Basic Guide to using Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

Basic guide to using Amazon Kinesis Video Streams.

Step 1: Sign in to AWS Console

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console using your credentials.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams service. You can find it under the “Analytics” section.

Step 2: Create a Kinesis Video Stream

  1. Click on the “Create stream” button to start the stream creation process.
  2. Provide a suitable name for your stream. Choose a name that reflects the purpose of the stream.
  3. Decide on the data retention period. This determines how long the video data will be stored in the stream.
  4. Select the number of shards for your stream. Shards are the basic throughput units of a stream and control the number of concurrent data streams the stream can handle. See my short guide here for more information: Basic Guide to calculating the number of shards needed for an Amazon Kinesis stream.

Step 3: Configure Video Producer

  1. Depending on your use case, choose an appropriate SDK or device to capture and send video data. Kinesis Video Streams provides SDKs for different platforms, including C, Java, and Python.
  2. Configure the video producer with the stream name and necessary credentials (access keys, tokens) to connect to your Kinesis stream. See my short guide here for more information: Basic Guide to Configuring the Video Producer to connect to your Amazon Kinesis Video Stream.

Step 4: Send Video Data

  1. Configure your video producer to start sending video data to the Kinesis stream.
  2. Ensure that your video data is properly encoded and packaged for efficient streaming. The SDKs provide guidelines for packaging and sending video frames.

Step 5: Process Video Data (Optional)

  1. If required, set up consumers to process the video data. Consumers could be applications, analytics tools, storage solutions, or other AWS services.
  2. Use the Kinesis Video Streams Producer and Consumer SDKs to interact with the stream programmatically. This enables you to read, process, and analyze the video data in real-time.

Step 6: Monitor and Manage

  1. Keep an eye on the health and status of your stream through the AWS Management Console. You can access important metrics and logs related to your stream’s performance.
  2. Utilize CloudWatch Metrics to monitor metrics like incoming data bytes, outgoing data bytes, and error rates.
  3. Consider setting up CloudWatch Alarms to get notified when certain metrics breach defined thresholds.
  4. Scale your stream when needed by adjusting the number of shards. This is particularly useful when the data volume increases.

Step 7: Cleanup (if necessary)

  1. If you no longer need the stream, ensure you delete it to prevent incurring unnecessary costs.
  2. Remember that deleting a stream will permanently delete all its data, so be cautious.


  • Explore integration opportunities with other AWS services like AWS Lambda for serverless processing, Amazon Rekognition for video analysis, and Amazon SageMaker for machine learning tasks.
  • Review and fine-tune AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies to ensure proper security and access controls for your streams.
  • Use AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure-as-code provisioning and management of your Kinesis Video Streams resources.
  • Implement stream tags to categorize and organize your streams for better resource management.

Remember, the complexity of the setup can vary based on your specific use case and requirements. Be sure to consult the official Amazon Kinesis Video Streams documentation and resources for in-depth information and advanced configurations.