Category Archives: link

links for 2008-12-02

A Framework for Enterprise Architectures – Archi-TECH Documents the Open Groups struggle to get TOGAF more widely adopted in the US. …..

links for 2008-11-27

Java vs C: A Brief Performance Comparison : Alejandro’s Bitacora The way that people get additional performance out of Java and JVMs never ceases to amaze me. …..

links for 2008-11-21

The Commoditization of Massive Data Analysis – O’Reilly Radar Excellent piece by Joseph Hellerstein, comparing the traditional, enterprise favoured, database (SQL based, Relational Databases) and the online favoured datastore (MapReduce and Hadoop). ….. 1 Trackback

links for 2008-11-19

Data Centre Specialist Group – EU CoC for Data Centres Launch Date The EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres launches tomorrow (the 19th of November, 2008). …..

links for 2008-11-18

The Inside Story (Java, Microsoft and MySQL) – Jonathan Schwartz’s Blog Jonathan Schwartz’s latest blog entry on the Sun / Java & Microsoft / Live Search toolbar bundling. …..

links for 2008-11-17

Historic CITP vote welcomed by members : News Archive : News : BCS CITP becomes licensable – a step forward for “Professionalism of IT” in the UK. …..

links for 2008-11-15

Federated Cloud Billows Up at Cloud Camp London – The Connected Web – ebizQ More from CloudCamp Nov 2008… …..

links for 2008-11-14

Gojko Adzic » CloudCamp London 2: private clouds and standardisation Review of the CloudCamp London 2 event I presented at last night, including my piece. …..