourself with them to avoid throttling.
  2. Optimize costs: Only request features you need. For instance, if you only need object labels, don’t request face detection.
  3. Handle failures: Always add error handling in your code to manage potential API failures.

5. Wrapping Up

Amazon Rekognition offers a powerful set of tools for developers interested in image and video analysis. Like any AWS service, the key is understanding how its different features fit together and mapping them to your specific needs. With hands-on experimentation and real-world applications, you’ll become proficient in no time. Happy coding!

Comprehensive Tips for Maximizing Twitter Engagement in 2023

Bullet Point List of Twitter Tips

  1. Know your audience using Twitter’s analytics tools to align content with their preferences.
  2. Prioritize content quality:
    • Stay succinct with the 280-character limit.
    • Remain relevant to current events and trending topics.
  3. Likes are more influential in the Twitter algorithm than retweets or replies.
  4. Maintain a stellar Reputation Score to safeguard your content’s ranking.
  5. Hashtag judiciously; ideally, use just one per tweet.
  6. Proactively engage with followers, responding to comments, and initiating discussions.
  7. Consistently post and optimize timing based on when your audience is most active.
  8. Include CTAs in your tweets to drive interactions.
  9. Cross-promote your Twitter on other platforms and mediums.
  10. Consider Twitter ads for wider visibility and engagement.
  11. Engage in Twitter chats relevant to your niche.
  12. Boost content visibility by engaging with trending topics.
  13. Incorporate images or videos to amplify the reach of your tweets.
  14. Be cautious with external links to prevent potential spam flags.
  15. Monitor and optimize your follower-to-following ratio.
  16. Ensure your tweets are free from unrecognized or misspelt words.
  17. Consistently produce content within your identified niche.
  18. Contemplate a Twitter Blue subscription for a potential reach boost.

Always prioritize content that provides value to your audience for optimal engagement.

Tips above are taken from combining the soft and hard recommendations from the following articles: