Monthly Archives: March 2009

links for 2009-03-07

UK boffin: Social networking causes cancer, heart attacks, lupus, dementia…• The Register There’s mounting evidence that Facebooking, Twittering, and other “social networking” activities can kill you (or at least impact your health adversely). …..

links for 2009-03-06

Ebay dumps ‘anti-Semitic’ yellow stars – – Ebay surrenders to French extremist; it seems that Ebay is so terrified of being branded anti-Semitic it has forgotten that there will always be someone who thinks something daft, and that that is no reason to do.…..

links for 2009-03-05

Who’s responsible for all the concrete carbuncles?~ | Magazine | BBC NEWS | Le Corbusier is thought of by many in the world of architecture as the leading mind of the 20th Century, whose work preceded and defined the wholesale use of concrete in architecture, but as a new. …..

links for 2009-03-04

How the Feds shook hands with an internet paedophileThe Register The FBI “do a deal” with a convicted paedophile for his help in bringing down his botnet contacts; but have the FBI gone too far by dealing with the ‘enemy’? …..

links for 2009-03-03

The science of selling out | Magazine | BBC NEWS | “Is it heartbreaking for Iggy Pop to sell insurance?”, perhaps, but just as heartbreaking to see John Lydon sell butter. …..

links for 2009-03-02

‘Superguns’ of Elizabeth I’s navy | Science & Environment | BBC NEWS | “What we have shown is that the English navy and its gun founders were almost 50 years ahead of their time technologically” concludes Marine archaeologist Mensun Bound of Oxford. …..

links for 2009-03-01

Two sexes ‘sin in different ways’ | Europe | World | BBC NEWS | Women are prouder than men, but men are more lustful, according to a Vatican report which states that the two sexes sin differently. …..