Category Archives: link

links for 2008-11-10

JavaSE 6u10 – Java(TM) Runtime Environment Installation Changes to the default installation directory have implications for developers and implementors. …..

links for 2008-11-09

  • Nepal is a tough environment, with little industry and even less national infrastructure – the Gurkha Welfare Trust operates 21 welfare centres throughout Nepal and one in India. These are manned by retired Gurkhas who investigate cases of hardship and distress and recommend appropriate aid. About £20 per month, enough to buy basic food, is paid to about 10,000 Gurkha ex-servicemen and widows, in need, who do not receive a military pension (15 years’ military service is required to earn such a pension). Medical treatment is also provided for them and their dependants. In addition, hardship grants are awarded to alleviate destitution following fire, flood and other natural disasters. The Trust also helps to fund the education of some 1,500 children each year. My granddad served alongside the Gurkha’s in Burma and often said that they were some of the bravest people that he had met – we should help to support those who are willing to give up there lives and to fight along side us.
  • Synonymous with providing aid under fire, most famously during the First World War. However they were formed many years before as part of the International Red Cross (and Red Crescent) Movement and now provide provided relief to the victims of international conflicts and disasters including refugees from the Hungarian Revolution (1956) and from Vietnam (1976) and victims of the Iranian Earthquake (1962), the famine in Africa (1980-1989), Hurricane Mitch (1998) and the Colombia Earthquake (1999). Within the UK emergency relief work following disasters such as the collapse of the coal tip at Aberfan (1966), the Lockerbie air disaster (1988) and the Easter floodings (1998), have been undertaken alongside providing short term relief within the community.
  • Provides financial, social and emotional support to millions who have served and are currently serving in the Armed Forces, and their dependants. It supports the serving and ex-Service community, and their families, as well as being one of the country’s largest membership organisations. Probably best-known for their role as the nation’s custodian of Remembrance and for the Poppy Appeal which they organise annually, the Royal British Legion campaigns for the rights of ex-Servicemen and women to this day.
  • The BBC’s footage of the Queen leading the Remembrance Sunday tributes at the Cenotaph today.

links for 2008-11-07

John Doerr’s Advice for Barack Obama: Hire Bill Joy – Bits Blog – Please let this come true… …..

links for 2008-11-05

What Ray Ozzie didn’t tell you about Microsoft AzureThe Register Ted Dziuba’s take on the release of Microsoft Azure into the Cloud Computing arena; include a light hearted and honest comparison of Microsoft Azure versus Google App Engine versus Amazon EC2. …..

links for 2008-11-04

Twitter Technology Blog: We Got Data Overview of the current options for Twitter integration. …..

links for 2008-10-24

Money Central – Times Online – WBLG: Ten executives who should have kept their mouths shut Executive gaffes, everybody makes them, it’s just funnier delivered from the guys at the top… …..