Understanding Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs)

Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) are a systematic metric developed by NASA in the 1970s to evaluate the maturity of a technology. They provide a universal framework for assessing the development stage of a particular technology, ranging from initial concept to full deployment. This article delves into the TLRs, with examples, plus their history, background, and significance.


Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) provide a standardized metric for evaluating the maturity of a technology, from basic research to full operational deployment. Developed by NASA in the 1970s, TRLs range from TRL 1, where basic principles are observed, to TRL 9, where the technology is proven through successful mission operations. This framework is widely adopted by various industries and governmental organizations to manage technology development, mitigate risks, and guide funding decisions.

For instance, in software development for cybersecurity, TRLs help track progress from conceptual AI algorithms (TRL 2) through laboratory validation (TRL 4), prototype testing in real environments (TRL 6), and full deployment in operational networks (TRL 9). TRLs ensure that each stage of development is rigorously tested, enhancing the reliability and readiness of new technologies for market entry. This structured approach not only supports project planning and resource allocation but also fosters confidence among investors and stakeholders in the technology’s potential for success.


History and Development

  • Origin: TRLs were first developed by NASA to assess the readiness of new technologies for space exploration. The need for a standardized assessment emerged from the complexity and high-risk nature of space missions, where technological failures could have severe consequences.
  • Evolution: Over time, TRLs have been adopted by various industries and governmental organizations worldwide, including the European Space Agency (ESA), the Department of Defense (DoD), and the European Union (EU), recognizing their value in managing technology development projects.
  • Standardization: The TRL scale has become an internationally recognized standard, often incorporated into project management frameworks and funding criteria by research and development bodies.

Management and Application

  • NASA: As the originator, NASA continues to use and refine TRLs for its projects. The agency has published extensive guidelines to help project managers and engineers apply TRLs effectively.
  • Department of Defense (DoD): The DoD adapted the TRL scale to assess the readiness of technologies for military applications, ensuring that innovations meet stringent operational requirements before deployment.
  • European Commission (EC): The EC uses TRLs within its Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programs to evaluate and fund research and innovation projects. The clear framework helps in comparing different projects’ maturity and potential impact.

The TRL Scale Overview

  • TRL 1: Basic principles observed and reported.
  • TRL 2: Technology concept and application formulated.
  • TRL 3: Analytical and experimental proof of concept.
  • TRL 4: Component and/or system validation in a laboratory environment.
  • TRL 5: Component and/or system validation in a relevant environment.
  • TRL 6: System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment.
  • TRL 7: System prototype demonstration in an operational environment.
  • TRL 8: Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration.
  • TRL 9: Actual system proven through successful mission operations.

The TRL Scale Details

TRL 1: Basic Principles Observed and Reported

  • Description: The initial stage of technology development where basic scientific principles are observed, and research begins to uncover new knowledge. At this level, there are no specific applications or technological uses identified yet.
  • Example: Fundamental research in materials science reveals new properties of a novel alloy, laying the groundwork for future applications.
  • Example: Researchers study various cybersecurity threats and explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and mitigate these threats.

TRL 2: Technology Concept and Application Formulated

  • Description: At this stage, practical applications of the basic principles observed in TRL 1 are identified. Conceptual ideas about how the technology could be used are formulated, but experimental proof or detailed analysis is not yet conducted.
  • Example: Researchers propose using the novel alloy discovered in TRL 1 for building lighter, more durable aircraft components.
  • Example: The research team proposes a concept for an AI-driven SaaS platform that can monitor network traffic and identify cybersecurity threats in real-time.

TRL 3: Analytical and Experimental Proof of Concept

  • Description: Active research and development begin, including both analytical studies and laboratory experiments to validate that the theoretical predictions are correct. This phase involves initial proof-of-concept tests to demonstrate the feasibility of the technology.
  • Example: Small-scale laboratory tests on the novel alloy show it has the desired strength and durability characteristics for use in aircraft components.
  • Example: A prototype algorithm is developed and tested in a controlled environment using simulated network traffic to detect known cybersecurity threats.

TRL 4: Component and/or System Validation in a Laboratory Environment

  • Description: Components or basic subsystems of the technology are developed and tested in a laboratory setting to validate that they function as expected. This involves more rigorous testing and validation than TRL 3.
  • Example: Prototypes of aircraft components made from the novel alloy are fabricated and subjected to stress tests and other evaluations in a controlled laboratory environment.
  • Example: The AI algorithm is integrated into a basic software platform and tested in a lab setting using various datasets to validate its threat detection capabilities.

TRL 5: Component and/or System Validation in a Relevant Environment

  • Description: The technology is tested in a relevant environment that simulates real-world conditions. This could involve testing in environments that are not fully operational but are more representative of actual use cases than a laboratory.
  • Example: The novel alloy components are installed in a non-flying aircraft structure to evaluate their performance under conditions that mimic flight operations.
  • Example: The software platform is deployed on a company’s internal network (test environment) to evaluate its performance in detecting threats without affecting live operations.

TRL 6: System/Subsystem Model or Prototype Demonstration in a Relevant Environment

  • Description: A prototype system or subsystem is built and demonstrated in a relevant environment, which may include limited operational testing. This stage aims to validate that the technology performs as expected when integrated into a larger system.
  • Example: Full-scale aircraft parts made from the novel alloy are tested on an actual aircraft in non-flight scenarios, such as ground-based tests.
  • Example: The software platform is beta-tested in a controlled segment of a partner organization’s network, monitoring real traffic and identifying threats while still under close observation.

TRL 7: System Prototype Demonstration in an Operational Environment

  • Description: The prototype system is demonstrated in an operational environment, closely resembling its intended use. This stage involves extensive testing to ensure the system works under actual operating conditions.
  • Example: The novel alloy components are installed on a test aircraft and subjected to actual flight tests to evaluate their performance during real flight operations.
  • Example: The software platform is deployed across the entire network of a partner organization, operating in parallel with existing security measures to demonstrate its real-time threat detection capabilities in a live environment.

TRL 8: Actual System Completed and Qualified Through Test and Demonstration

  • Description: The technology is fully developed, and the actual system is completed. It undergoes rigorous testing and demonstration to qualify it for operational use. This stage includes thorough validation to ensure the technology meets all performance and reliability requirements.
  • Example: The novel alloy components are used in a new aircraft model, which undergoes comprehensive testing and certification processes to qualify for commercial use.
  • Example: The SaaS platform is fully integrated into the cybersecurity infrastructure of multiple organizations, passing all necessary security and performance tests, and proving its efficacy in real-time threat detection and response.

TRL 9: Actual System Proven Through Successful Mission Operations

  • Description: The technology has been proven to work reliably through successful mission operations. It is fully operational, and its performance has been validated through actual use in real-world conditions. This level signifies that the technology is ready for full deployment and commercialization.
  • Example: Aircraft with the novel alloy components are now in regular commercial service, demonstrating reliable performance and achieving all intended benefits in daily operations.
  • Example: The SaaS platform is now commercially available and widely used by multiple enterprises, successfully identifying and mitigating cybersecurity threats on a daily basis, demonstrating its reliability and effectiveness in various operational environments.

Summary: The Significance of TRLs

TRLs provide a clear framework for assessing and managing the development of new technologies, helping organizations to:

  • Risk Management/Mitagate Risks: TRLs help in identifying and mitigating risks by ensuring that technologies are sufficiently mature before progressing to the next development stage.
  • Funding Decisions/Allocate Resources: Investors and funding bodies use TRLs to make informed decisions about where to allocate resources, ensuring that money is invested in technologies with a higher likelihood of successful implementation.
  • Roadmap Planning/Plan Projects: TRLs provide a clear roadmap for project managers, outlining the necessary steps to bring a technology from concept to market.

In summary, Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) are a crucial tool for managing the development and deployment of new technologies. Originating from NASA, they have been widely adopted across various sectors to ensure that technologies are mature, reliable, and ready for operational use.